Scenarios Flashcards
You are the Deputy LPA commander in Slough when you are briefed by the Duty Inspector that there has been a stabbing of an officer at a domestic. What are your thoughts and considerations?
PHASE - We are in the response phase.
INFO/INTEL - Based on the information and intelligence i am being provided with, I am dealing with a GBH on an officer and a domestic incident.
PRIORITY - This links in with our priorities to protect vulnerable and look after our staff.
CONCERNS/CONSIDERATIONS - Wellbeing, future violence, original domestic, community impact, criticality.
ROLE - Silver - coordinate LPA’s tactical response
OBJECTIVES - 1. Preserve life 2. Community impact 3. Wellbeing 4. Bring offender to justice
BRONZES - Duty Insp - investigation - wellbeing -
Bronze at the scene - i would want a duty Inspector there - have we got medical staff en route - are there any other officers injured?have we got sufficient resources there? Where is the suspect? Let’s lock it down as a scene - officers to go with the officer that has been injured.
- Bronze investigation - duty DI - i have been duty DI on numerous occasions - i would expect them to use the building blocks to start preserving evidence - BWV - forensics -
- bronze wellbeing - that team and officer NOK.
BAU - I also have BAU in the back of my mind. Another inspector off area.
BRIEF UPWARDS - LPA Commander/duty Super.
BEGIN - thinking about silver group. In time i will be looking to run a silver group and bring my various bronzes together - for now i need to be happy that we have the basics in place.
Initial stages would be to contain the incident - make sure we are doing everything we can to preserve the officers life and moving into evidence gathering.
Scenario 1b
The officer is now en route to hospital and unlikely to live. A suspect has been arrested at the scene and initial checks suggest that he was wanted for a domestic offence in the previous few days. What are your actions now?
PHASE - Review
INFO - INTEL - I am dealing with a potential murder with a suspect arrested. Potential criticality
Policy Book
Command structure
- Gold
- Resources - overlap, T&R, keep lates on, BAU
- Community - CIA - reassurance plan - anniversary - leaflets - partners operational
- Media - trust/vital - internal - proactive - reassurance - evidence gathering
- Wellbeing - traumatic
- PSD - misconduct - IOPC - criticality review -
Scenario 1c
PSD have reviewed the domestic incident and concluded that there were missed opportunities to arrest the offender that went on to stab the officer. Now what are your considerations?
INFO/INTEL - this now suggests that it is a critical incident.
- Missed opportunities
- Could have prevented stabbing
I declare this a tier 1 critically incident - potential to be tier 2 - the effectiveness of our response is likely to have a significant impact in the long term confidence in policing of the victim, their family or the community - grave public concern.
OBJECTIVES - would be to:
- Minimise the impact of the critical incident
- Restore public confidence
- Prevent re-occurrence
- Learning (immediate - medium and long)
SILVER GROUP - meet again and update partners
- Partners - IAG - Local authority
DE-BRIEF - Learning
You are the deputy LPA commander when the duty Inspector contacts you to say that there is a sudden death at a travellers site. Officers have attended and there is a suggestion that police are to blame. What are your considerations?
PHASE - Response phase
INFO/INTEL - I am dealing with an unexplained death within the travelling community.
PRIORITY - Strategic priority around protecting vulnerable.
CONSIDERATIONS/CONCERNS - Linked to traveller community. Has caused significant community tension in the past. I have concerns over our investigation and ongoing tension with the traveller community. We will need to deal with this carefully and sensitively. Also unconscious bias by us.
I would take silver command at this point. My role is to coordinate the LPA response on behalf of the LPA commander and chief officers.
- Preserve life
- Conduct a thorough investigation on behalf of the coroner
- Minimise community tension
- Learn
Important at this point that I make sure the basics are done and my most important bronzes have what they need.
Bronze at the scene - duty Inspector - ensure life saving opportunities are exhausted - sufficient resources to secure the scene and gather witness details
Investigation bronze - duty DI - set investigative strategy - likely to be centred around scene preservation - identifying witnesses and building blocks.
Community bronze - reassurance - engagement
Intel - research
I would put an early call into the POPS silver commander for them to be aware.
BAU - get neighbouring LPA to cover us.
Brief upwards - duty Super.
You are being updated that the deceased was recently subject to a TTL warning notice and his family are saying that it is the police’s response as we haven’t protected him. What are your considerations now?
PHASE - Review
INFO/INTEL - Dealing with an unexplained death - at worst a murder - at best suicide.
Silver group
Policy book
Command structure and partners
- Bronze resources - T&R - BAU - overlap - keep lates on
- Bronze investigation - I have done this - key investigative updates - family
- Bronze community - reassurance - engagement - CIA - engaging with partners at an operational level - community wardens
- Bronze intelligence - looking at the MOU and previous
- Bronze media - proactive - reassurance
- PSD bronze - review criticality
Partners - executive level LA - GRT community - IAG
Based on what you are saying about the families views - potential critical incident. Need to review what we actually did.
CID are happy that it is not suspicious and that the deceased took his own life. PSD have reviewed it and have stated that there is criticality in that we could have done more.
PHASE - Recovery
Criticality factors:
- Could have done more
- Death
- Family
Declare it as tier 1 critical incident. Refined to local LPA level.
- Prevent re-occurrence
- Minimise community impact and restore public confidence
- learn - immediate - medium - long
PSD/IOPC - misconduct
Immediate learning
Exit strategy
Scenario 3a
You are the deputy LPA Commander when you come in one morning and it is the third stabbing in a week. You are starting to see headlines suggesting that TVP have lost control of the streets. What are your thoughts and considerations?
INFO/INTEL - Based on this info/intel, I am dealing with a series of stabbing/GBH’s.
PRIORITY - This links in with the wider strategic priority around reducing crime, bringing offenders to justice and protecting the vulnerable.
CONCERNS/CONSIDERATIONS - 1. Next victim 2. Community impact (scenes and fear) 3. our ability to maintain BAU 4. Wellbeing of officers repeatedly going to these jobs. 5. Are our powers sufficient? Section 60.
COMMAND - Am I taking command? Yes - i will take Silver.
ROLE - Silver command - coordinating the LPAs tactical response to this crime series.
- Preserving life - Ensuring that when we go, are we maximising our chances of life saving. ARVs with de-fibs, linking in with ambulance colleagues. Duty Inspector.
- Preventing further violence - 4P approach to preventing knife crime. We have that on the LPA anyway. Recently developed. Incorporating drugs and the wider county lines work. Prevention, protect and prepare but also pursue. PST and enforcement bronze.
- Minimising impact on community - proactive media strategy - strong community reassurance plan.
- Bring offenders to justice - good investigative response as an LPA to identify, locate and arrest suspects.
- Maximise wellbeing of our staff - trauma.
- LPA Commander - GOLD
- Me - Silver
- Resourcing bronze - duty Inspector - T&R - scenes, cell and bed watches. BAU.
- Investigation bronze - duty DI - building blocks - investigative strategies - trigger plan to make sure we don’t miss any opportunities.
- Community bronze - community impact assessment - reassurance plan - high viz - VRU
- Enforcement bronze - Stronghold team - section 60 - warrants - covert - overt - SEROCU - Op Reserve - Op Rasure
- Intelligence bronze - serious violence dashboard - feeding into S60. Further violence - TTL
- Media bronze - proactive, reassuring, evidence gathering - section 60
- Safeguarding bronze - diversion, working with young people
- Wellbeing - blue light champion
Potential critical incident pending full review of community sentiment, feedback.
I will link in with the LPA Commander and decide who is doing strategic partner liaison, IAG, CSP, local MP, ensuring NHPT are doing operational
Get it minuted - start policy book and come back together every 4 hours.
The latest stabbing is of a 15 year old child that had previously come to police attention the day before when at 3am we stop searched him in a park. He was with older males known for county lines links. It appears that we stopped him and let him on his way.
INFO/INTEL - Still dealing with a series of stabbing however there is now a ? Over our safeguarding and therefore criticality.
REVIEW ROLE - Still silver
REVIEW OBJECTIVES - Seem appropriate
- Reconvene silver meeting
- Full briefing on that intel and what powers we had.
- Criticality review - criticality factors are potential grounds to detain the young person and poor decision making
- what powers did we have and grounds.
- Tier 1 critical incident
- Consult PIM - police inaction
You are the deputy LPA commander when you are informed by a duty Inspector that a member of your LPA is en route to hospital after taking an overdose. What are your thoughts and considerations?
My role as a Chief Inspector is to…
You receive an update that the officer has now died. Officers across the LPA are now distraught and are unable to attend jobs. There is a suggestion that this officer reached out for support from line managers on multiple occasions however was not provided with any support. What are your thoughts and considerations now?
You are the deputy LPA Commander when the duty Inspector informs you that there has been an incident where a father has murdered his wife and 2 children. The family are well known to police for domestic abuse. What are your considerations?
You are updated that police have repeatedly attended this address in the last three days. He was also arrestable and outstanding and early suggestions are that we have failed to expediently arrest him. What are your actions?
The family of the deceased blames the police and there is currently family outside of the station demanding to speak to you. What do you do?
You are the deputy LPA Commander when you are informed that the Stronghold Team have used force on a teenager in the street during a stop search. During this, that teenager has stopped breathing. There are members of the public filming officers and the duty Inspector has contacted you concerned about public perception. What are your thoughts?
The young male is now en route to hospital and there is a suggestion that he is unlikely to survive. There is a suggestion that officers were smiling when the public were filming. Now what are your actions?