Psych Flashcards
What class of drug do you use while you’re waiting for SSRI to take effect in the management of GAD?
What property of methadone justifies its substitution w/ heroine?
Long HL
Diff between altruism, reaction formation, and sublimation?
Altruism: guilty feelings alleviated by unsolicited generosity towards others -> mature defense
Reaction formation: excessive and opposite behavior (pt w/ libidinous thought enters monastery) -> immature defense
Sublimation: replacing unacceptable wish to something similar to it but doesn’t conflict w/ value system (teen w/ aggression channels his anger to do well in sports) -> emphasis on channeling emotion rather than benefiting others -> mature defense
Man believes his neighbor is trying to poison him and kept ordering soil toxicity tests. Functioning normal otherwise. What’s the disorder?
Delusional disorder
NOT paranoid personality disorder b/c not pervasive enough, and paranoid PD doesn’t include clear delusion (no fixed, false belief)
NOT schizophrenia b/c no psychotic sx
Give 3 sx of serotonin syndrome
Neuromuscular excitation (HYPERREFLEXIA, clonus, myoclonus, rigidity, tremor) Autonomic stimulation (hyperthermia, diaphoresis, tachycardia, vomiting/diarrhea) Altered mental status
Taking SSRI w/ what 5 groups of drugs increase the chance of serotonin syndrome?
Antidepressants: MAOi, SNRIs, TCAs Analgesics: tramadol Anti-emetics: ondansetron (serotonin antagonist) Antibiotics: linezolid Neuropsychiatric: triptans
2 things that can be used to treat serotonin syndrome
Cytoheptadine (anti-serotonin and anti-histamine)
Signs of chronic lithium toxicity? How do you acutely fix this?
Ataxia, coarse tremor, fascicular twitching
Delirium, agitation
Neuromuscular excitability
Fix: hemodialysis
What factors increase blood lithium conc and predispose to toxicity?
Li exclusively excreted in kidney so anything that messes kidney up & any drug that increases Na+ reabsorption in PCT will have an effect. Examples are
Thiazide diuretics: b/c it impairs Na+ resorption in DCT -> kidney compensates by increasing reabsorption of Na+ in PCT and reabsorbing more Li (b/c it works the same way as Na+)
Nonhydropyridine CCBs (verapamil, diltiazam)
Other volume depletion conditions: GI loss, decompensated CHF, cirrhosis
Alcohol withdrawal sx? Tx?
8-12 hrs after the last drink: agitated, tremulous, autonomic hyperactivity, headache
3rd day: delirium tremens (fluctuant arousal level, sever sympa hyperactivity, hallucinations)
Tx: long-acting benzodiazepines in most pts, short-acting in pts w/ advanced liver disease -> if still persist after benzo, try propanolol
Length of psychotic episode and dx for each?
Less than 1 mo & w/ clear precipitating factor: brief psychosis disorder
1-6 mo: schizophreniform disorder
More than 6 mo: schizophrenia
HTN crisis after food intake in depressed pts. What drug should you think about? And what food specifically?
MAOi (selegiline, tranylcypromine, phenelzine, isocarboxazid)
Tyramine-containing food: cheese, wine, sausage
Differences bet. conversion disorder vs. somatization disorder?
Conversion disorder: neurologic in nature (can’t be limited to pain or sexual dysfx) -> 75% have spontaneous recovery
Somatization disorder: prior to 30 yo -> 4 pain sx + 2 GI sx + 1 sexual sx + 1 pseudoneurologic sx
What happens to BP in panic attack?
Isolated rise in systolic BP (rather than combined systolic and diastolic)
What 2 recreational drugs are assc. w/ violent behavior? How do you distinguish bet. the two?
PCP -> NYSTAGMUS, acute brain syndrome, loss of coordination -> trauma is the potentially lethal sequelae
Methamphetamine -> no nystagmus, and intoxication lasts longer (up to 20 hrs)
What complication is amphetamine overdose most assc. w/?
Intracranial hemorrhage (from sympathomimetic effect) -> cocaine can cause this too (in addition to ischemic stroke and MI)
Mainstay drugs for acute mania?
Mood-stabilizing agent (lithium, carbamazepine, or valproic acid) + atypical antipsychotic (olanzapine)
What does MMSE (mini-mental state exam) NOT test for?
Executive fx -> test this by asking pt to draw a clock oriented to the time requested
Why do high potency typical antipsychotics create extrapyramidal effects? And how do you alleviate these?
They’re anti-D2 meant to affect mainly mesocortical-mesolimbic, but they also cross over to nigrostriatal -> so mess w/ cholinergic-dopaminergic balance and get extrapyramidal things
Fix w/ benztropine and diphenhydramine (M3 receptor antagonists) to tip the balance back
Define facilitation, support, and reflection as interview techniques
Facilitation: “and then what happened?”
Support: acknowledging that what the pt is going thru must have been difficult “Yes, he really hurt you. A lot of abused children have the same rxn.”
Reflection: repeating back/summarizing what pt just said to you
Projection vs. displacement?
Projection: transplantation of one’s unacceptable impulses to another person (wife thinking about cheating accuses her husband of cheating
Displacement: transfer impulses to safer and less distressful object (husband yelling at his dog after an argument w/ wife)
Major depression vs. dysthymic?
Major depression: at least 2 weeks, at least 5 of SIGECAPS w/ 2 being depressed mood or anhedonia (Sleep disorder, Interest deficit aka anhedonia, Guilt, Energy deficit, Concentration deficit, Appetite disorder, Psychomotor retardation/agitation, Suicidality)
Dysthymic: not meeting the criteria but present at least 2 years
Timeline for adjustment disorder?
W/in 3 months after onset of identifiable stressor
Assc. condition in infants when mother is on lithium?
Ebstein’s anomaly = apical displacement of tricuspid leaflets, decreased vol of RV, and atrialization of right ventricle