SAT Writing Composing Flashcards
Once your essay plan is completed, how should you use it to help during composition?
You will refer to the paper–your plan–as you write.
You’ll have two fully written sentences–and several argument examples–listed in your completed plan. You won’t just copy the sentences, you’ll try to improve them as you compose.
Beyond referring to the plan you created, how can you use planning paper during composition?
Use your planning paper to test wording on key sentences, particularly topic sentences and the final sentence.
However, if your words are flowing, use it only to know which example comes next.
What are the three goals on the SAT writing sample?
Your three writing goals are…
- develop point of view with appropriate examples and support
- create paragraphs that are smooth flowing and well organized in structure
- make effective use of language with varied and appropriate sentences
How do you ensure that you’ve “developed point of view with appropriate examples and support”?
You properly develop point of view (and examples) with the way you plan (1st) and compose (2nd) your essay.
Examples and a good main sentence come from planning. Development and support are accomplished in composition.
How can you ensure that you create a “smooth flowing and well organized” essay?
You’ll learn to compose ‘smooth and organized’ essays by examining good samples and by practice with templates. Look closely at the way ideas flow from sentence to sentence.
Most of the cards in this deck are devoted to this topic.
How do you ensure your essay demonstrates “strong use of language with varied and appropriate sentences?”
Create a “Ready List” of SAT level words that could be substituted into a variety of essays. Concentrate on verbs and adjectives.
The average 6-point scoring essay has only 12-15 difficult SAT level words in it. Try to come into the test in command of 100 words that you could use in your essay. Know them cold, and NEVER risk misusing them on the test.
How might you substitute words in the following sentence with ones more impressive to SAT essay graders?
The rich do not become rich by trying to get money, but by pursuing something else hard that brings money.
The wealthy do not become affluent by striving for money, but by pursuing a goal with passion that brings high compensation.
The point is the same, “that people make money by the products of their skills and labor”, but the language is elevated.
There’s a part of this sentence that could be further improved, but the evaluators are not looking for perfection.
Which of the following sentences is more likely to score well on the SAT essay?
(a) Deception is necessary sometimes, because there is a greater moral being followed.
(b) A greater moral principal may sometimes necessitate deception.
(b) a sentence with better use of language is preferred to a sentence without an error.
Did you catch it?
“Principal” is the wrong word in sentence (b), but a couple of mistakes like that won’t hurt your score one bit.
Why isn’t studying vocabulary for Critical Reading enough to prepare you to do well with word choice on the SAT essay?
Correctly using a word in communication is a deeper skill than recognizing its general meaning?
How should you create a “Ready List” for the SAT essay?
While you’re studying SAT vocabulary lists, separate out words that you can use in writing. When you’re done practicing composing an essay draft, rewrite key phrases with your list next to you, substituting your ‘ready list’ words into the essay. These words will become more and more available to you with practice.
What should the first paragraph of your essay accomplish?
The first paragraph, the introduction, should answer the assigned writing question (prompt) and relate the examples that will be used to demonstrate it.
It also can impress the audience (the two evaluators) with good structure, tone, and language.
What is the best process for writing an effective introduction paragraph?
Practice using a template; analyze and practice every part of the paragraph.
We will practice your application of a good introduction paragraph template in the cards ahead in this deck!
What should you try to write as your ideal first sentence in your introduction paragraph?
You should try to write a hook sentence using a fun fact, strong point, short quote, or humor.
How many sentences should a good introduction paragraph have, and what are the function of those sentences?
Between 3-6 sentences.
- Hook (optional)
- Hook development (optional)
- Bridge to Main Sentence (optional)
- Main Sentence
- Main Sentence development
- Examples
Which is the better hook for the following main sentence?
- The wealthy do not become affluent by striving for money, but by passionately pursuing a goal that brings monetary rewards.*
(a) “Them that’s got are them that gets” is a lyric from a Ray Charles’ song that reasons the source of money.
(b) Everybody wants money, but few know how to get it.
(a) is better. It’s more provocative.
Remember, the best hook is not always the one that connects with you best. You are not the audience. Ray Charles will be known by the graders; and the ungrammatical language of the quote actually makes it “pop.’
(b) is not a bad strong point, either. You’ll get credit for a decent hook like this.
What is a bridge sentence within a paragraph?
A bridge sentence is an internal transition from one section of a paragraph to another.
What is the key to writing a good bridge to your main sentence in the introduction paragraph?
Know where you’re going
Having a main sentence planned can help you write a sentence that properly connects a hook to your main sentence.
Which sentence would effectively bridge the hook to the main sentence?
“The best laid-plans of mice and men go often awry,” comes from a Robert Burns’ poem. Things planned don’t always turn out well…
(a) Plans are always based on reaching a goal, and success is defined as reaching that goal.
(b) Ironically, one way a plan can go awry is by succesfully reaching its goal.
…Success can lead to disaster because the goal may be shallow or shortsighted and lead to unintended consequences.
(b) brings together the concept of things “going awry,” and success leading to an unforeseen disaster.
(a) is well-written, but not as conceptually complex.
Which bridge better links the following two sentences?
- For most of us, the path to wealth remains a hazy mystery.*
(a) This mystery comes from a paradox; sometimes to seek something you must look for something else.
(b) Money is not the bread, rather, it is the honey on the bread. - The wealthy do not become affluent by striving for money, but by passionately pursuing a goal that brings monetary rewards.*
(a) is very good; (b) has a touch of brilliance.
Using a metaphor as a transition is risky because it’s not very direct; but if you succeed, you’re on your way to a “12”!
(a) illustrates “paradox” very well, and the link is clear.
How should you approach writing your main sentence for your essay?
Read it in your plan, then rewrite it into your essay.
It should be fully formed in your plan, before you begin writing, but don’t just copy it from the plan. You should improve it by looking to improve wording.
The main sentence is the most important sentence in your essay. Make it the best you can.
Which sentence better develops the main idea of the following sentence?
- The wealthy do not become affluent by striving for money, but by passionately pursuing a goal that brings monetary rewards.*
(a) Only a bank robber can pursue money directly; everyone else uses their skills to trade a good or a service for it.
(b) The market is made of goods and services which are traded for money.
(a) is better. It gives the exception as a counter-example. It’s clear. It’s direct.
Where do you get your ideas for examples while you write?
Examples are listed in your plan
If you are still thinking about examples while you write, you are going to be unfocused. Good compostion requires concentration to finding the right wording and style.
What should the body of your essay look like?
Essay body:
- 2-3 body paragraphs
- Each should begin with a topic sentence introducing an example and how it is related to the main sentence
- Each includes details about the example
- Each body paragraph should contain good transitions and flow logically and smoothly
- Each needs sentences which provide development of the main idea
What paragraph template should guide you to a well-structured body paragraph in your SAT essay?
Body template (sentences):
- Topic sentence
2-4. Example details
5-7. Development of main idea
- Transition to next body (or conclusion) paragraph
How should a body paragraph start?
A body paragraph should start with a topic sentence introducing one example that you chose in your plan.
How should you approach writing the topic sentence of your body paragraph?
For really important sentences such as topic sentences, you should try wording on scratch paper first.
This technique can slow you down, so use it only on topic sentences.
What should the topic sentence of a body paragraph accomplish?
The topic sentence:
- Introduces the example that is to be presented and detailed
- Links to the keywords of the main sentence of the opening paragraph
- Uses strong verbs
- Indicates an order for the details to follow
Which of these two sentences would be a stronger topic sentence using Shakespeare’s Macbeth regarding how ambition can be detrimental?
(a) The first example of how ambition can hurt or ruin a person would be Macbeth, Shakespeare’s tragic hero.
(b) In the Elizabethan Age, Shakespeare’s Macbeth struggled with ambition, and his life goes from success to failure.
(b) is much stronger.
“In the Elizabethan Age,” is a good transition and gives support detail. “Struggled” is a strong verb choice. “From success to failure” sets up the arc of the details to follow.
What sentences should follow the topic sentence in a body paragraph?
Approx. 2-3 sentences detailing the example should follow your topic sentence.
These 2-3 sentences should use the example to further develop your main point.
A transition sentence is used to segue to the next paragraph.
Which sentence better supports the following topic sentence?
- In the Elizabethan Age, Shakespeare’s Macbeth struggles with ambition, and his life goes from success to failure.*
(a) In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a hero, because he sucessfully defends the king during a coup.
(b) Macbeth kills Duncan, the King, because he wants to be king, thus showing his ambition which is how things went wrong.
(a) supports “from success to failure” and gives good detail from the play.
What might you have to do to help the details of the example flow smoothly?
Write down the details on scrap paper before choosing the right order and flow.
- Macbeth is hero
- kills the king/ambition
- kills Banq and MD’s family
- Isolated and rebellious
What do you have to watch out for when writing about your details?
Make sure you don’t write too little or too much when writing about each example.
Write too little and you’ll fail to support your main sentence properly. Write too much and you’ll create an imbalance in the size of your body paragraphs, which are, ideally, balanced.
What does an internal paragraph transition do to the structure of a body paragraph?
A bridge sentence allows smooth flow from the part of the paragraph that details the example to the part that supports the main sentence of the essay.
When you’ve completed detailing your example within the body paragraph, how do you use it now to support your main sentence?
Use a bridge sentence to transition to a direct discussion of the main idea.
Which of these sentences makes a better transition to a main sentence which said that ‘ambition can be bad?’
(a) Macbeth’s story illustrates the bad that comes from ambition, which is ultimately a selfish rejection of one’s place in the world.
(b) Shakespeare wanted to show his world this character of many noble qualities, not only isolated, but ruined, by ambition.
(b) is better here.
The verbs are stronger and the point brings the reader to ambition at the end. Perfect for follow up sentences.
Which of these sentences better supports a main idea regarding ambition?
(a) Times have changed since Shakespeare, and ambition has had a makeover, but it remains a gnawing, discontented temptation to self-grandizement.
(b) Ambition comes from a recognition that what you are and where you are now is not good enough.
(a) is better here
The verbs and adjectives are stronger. There’s a hint at a positive way to look at ambition, but the “makeover” language suggests that it’s a shallow way to view it.
Once you’ve connected the first example to the main sentence and developed your point, how do you get to the second body paragraph?
Create a transition, summing up the first example and introducing the next using general or categorical language.
Phrases like “in avant-garde theatre” or “the Elizabethan Age” orient the reader but leave the detailing for the next body paragraph.
Ideally, on what minute should you be finished with your first body paragraph to not run out of time on the essay?
You should be 14 minutes into the essay when finishing your first body paragraph.
If you’re closer to 18 minutes, skip the third body paragraph. Consult your plan,and cut the weaker of the two remaining examples. If you need to strike out the introduction of one of the examples, do it then.
Before you write your transition to the second body paragraph, what should you check?
Check time to see whether you can finish a 3rd body paragraph that you might start.
Which sentence better transitions from a paragraph about ambition (featuring Macbeth as its example) to the next (featuring Napoleon)?
(a) Ambition is not only a problem on the theatrical stage but has pushed great men like Napoleon Bonaparte to tarnish their image.
(b) Ambition ruins not only the imaginary king of Scotland on the Shakespearian stage, but tarnished the reputation of the last great emperor of Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte.
(b) is better.
They both transition from Macbeth to Napoleon, but (b) is better worded.
Does the overall template change from 1st body to 2nd body and then on to 3rd body?
No, but the subsequent topic sentences should be not be clones of the first.
From this transition within a paragraph regarding Napoleon, which of these sentences provides better development?
- Ambition follows this course time and time again in history.*
(a) It leads away from cooperation, community and brotherhood, into a world of only rivals.
(b) It focuses the person only on his or her own interests, benefits, and goals, to the exclusion of community or the common good.
(a) is better.
The point that ambition is a goal for the self, not a communal goal, is pretty good.
Which of the these sentences flows better logically as it develops from the following point?
- Ambition leads away from cooperation, community and brotherhood, and into a world filled only with rivals.*
(a) It delivers only short-lived success, then returns to a deeper discontent, and spurs on ever more selfish plans.
(b) It trusts no one; expects betrayal from everyone, because it admits no loyalty within the heart in which it has taken root.
(b) logically flows better.
This sentence explains the internal psychology of the “world filled only with rivals.”
Sentence (a) is an excellent point, but explains the cycle of ambition which is not in the sentence before.
How do you close development and move into paragraph transition?
Connect again to the example in this paragraph.
Example: This is exactly what Napoleon faced when he crowned himself the 1st Emperor of Europe since 1576 and then began the disastrous Russian campaign.
What do you do if you enter the second body paragraph with less than seven minutes to go?
If less than 7 minutes when writing body paragraph 2. . .
- Skip one example – remove reference to example from introduction paragraph.
- Cut one sentence of details and one sentence of development.
- Concentrate on good verbs
- Limit adjectives and abverb use
What does the transition sentence to the conclusion paragraph accomplish?
The transition paragraph sums up and closes the topic–and leads into the conclusion.
Which of these makes a better transition to a conclusion paragraph?
(a) So, the enduring accomplishments of Napoleon Bonaparte become a footnote next to his ambitious failures.
(b) Napoleon shows clearly that ambition may be a spark, but it set a fire that burned down Europe, as well as Napoleon’s army, navy, and image.
(b) is better, because it more clearly places ambition as central to Napoleon’s faliure and sums up the paragraph well.
(a) is actually quite good, too.
What is the goal of the conclusion paragraph?
The conclusion paragraph restates what the essay accomplished by summing up the argument (from the main sentence) and examples.
How many sentences would make a good template for an SAT essay conclusion paragraph?
Four sentences comprise the conclusion template:
- Restate the argument from the main sentences.
- Restate how the examples supported the argument
- Connect to introduction concept
- A thought provoking final sentence
Which of these sentences would be better as a restatement of an essay on ambition?
(a) Therefore, ambition is detrimental overall as a human quality, because it leads a person towards more and more selfish goals.
(b) So, apart from providing some life direction, ambition does more harm than good by encouraging rivalry and a tendency toward meglomania.
(b) is better. It’s more circumspect, clear and better worded.
(a) is very good, but lacks variety and depth.
Which of these sentences would better sum up the examples in a conclusion paragraph?
(a) On stage and in history, both Macbeth and Napoleon show conclusively that ambition can bring short-lived success that ends in complete ruin.
(b) On stage, Macbeth shows how ambition call lead a man to become a monster, while, in history, Napoleon shows how ambition can undo much of the good done by a man.
(a) is better.
In this case, the language is equal, but the sentence structure of (b) keeps the examples separate, while (a) is more unified. This is one difference between a score of “5” and of “6”.
Of informational, satirical, or comical, which tone works best for writing on SAT?
Most often an informational tone works best for high scores on your SAT essay; the others have the advantage of being unusual, but they are also more risky.
It’s risky to try extreme tone on the SAT unless you are accomplished at it.
If you use comical or satirical tone, how can you use it effectively towards a top score.
Comical or satirical tone needs unity in an essay, so use it consistenly throughout your essay if your risk using this tone.
What is the best strategy for editing and proofreading your essay?
Proofreading (last X minutes):
- Start immediately upon completing your conclusion
- Look to improve wording for better readability.
- Correct obvious errors.
What’s the best process for proofreading?
- Check your main sentence, topic sentences, hook and conclusion sentence first.
- Check the development sentences in the body.
- Check the detail sentences.
- Look for substitutions to better wording (ready list).
- Correct grammar, if you find more than a few errors.
Proofread the following introduction paragraph.
Some essential chemicals in the body, like iron, are beneficial in small amounts. Too much, and a person’s health will be compromised. Human qualities like ambition share this characteristic. Although a little ambition pushes us to greater achievement, in larger amounts, it tends to do harm, because it focuses on selfish development and breaks down our sense of brotherhood and community. The stories of Shakespeare’s Macbeth and the French emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte bear this out, for both faced ambition in too large an amount.
Some essential chemicals in the body, like iron, are beneficial in small amounts. With too much, a person’s health will be compromised. Human qualities like ambition share this characteristic. Although a little ambition spurs us to greater achievement, in larger dosage, it tends to do harm, because it focuses [us] on selfish development and breaks down our sense of brotherhood and community. The stories of Shakespeare’s Macbeth and the French emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte bear this out, for both were tempted by ambition in too large a dose.
(Notice that most of the changes improved wording or word choice. With this kind of quick proofread, you usually do not have time to address structural problems.)
Proofread the following body paragraph.
In the Elizabethan Age, Shakespeare wrote a play about Macbeth who struggles with ambition, and his life goes downhill. The play begins with Macbeth successfully defending the king in a coup. Then, he listens to his ambition and kills Duncan, his own cousin and king. Macbeth isn’t comfortable as king, so he orders the murder of Banquo and Macduff’s wife and children. Finally, all his nobles consider him a monster and rebel. He is totally isolated when he dies. Shakespeare warns us about our ambition. It makes men ruthless, cold and indifferent. Ambition disguises itself as cure for human insignificance, but it is a false cure. Excessive ambition ruins not only the imaginary king of Scotland, but also tarnished the reputation of the last great emperor of Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte.
In the Elizabethan Age, Shakespeare wrote a tragedy about Macbeth who struggles with ambition, and his life goes from success to failure. The play begins with Macbeth in glory, successfully defending the king in a coup. Then, he takes counsel from his ambition and kills Duncan, his own cousin and king. Macbeth does not feel secure as king, so he orders the murder of Banquo and Macduff’s wife and children. Finally, all his nobles consider him a monster and rebel against him. He is totally isolated when he dies. Shakespeare warns us about ambition. It makes men ruthless, cold and indifferent. Ambition disguises itself as the remedy of human insignificance, but it is a false cure. Excessive ambition ruins not only the imaginary king of Scotland, but continues to tarnish the reputation of the last great emperor of Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte.
(Again, most of the changes were in wording.)