Other Questions Flashcards
What type of leader are you?
I know it is cliche but transformational.
I actually reflected on this and sought to identify my leadership style and area to develop before i started acting. I’ve done it in each rank which i have found quite useful. Also did the colour personality test. Blue - optimistic, calm. I am not a leader who is the loudest or most charismatic, rather a quiet leader who inspires others through hard work and lead by example.
Transformational - i like to set goals to develop myself and those around me. I like to involve a team - task and finish groups. This is to generate some creativity.
I like to encourage my team - i break things down into manageable steps and objectives.
Proactive - intrusive - supportive.
Weakness - need order and system and I’m apparently unforgiving of people that don’t follow my structure.
Why do you want to be a Chief Inspector?
I want to be a senior leader in this force - PCSO @ 16
Want to increase my sphere of influence across a command rather than team
Challenging times ahead - performance, E&E, communities, staff
Chief inspector is the first rank where you can drive change that affects a huge area
Wellbeing example
Can also have a direct influence on development - actings
Actually affect performance stats
Rewarding to get the best out of people
Can’t get in the weeds
Acting - loved it
Learning a lot.
How have you contributed to policing in addition to your day role?
What is the role of a Chief Inspector?
What motivates you to become a Chief Inspector?
How will you deal with an underperforming Inspector?
What makes a good Chief Inspector?
Tell us about yourself?
What are your strengths and how will this enhance an LPA?
- Leadership style
- Experience
- Passion
Leadership style
I know it is cliche but transformational.
I actually reflected on this and sought to identify my leadership style and area to develop before i started acting. I’ve done it in each rank which i have found quite useful. Also did the colour personality test. Blue - optimistic, calm. I am not a leader who is the loudest or most charismatic, rather a quiet leader who inspires others through hard work and lead by example.
Transformational - i like to set goals to develop myself and those around me. I like to involve a team - task and finish groups. This is to generate some creativity.
I like to encourage my team - i break things down into manageable steps and objectives.
Proactive - intrusive - supportive.
This is beneficial for an LPA because during times of financial uncertainty, focus on performance and policing challenges - you need someone that will inspire and motivate and get the best out of people.
Joined as a 16 year old PCSO, moved into a PC in Hampshire IOW, worked in multiple LPAs across all 3 counties - neighbourhood policing, response to PVP, CID and the ROCU. Negotiator. Having this experience helps an LPA because it means that i am rounded - it enables me to identify risk and then manage it effectively.
- Passion to help public and care about the people i work with.
Masters - pHD - love policing.
- Leadership style
- Experience
- Passion
What are your areas for development and how are you working on these?
Quite demanding… apparently a weakness of a blue and transformational leader.
- considering others work different speeds, different needs, need to be careful of pushing people too hard.
Switch off.
- turn my phone off, actually have some leave and rest days.
Take too much on.
- phd, negotiator, staff officer, project
Describe yourself in 3 words?
What is your greatest achievement?
Describe some leadership models that you use?
How have you supported the enhancement of technology within the force?
Why you, why now?