Satirical Devices Quotes Flashcards
“Gold stimulates the heart, or so we’re told. He therefore had a special love for gold.” physician
verbal irony
“He said he had a goblet of the sail Saint Peter had the time he made bold to walk the waves, till Jesus Christ took hold. He had a cross of metal set with stones, and in a glass, a rubble of pigs’ bones” pardoner
“…his horse was thinner than a rake and he was not too fat, I undertake.” oxford cleric
“He was a noble pillar of his order.” friar
verbal irony
“A wrangler and buffoon, he had a store of tavern stories, filthy in the main. He was a master hand at stealing grain.” miller
sarcasm, mockery
“Garlic he loved, and onions too, and leeks. And drinking strong wine until he was hazy. Then he would shout and jabber as if crazy. And wouldn’t speak a word except in Latin when he was drunk…” summoner
mockery, parody
“He knew the taverns well in every town and every innkeeper and barmaid too better than lepers, beggars and that crew” friar
verbal irony
“But what a pity– so it seemed to me, that he should have an ulcer on his knee. As for blancmange, he made it with the best.” cook
verbal irony
“her forehead, certainly, was fair of spread, almost a span across the brow, I own; She was by no means under grown.” prioress
“Their wisdom would have justified a plan to make each one an alderman; they had the capital and revenue, Besides, their wives declared it was their due.” guildsnmen
“he wore a garland set upon his head large as the holly-bush upon a stake outside an ale-house, and he had a cake, a round one, which it was his joke to wield a if it were intended for a shield…” summoner
“His beard, like any sow or fox, was red and broad as well, although it were a spade; and, at its very tip, his nose displayed a war on which there stood a tuft of hair red as the bristles in an old sow’s ear.” miller
mockery, sarcasm