Scales Flashcards
What is another name for crochets/minims/semibreves/semiquavers etc?
Note value or
Time value
What is alla breve?
On the piano, what are the white notes before, in the middle and after the 2 black notes?
C (before)
D (middle)
E (after)
On the piano, what are the white notes before, middle and end of the 3 black notes?
F (before)
G (middle)
A (middle)
B (end)
What note do the two dots on the bass clef represent?
F below middle C
What sign refers to octave?
8 or 8va
What is the interval between C and B flat?
Full tone
What is an enharmonic?
Two notes with the same sound but different name
What are the tone and semitone patters of a major scale?
What is the key-note?
The note on which a scale begins
What is the name of the rest with a square pointing upwards?
Minim rest
What is the name of the rest with a square pointing downwards?
Semibreve rest
What is the equivalent compound time signature of 2/4?
What is the equivalent compound time signature of 3/4?
What is the equivalent compound time signature of 4/4?
How to figure out major scale based on key signature
Last sharp + 1 tone
How to figure out minor scale based on key signature
Last flat -1 (penultimate)
Name the circle of fifths clockwise starting on C
C, G, D, A, E, B, Fsharp/Gflat, Dflat/Csharp, Aflat, Eflat, Bflat, F
What is a melodic minor scale?
Raise 6th and 7th note by a semitone when going up only
What is a harmonic minor scale?
Raise 7th note by semitone when going up and down
How can you tell the corresponding key signature of a minor scale i.e. minor to major?
Key-note of a minor scale is the same as the 6th degree of the major scale with the same key signature
What is the corresponding minor scale of G major?
E minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of D major?
B minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of A major?
Fsharp minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of E major?
Csharp minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of B major?
Gsharp minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of Fsharp major?
Dsharp minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of F major?
D minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of Bflat major?
G minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of Eflat major?
C minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of Aflat major?
F minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of Dflat major?
Bflat minor
What is the corresponding minor scale of Gflat major?
Eflat minor
Which major scale has 6 sharps?
Fsharp major
Which major scale has 5 sharps?
B major
Which major scale has 4 sharps?
E major
Which major scale has 3 sharps?
A major
Which major scale has 2 sharps?
D major
Which major scale has 1 sharp?
G major
Which minor scale has 1 flat?
D minor
Which minor scale has 2 flats?
G minor
Which minor scale has 3 flats?
C minor
Which minor scale has 4 flats?
F minor
Which minor scale has 5 flats?
Bflat minor
Which minor scale has 6 flats?
Eflat major
Which minor scale has 1 sharp?
E minor
Which minor scale has 2 sharps?
B minor
Which minor scale has 3 sharps?
Fsharp minor
Which minor scale has 4 sharps?
Csharp minor
Which minor scale has 5 sharps?
Gsharp minor
Which minor scale has 6 sharps?
Dsharp minor
Which major scale has 6 flats?
Gflat major
Which major scale has 5 flats?
Dflat major
Which major scale has 4 flats?
Aflat major
Which major scale has 3 flats?
Eflat major
Which major scale has 2 flats?
Bflat major
Which major scale has 1 flat?
F major
What is the corresponding major scale of Eflat minor?
Gflat major
What is the corresponding major scale of Bflat minor?
Dflat major
What is the corresponding major scale of F minor?
Aflat major
What is the corresponding major scale of C minor?
Eflat major
What is the corresponding major scale of G minor?
Bflat major
What is the corresponding major scale of D minor?
F major
What is the corresponding major scale of Dsharp minor?
Fsharp major
What is the corresponding major scale of Gsharp minor?
B major
What is the corresponding major scale of Csharp minor?
E major
What is the corresponding major scale of Fsharp minor?
A major
What is the corresponding major scale of B minor?
D major
What is the corresponding major scale of E minor?
G major
What are relative majors and minors?
Scales which correspond to each other re their key signatures
What is the first note of a scale called?
Key note or tonic
Which note of a scale is the dominant?
5th note
What is the 4th note called?
Which note is the mediant?
3rd note
What is the 6th note called?
What is the 2nd note called?
What note is the leading note?
7th note
What is the 3rd note of a scale called?
What is the 5th note of a scale called?
What is the 7th note of a scale called?
Leading note
Which note is the supertonic?
Which note is the mediant?
Which note is the subdominant?
Which note is the dominant?
Which note is the submediant?
What type of scales are the major and minor scales?
What is a chromatic scale?
A scale made up entirely of semitones
What is a harmonic chromatic scale?
Is the same ascending and descending
Includes all notes of major and minor scales plus flattened 2nd and sharpened 4th degrees.
What note does the middle of the alto and tenor clef indicate?
Middle C
Which C clef is up +1 from the lines?
Tenor clef
What is melisma?
A group of notes on one syllable (singing)
What is syncopation?
Accenting a note which would normally be unaccented