SAT VOC Flashcards
Depict ( depiction)
To represent by drawing, portray; to characterize in words, describe
Controversy (controversial)
A usually prolonged public dispute; an argument
To weaken, sabotage, subvert, debilitate, destabilize
Advocate (advocacy)
To support or urge by argument, especially publicly
Arrogant (arrogance)
Having exaggerated self- opinion; egotistical or over proud
Cynic (cynical, cynicism)
One who believes that only selfishness motivated human actions
Dispute ( disputation)
To engage in argument or debate; to argue vehemently, quarrel
Provoke (provocative, provocation)
To anger or vex; to stir up or call forth (feelings, desires, or activity)
Contradict ( contradiction, contradictory)
To challenge, confront, counter, deny, or oppose
Empathy (empathetic)
Identification with and understanding of another’s situation, feelings, and motives
Perceive (perception, perceptiveness, perceptual)
To become aware of my means of the senses; to recognize or understand
Phenomenon (phenomena)
A face , occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable; something remarkable or extraordinary
Contempt ( contemptible, contemptuous, contemptuously)
A feeling of disdain for anything considered mean or worthless
Resolve (resolution)
To come to a firm decision about, determine; to settle or solve (e.g a question or a controversy )
Speculate (speculation, speculative )
To engage in thought. Especially conjectural thought
Intricate (intricacy, intricately)
Having many interrelated parts or facets; hard to understand, work, or make
Skepticism (skeptical, skeptic)
A questioning or doubting attitude; doubt regarding religion
Assert (assertion )
To state positively; declare
Distinct (distinction, distinctive, distinctively, distinctly)
Not identical, separate; different in nature or quality, dissimilar
Divisive (divisiveness)
Dissenting, at odds with, alienating; creating dissension or discord
Consume (consumer, consumption)
To expend by use; to use up
Digress (digression)
To wander away from the main topic or argument in speaking or writing
Innovate (innovation. Innovator. Innovation)
To introduce (something new)
Diminish ( diminution, diminutive)
To make or become smaller. Less. Or less important.
b : to detect with senses other than vision
: to recognize or identify as separate and