SBJ Flashcards
Basophilic rhomboid crystal in joint. What is it?
Calcium pyrophosphate (pseudogout)
What is actinic cheilitis
Equivalence of actinic keratosis but on the lips instead of skin (precursor lesion of squamous cell carcinoma)
Needle-shaped, strongly negatively birefringent crystals seen within and outside neutrophils from fluid aspirated from knee. What’s the composition?
Monosodium urate (gout)
GU infection 2 weeks prior. Now comes in w/ acute conjunctivitis, right knee pain, and vesicular rash on palms and soles. What’s the association?
Reactive arthritis -> assc w/ sacroiliitis in 20% of the cases
NOT syphilis. Even though syphilis presents w/ rash on palms and soles too, they’re MACULOPAPULAR or PUSTULAR rash, and the arthritis usually involves multiple joint (polyarthritis) not just one.
Injected Candida extraction 48 hrs prior and now returned w/ firm nodule. What’s the cell responsible?
This is an example of contact dermatitis, which is a DTH (type IV hypersensitivity) mediated by T cells -> calls in macrophages by interferon-g
NOT type 1
Corticosteroids administration causes false elevation of what WBC? A decrease in what WBCs?
Neutrophils (by increasing their demargination -> shed off in blood)
DONT be distracted by fever, chills, and severe fatigue after administration. They’re not trying to get at hypersensitivity rxn.
Decrease in lymphocytes, basophils, eosinophils, monocytes/macrophages
What cancer is Eaton-Lambert associated with?
Paraneoplastic syndrome of small cell lung cancer
Recurrent nonpitting edema of hands + GERD + Raynaud’s. What Ab would be positive?
Anti-centromere Ab
Pt has CREST syndrome (limited scleroderma): Calcinosis + Raynaud’s + Esophageal dysmotility (muscles replaced by fibrous scar) + Sclerodactyly (begins as nonpitting edema before progressing to tight skin) + Telangiectasia
(if diffuse scleroderma, would be anti-Scl-70 or anti-DNA topoisomerase I)
Nerve roots for musculocutaneous nerve?
What condition is myasthenia gravis assc w/?
Thymoma or thymic hyperplasia
Myasthenia gravis doesn’t usually involve extremity weakness like lambert eaton
Different sites of injection on the leg that will risk superior gluteal nerve damage and sciatic nerve damage? Where are the safe injection sites?
Superior gluteal nerve damage: superomedial quadrant of buttock -> get Tredelenburg gait (gluteus medius weakened so the CONTRALATERAL hip drops when trying to raise the contralateral leg off the ground) and gluteus medius lurch (leans ipsilat when walking)
Sciatic nerve damage: superomedial/inferomedial/inferolateral of buttocks, posterior thigh
Safe injection sites: superolateral quadrant of buttocks, but anterolateral gluteal region is preferred (von Hochstetter triangle -> hand placed on greater trochanter, index finger on ant sup iliac spine, middle finger posteriorly)
Nerve roots for superior gluteal nerve. And what foramen does it pass thru?
Thru greater sciatic foramen above level of piriformis
In what context would you see calcium hydroxyapatite deposits?
Calcific tendonitis (periarticular soft tissues) -> most commonly affects rotator cuff tendons
What’s a Caisson disease?
Chronic multifocal ischemic necrosis of bone from gas emboli
What’s myoedema? And what is it characteristic of?
Focal mounding of muscle after percussion (“percussion of muscle w/ reflex hammer results in localized lump rising from the surface of skeletal muscle”)
It’s 2ndary to slow reabsorption of Ca2+ by sarcoplasmic reticulum
It’s characteristic of hypothyroid myopathy
What’s erysipelas and what one organism causes it?
Lesion in superficial skin layer -> very painful erythematous plaque w/ raised and well demarcated borders
Group A strep
What’s ecthyma gangrenosum? What organism is assc. w/ it and what pt populations are at risk?
P. aeruginosa bacteremia and septicemia -> invades perivascular areas and releases exotoxins causing vascular destruction -> insufficiency of blood flow to patches of skin -> those patches become edematous and necrose
Pt populations: neutropenic pts (immunocompromised), hospitalized, pts w/ burns and chronic indwelling catheters
How do retinoids help w/ acne? What are 2 main side effects?
Inhibits follicular epidermal keratinization -> looseing keratin plugs of comedones
Also inhibits sebum production and reduces size of sebaceous glands
Side effects: hyperTG and teratogenicity (recommend 2 forms of contraception during use + monthly pregnancy tests)
What is erythema chronicum migrans and what org is this assc. w/?
Annular erythematous rash seen in Lyme
Common peroneal n. (fx and effects of lesion)
Fx: “D”orsiflexion (“D”eep peroneal) and eversion (superficial peroneal), dorsum foot sensation
Lesion (fibular neck fracture): foot drop
Tibial n. (fx)
Fx: plantarflexion and inversion, sole of foot sensation
Injure w/ penetrating trauma to the popliteal fossa
What is cavernous hemangioma?
Soft blue, compressible mass -> can be anywhere from skin (dermis), mucosa, deep tissues, viscera
Not likely to regress spontaneously
What muscle groups have type I slow twitch red fiber predominance?
Postural muscles -> paraspinal, soleus, etc.
What does obturator externus m. do?
Externally rotates thigh