Savonarola Flashcards
Which Order did he belong to?
-preaching order of the Dominican.
What where the main Orders?
-The Dominicans dominated the Inquisition.
Where was he originally from? What was the effect of this?
-His accent during his first experience in Florence in 1480s.
-University educated - knowledgable in humanism and classical philosophy.
Effect of Savonarola’s knowledge of the classics?
-Combined knowledge of classics and Holy scriptures gained him respect from Dominican colleagues and humanist.
-E.g. Pico della Mirandola.
-Late 1480s - appointed master of studies in Bologna (most prestigious university in Europe).
Which position did he gain after 1 year of returning to Florence? When was this?
-Prior of San Marco 16 May 1491.
Secular admirers of Savonarola?
Attracted respect of:
-Lorenzo de Medici
-Pico della Mirandola
-Ficino (for a while - break with Ficino when he refused to accept Plato’s teaching - Ficino had dedicated his life to reconciliation of Plato and Christianity late 1490s).
What did Savonarola do before returning to Florence in 1490?
-itinerant preacher - centre and north of Italy.
-refined preaching skills, accent and gained knowledge of Italian politics (hence his later prophesies).
Ideas in Savonarola’s visions/preachings?
-Inspired by Medieval approach on the basis of the old testament.
-need to repent
-abandon luxuries, gambling, prostitution, sodomy.
-Spoke on behalf of ‘simple folk’ and poor.
-puritanical change to make Florence ‘City of God’
-Threatening the wrath of god.
-Need of Florence to join ‘Ark of God’ - which his teachings provided.
-Saw himself as the ‘Voice of God’.
-visions of the ‘Black Cross’ over the Earth.
-Claimed he was visited by the Virgin Mary.
-Instilling fear of God in audiences.
Political messages in Savonarola’s preaching?
-Spoke of political reforms and against tyranny.
-Supported the Signoria after the fall of Piero de Medici - to avoid civil unrest.
When did Savonarola become a political leader?
-Fall of Piero de Medici 1494/5.
-became political leader.
-inspiring reforms: Republican Great Council of the 500 - building of a hall to host it.
Savonarola’s Prophecies?
Predicted the death of Key Italian figures:
-Lorenzo - 1492
-Pope Innocent VIII - 1492
-King of Ferrante 1494.
Predicted arrival of invader that would renew the corrupted Roman Church:
-‘Scourge of God’ - King of France - Charles VIII - whose death he also predicted - 1498.
son of king charles VIII
Savonarola’s books?
1495 - Compendium of Revelation.
(4 editions in Italian, 1 in Latin, 4 more in 1496 in Paris Germany and Constantinople)
1497 - Triumph of the Cross, and Treaties on the Government of the city of Florence.
Exposition- 1498
Savonarola’s role in the French Invasion?
-Late ‘94 - 3 consecutive days of Sermons - Savonarola takes credit for speaking on behalf of god, for the truth of his prophecy ‘The Scourge of God’.
-‘Behold the Sword of the Lord striking and swift’
-Italy and Florence deserve punishment for sins: lust, envy pride.
-This fits with Charles VII invasion - he seems to fulfill the prophecy.
-Sav offers possibility of salvation to Florence - like gods Ark.
Actions of of Piero de Medici in French invasion?
-Florence and Signoria against his decisions.
-Piero ride to Charles VIII - attempt to make a peace treaty.
-Meeting - unsuccessful: has to open Florence to french troops - 200,000 Florins to French army.
-Piero returns - protected by Orsini and mercenaries - unwelcome reception - lead to Florence on brink of civil war.
-Piero forced to withdraw in palace - Signoria decrees anyone fighting on Medici’s side - condemned to death.
-Piero and Giovanni collect valuables - leave Florence - certain valuable left at San Marco - for Pico and Ficino.
Actions of Signoria/Savonarola in the French Invasion?
-Signoria opposed to Piero de Medici.
-Gonfaloniere and Signoria - summon Council of 70.
-Send 4 ambassadors led by Savonarola to Charles VIII.
Relevance of Calumny of Apelles?
-Inspired by rumors that Savonarola was acting agains Piero.
-allegory where suspicion and ignorance drag along the wrongly accused.
-Apelles - finest painter of anciet world - wrongly accused.
The wrath f Florence against the Medici?
-San Gallo monastrey - burnt to the ground - paid for by Medici - contained art - and had been planned by Brunelleschi.
-record of debts Burnt - Medici bank in crisis.
The French in Florence?
-Enter Pisa as liberators from the Medici Florence rule.
-Charles VIII - ‘welcomed as ‘scourge of God’.
-Charles enter Florence - bargain with Signoria - gets him 120K gold Florins.
-french troops leave after Savonarola’s exhortation to continue their mission to Naples.
Savonarola on the French in Florence?
-Every man in Florence to keep his place
-Not everyone has the aptitude to govern
-Nor harm from Charles VIII
-Florence is the ‘Ark of Salvation’
Comes across as:
-truthful prophet
-the defender of order in Florence
-protector of Florence against the French.
Bargain between Signoria and Charles VIII?
-Was promised 200,000 by Piero.
-Signoria told him unless he accepted 120k instead - they would call the Florentines of French troops.
French army included who?
How was it viewed by contemporary Italians?
French Army: 10,000.
-7000 Swiss infantry mercenaries.
-Dalmatian troops.
-Barbaric and Bestial.
-Florentine feared they would Sack the city.
French Army in Rome?
-Charles VIII - forced pope out of his fortress by cannon.
-Could not act against Alexander VI due to his religious beliefs.
-Alexander - 19 mules with gifts - get Charles out of Rome.
-Cesare Borgia - forced to accompany Charles VIII - escaped with 1/2 of gifts - other boxes mostly empty.
The French in Naples?
-took over Naples
-left by May 1495 - when Ferrante II was welcomed back by Naples.
-Army spread syphilis from Naples to North of Italy as they moved North.
The Holy League
-mid/late 1490s - included Venice, Rome, Milan, Naples and HRE - Florence not during Savonarola’s time.
-Summoned by Alexander VI called Holy League against French.
-Unable to stop their return to Florence - but did clash - Charles lost most stolen treasures.
-Pope blamed Florence’s lack of participation for failure of league.
Holy League and Piero de Medici?
1511 Holy League - defeated French in 1512 - Forced Florence to take back Piero de Medici.