SAT vocab lesson 5+6 Flashcards
rancor (n.)
extreme hatred or ill will
Syn: animosity; enmity
Ant: amity; sympathy
inexorable (adj.)
unrelenting; unavoidable
Syn: relentless; certain
Ant: avoidable; preventable
extol (v.)
to praise highly
Syn: exalt; laud
Ant: chastise
clement (adj.)
merciful; lenient
Syn: forbearing; benign
Ant: malevolent; harsh
cliche (n.)
a worn-out idea or overused expression
Syn: platitude
adamant (adj.)
Unyielding; firm in opinion
Syn: stubborn
Ant: amenable; flexible
diffident (adj.)
lacking in self-confidence; shy
Syn: timid
Ant: outgoing
opus (n.)
a creative work, especially a numbered composition
ostensible (adj.)
professed but not necessarily true
Syn: supposed
Ant: actual
disparity (n.)
inequality; difference
Syn: gap
Ant: similarity
condone (v.)
to forgive or overlook an offense
Syn: pardon; excuse
Ant: condemn
nuance (n.)
a slight or subtle degree of difference
Syn: gradation; shade
connoisseur (n.)
an expert in matters of culture, food, or wine
Ant: novice, neophyte
enigma (n.)
a mystery; something seemingly inexplicable
Syn: riddle; puzzle
apathy (n.)
lack of interest; state of not caring
Syn: indifference
Ant: interest; eagerness
officious (adj.)
excessively eager to deliver unasked- for or unwanted help
Syn: meddlesome; interfering
credence (n.)
belief or trust
Syn: faith; confidence
Ant: disbelief
jaunty (adj.)
having a buoyant, self-confident air
Syn: confident; poised
dilettante (n.)
one who merely dabbles in art or a science
Syn: amateur
Ant: expert; professional
cult (n.)
an organized group of people with an obsessive devotion to a person or a set of principles
Syn: sect