SAS2 Flashcards
PF: Until when should we have our hands on the thrust levers? 2
We set full thrust and then we leave it and from 1500ft AAL.
PM: When positive TOC confirmed announce:
PF responds?
PM: After gear up selection call: and when gear is indicated up What do we call?
Positive climb
Gear up.
”GEAR UP SELECTED”. When gear is indicated up, call: “GEAR IS UP” and then set gear handle to neutral (off).
PF ask for gear down, Upon gear down selection - PM call:
When landing gear is down, how do we see it and what do we call?
(3 green lights)
Clean speed 250
250 = 61%
Flaps 5
Flaps 5, speed 170 (thrust 60%)
Flaps 15
Callout from PM
Gear down, flaps 15, speed 150 (thrust 63%)
Gear down selected, flaps 15, speed 150, gear down and locked.
Flaps 30
Flaps 30, speed 135, complete checklist (thrust 50%)
45 degree bank + when going back
Initially clean speed = 250kt (61% thrust), turn 30 degrees first slowly (10,20,30), when passing 30 degrees = increase thrust to 64% and pitch up little bit.
When going back from the steep turn = Turn back to heading when 20 degrees left and samtidigt decrease thrust to 61% and pitch down the nose again. Otherwise we will climb if we keep the pitch.
30 degree bank (speed 210)
If you do it at 210kt = Increase thrust from clean 53% to 55% and slowly from 30 to 20 to 10 to 0. Go back when 20 degrees left.
- Ready? Ready? TOF. Set 40% and check engines are stable.
- Release brakes and increase thrust to the triangle and say full thrust set. = checked. PM finetune it.
- V1, rotate.
- Pitch with 15 degrees and be careful of the ground effect at 10. Pull more.
- Positive climb = gear up = gear up selected, gear is up and set it to neutral.
- 2800ft = Climb thrust = PM sets 92% and says climb thrust set.
- Continue climb with V2+15 = 155kt until 3500ft.
- 4300ft = Pitch down to 10 degrees and say speed 210. 210 set.
- 170kt = flaps 1
- 190kt = flaps up
- Set standard.
- Climb checklist.
- Continue climb to cleared level with 92% thrust. When reaching level = PF = speed 250 and accelerate. When 250 reached = reduce from 92% to 61% thrust.
Slow flights, how do we perform and which speeds?
180kt, either set idle or reduce thrust to see the vector go down, when approaching 180kt set required thrust. 50% maybe, 53% N1 osv. When we keep lower speed = we need to pitch up more. It can go up to 7.5 and even 10 degrees. We keep this pitch and then trim.
Descent with 1000ft/min, 210kt. How do we do?
We need to reduce thrust because when we pitch down to 1000ft/min = speed will increase. We reduce it so we keep the speed. We pitch down slowly. We see that we get more = 500,600,750,900 and we stope there like ICE. Don´t move 1CM.
ILS approach after air works. 13
- We will decelerate to 210kt. I will set up the approach. Your controls.
- FMC = 109.5PC/1400/110, check APP on both sides on MCP. SET everything on both sides.
- Brief PM. Questions?
- My controls.
- Set QNH when below TL.
- Approach checklist down to the line. = Approach checklist completed to landing gear.
6.5. Descend 2800ft when cleared (from 3600ft). - When final heading received = we are on base (150 or 080 etc) = Flaps 5, speed 170 (thrust 60%) (Flaps 5, speed 170 set)
- When cleared for approach = PF = Set final heading 110. PM sets and says 110 set.
- 1 ½ dot GS = Gear down, flaps 15, speed 150 (thrust 63%). PM = Gear down selected, flaps 15, speed 150, Gear down and locked (3 green lights)
- ½ dot GS = PM = GLIDESLOPE COMING. Checked.
- PF = Flaps 30, speed 135, complete checklist. (Flaps 30, speed 135, checklist completed).
- Set missed approach altitude 3600ft.
Go around, procedure: 9
- Go around, flaps 15 = Give full thrust to the bug, pitch with 15 degrees.
- PM sets flaps 15 and says positive climb = gear up = gear up selected, flaps 15, gear is up (when indicating up)
- Tower, Scandinavia737 going around.
- 2800ft = PF sets 92% thrust and says flaps 5, set climb thrust, speed 210 = flaps 5, climb thrust set (PM finetune it), speed 210
- Level off at 3600ft. At 3600ft = switch to OSS on the panel and turn left direct to OSS.
- Accelerating through 170kt = flaps 1
- Accelerating through 190kt = flaps up
- Go-around checklist. (Go-around checklist completed)
- When level reached = Maintain 210kt with thrust of 53%.
After GO-AROUND we are cleared to enter a holding/racetrack to prepare for the NPA. NDB30
- Turn towards the NDB head. Tell the PM the entry we are going to do and how we are going to do it. Entry the hold and stay in the hold. 1 minute timing.
- Your controls.
- FMC = 114.65OSS/312DJ, 1950, 289) and change from APP to VOR on the MCP. (1 needle on VOR, other on ADF) BOTH SIDES. ONLY ADF1 works.
- Brief him. Questions?
- My controls.
- APP checklist down to the line.
- We can report we are ready for approach.
- When you pass the NDB = fly outbound 109 to D11 OSS. At D11 = turn inbound to 289.
- Flaps 5, speed 170 (thrust 60%)
- Established on QDM
- Gear down, flaps 15, speed 150 (thrust 63%) (gear down selected, flaps 15, speed 150, gear down and locked)
- 1-2NM from FAF = Flaps 30, speed 135, complete checklist. (thrust 50%) (Flaps 30, speed 135, checklist completed.
- Set missed approach altitude 3600ft.