SAS Flashcards
PF: Until when should we have our hands on the thrust levers? 2
TOF ROLL until V1 and from 1500ft AAL.
PF: If full Thrust is required, set TL to and call?
PM: On command respond: (full thrust) and call?
If full Thrust is required, set TL to T/O N1 and call out “FULL THRUST”
“FULL THRUST”. When full thrust is set call “FULL THRUST SET”
PM: When positive TOC confirmed announce:
PF responds?
PM: After gear up selection call: and when gear is indicated up What do we call?
Positive climb
Gear up.
”GEAR UP SELECTED”. When gear is indicated up, call: “GEAR IS UP” and then set gear handle to neutral (off).
PF ask for gear down, Upon gear down selection - PM call:
When landing gear is down, how do we see it and what do we call?
(3 green lights)
PF commands: which flap settings? 5
What does PM do and call?
Flaps up, flaps 1, flaps 5, flaps 15 and flaps 30.
Select flaps as ordered and call: “FLAPS UP/5/15/30”. Monitor flap indicator and when new position is confirmed - call: “FLAPS UP/1/5/15/30”
Checklist commanded by?
Performed by PM on request from PF. All items on checklists must be read out loud
Clean speed?
Flaps 5?
Flaps 15?
Flaps 30?
250/210kt (61%/53%)
170kt (60%)
150kt (63%)
130kt (50%)
Clean A/C, Thrust settings and speeds: 2
250kt 61%
210kt 53%
Clean A/C with 30 degrees bank, thrust settings and speeds:
210kt and 55% thrust
Clean A/C with 45 degrees bank and how do we perform a 45 degrees of bank?Thrust settings and speeds:
250kt 64%.
Först du svänger 30 grader, när du passerar 30 degrees, öka till 64% och pitcha även upp lite för att inte förlora höjden (innan har du 61%)
Below which speed can we start to configure? Ex Flaps 5
Below 210kt.
What is the callout/thrust/speed we set during flaps 5
Flaps 5, set 170kt, thrust 60% (level)
What is the callout/thrust/speed we set during flaps 15 and gear down
Gear down, flaps 15 set 150kt, thrust 63%
PM: Gear down selected, flaps 15, speed 150, gear down and locked.
What is the callout/thrust/speed we set during flaps 30,
Flaps 30, set 130/135kt, thrust 50%. (on 3 degrees G/S), complete checklist
- Initiate TOF by releasing brakes and setting full thrust. Callout: PF: Full thrust set, PM: checked.
- PM says V1-Rotate and then positive climb (PF release hands from thrust levers) = PF says gear up = PM says gear up selected, gear is up and set it to neutral.
- Climb initially with 15 degrees pitch and 155kt (V2+10kt)
- At 1500ft AGL = Call out CLIMB THRUST, PM sets 92% and says CLIMB THRUST SET.
- Passing 3000ft AGL change pitch to 10 degrees and command PM to set 210kt = speed 210 = PM sets and says speed 210.
- When accelerating through 170kt order Flaps 1. PM says Flaps 1.
- Passing 190kt order FLAPS UP. PM says FLAPS up.
- CALL CLIMB CHECKLIST, PM do the checklist (read and do)
- Maintain speed 210kt and continue to climb to cleared flight level (with 92% thrust).
- At level off accelerate and maintain 250kt. When trend reaches 250kt, reduce from 92% N1 we hade before to 61% N1 (250kt).
Slow flights, how do we perform and which speeds? (watch video on youtube)
180kt, either set idle or reduce thrust to see the vector go down, when approaching 180kt set required thrust. 50% maybe, 53% N1 osv.
Descent with 1000ft/min, 210kt. How do we do?
We reduce thrust so we have 1000ft/min and so we can keep 210kt. Find the pitch gently and trim the aircraft in that position. Not IDLE because we will loose the speed.
ILS approach after air works, how will the controller act?
- What do we do below TL and what do we set up and do?
1.5. Scandinavia737 turn left heading 170, cleared ILS runway 24 report when established. What does the PM do? PF?
- When should we select flaps 5? And thrust setting
- What does the PM says when Localiser starts to move and what does PF responds?
3.5 What does the PM says when GS starts to move and what does PF responds?
- When should we select gear down and flaps 15? How do we request and what does PM say, and thrust setting
- When should we select flaps 30? What does PF say and what does PM respond? and thrust setting
- What should we not forget when we are descending on the G/S?
Radar vectors and decelerate to 210kt.
- We give the controls to the PM, we set up the approach (FMC = frekvens, minima, course på BÅDA SIDORNA på allt!!!) = LAV 114.6, 710, 202, Select also APP for ILS on the panel on both sides and then asks for “are you ready for briefing”? After briefing = PF = My controls, “We can report we are ready for approach).
- When clearence received = PF says approach checklist down to the line and PM responds “approach checklist completed down to landing gear.
1.5. He responds to ATC, we fly on heading and PF says set runway heading = PM sets final track on the course (202). When LOC alive = Localiser coming (PM) and PF responds checked, starts turn towards the LOC.
- Base leg request flaps 5 and say “speed 170.” PM = speed 170 set. (Thrust = 60%)
- PM: Localiser coming, PF: Checked.
3.5 PM says glideslope coming = PF says checked
- When GS indicates (1 1/2 dot low) = PF = Gear down, flaps 15 speed 150kt. PM = Gear down selected, flaps 15, speed 150. (Thrust 63%), Gear down and locked ( three green lights )
- When GS indicates (1/2 dot low) = Flaps 30, speed 135kt, complete checklist. PM = Flaps 30, he do the checklist and says Checklist completed. (50% thrust)
- PF says to PM: Set missed approach altitude.
Go around, procedure: 7
- PF: Callout: GO-AROUND, FLAPS 15, (apply full thrust) and pitch initially to 15 degrees.
- PM: Sets flaps 15 and says flaps 15. - PM says positive climb, PF says gear up and starts acceleration to 160kt. (Flaps 15, gear up selected, gear is up).
2.5: PM report to ATC “Scandiavia737, GOING AROUND”
- PF: Climbing through 1500ft AGL (2000ft) = PF = Sets 92% N1 (ungefär), Callout: Flaps 5, set CLB THRUST, set 210. PM = selects flaps 5, finetune 92% N1 and responds “flaps 5, climb thrust set, speed 210.”
- PF: When passing 170kt = Flaps 1. PM responds flaps 1.
- PF: When passing 190kt = Flaps up. PM responds flaps up.
- PF: Go around checklist. PM do it and respond Go aorund checklist completed.
- At missed approach altitude = Maintain speed 210kt (thrust 53%) and continue on missed approach procedure.
After GO-AROUND we are cleared to enter a holding/racetrack to prepare for the NPA.
- When we enter the racetrack what do the PF do?
- When do we start to configure? Speed and thrust setting
- Callout from PM when established on final track?
- When established on final inbound track and cleared for the approach:, speed and thrust setting
- Approaching the FAF (1-2NM), speed and thrust setting
- What should we not forget when we are descending on the FAF?
First we need to find the entry, either direct/parallel/offset entry. CHECK you have the nail on ADF so we see where it´s located.
- PF says “Your control, your communication” and PF prepare the approach (FMC = 114.6 LAV, 920+50=970ft on MINIMA, Course 203.) We can also set the OUTBOUND 023 as the heading on the FCU because we are going to turn outbound first. On the EFIS we change on both side from APP to VOR and the needles = One on VOR (to see distance from LAV) and one ADF.
After that, PF asks “are you ready for briefing?”. After briefing PF says “my controls, report we are ready for approach.” After briefing, PF says approach checklist to the line. PM do it and responds Approach checklist completed to landing gear.
As soon as we are cleared for approach = we descend to 2500ft, PF: FLAPS 5, speed 170kt. (decelerate towards 170, thrust 60%). PM = Flaps 5, speed 170.
- PM = Established on QDM, PF = checked.
- GEAR DOWN, FLAPS 15 set speed 150kt. (decelerate towards 150, thrust 63%). PM = Gear down selected, flaps 15, speed 150. WHen 3 green light = Gear down and locked.
- FLAPS 30, set speed 135kt, complete checklist. (decelerate to 135kt with thrust 50%). PM = Flaps 30, checklist completed.
- PF says to PM: Set missed approach altitude.
What do PF order before taxi checklist?
Checklists: TAXI:
1. Flight instruments
2. Altimeters
3. NAV-AIDS T/O briefing
4. FLAPS 5
5. T/O speeds
Taxi checklist completed.
Before TAXI checklist = order IFR CLEARENCE.
1. Check PFD, ND and say Checked.
2. Read out the QNH which is set and read the altimeter = 1009, 50ft.
3. PF briefs the intentions and NAV-AIDS set up = We are going to climb straight on heading, climb to 5000ft, the frequency to the ILS is set 114.30 and ADF NL 369.
4. Set and checked (PM)
5. Set and checked (PM) = set V2 = 125kt.
Checklist CLIMB/GO-AROUND (read and do)
1. Altimeter
2. Landing gear
4. Climb thrust
CLIMB/GO-AROUND checklist completed.
- 1013, FL60. (response by both pilots)
- PM selects landing gear to neutral and says UP and OFF.
- PM checks flaps are up + no lights = UP
- Set.
Checklist, Approach checklist.
When do the PF order it?
1. Briefing
2. Altimeters
What do the PM say now?
PF says Complete checklist.
- Landing gear
We must be below transition level (TL).
1. Completed ( response by PF )
2. Set actual QNH, read out and compare altimeter readings = 1008, 3300ft (response by both pilots)
Checklist completed to landing gear. (PM)
- Check list completed (PM)
When are we unstabilized on approach and should perform a go-around?
ILS = 1 dot on LOC and G/S and 100ft on NPA.
When can we reduce RVR’s for CAT II and CAT IIIA?
Cat I = 550m and 800m visibility whichever is higher
Cat II = 300/125/75
CAT IIIA = 200/125/75
CAT IIIB = 75/75/75
To 300/75/75 and 200/75/75, If we have a rollout guidance system for the middle part and the end part is not relevant.
What is alert height?
100ft RA. It’s the characteristics of the airplane and it’s fail operational landing system which we will execute a missed approach above it if we get any failure on the redundant part of the automatic landing system or the ground equipment. Below AH, we will continue even if we get any failures ECXEPT if the LAND red light flashes.
An LVTO is a take off on a runway where the RVR is?
Below 550m = LVTO. (New, before it was 400m)
When is engine secured? No damage, Damage, Fire
No damage = when thrust lever idle and ENG master off on the affected side.
Damage = Thrust lever idle, ENG master off, ENG fire push button push and Agent 1 pressed.
Fire = Damage = Thrust lever idle, ENG master off, ENG fire push button push and Agent 1 and agent 2 pressed. Check the red lights goes blank on the overhead and beside the ENG masters.
When can we see that the engine is damaged? 5
Loud noise/bang, Amber crosses, N1 or N2 = 0, high EGT, loss of oil/hydraulic fluid
How is the engine built up? 7
- We have the FAN.
- LP compressor
- Variable bleed valve
- HP compressor
- Combustion chamber
- LP turbine
- HP turbine
What is the N1 and the N2?
N1 = The rotation speed of the fan.
N2 = The rotation speed of the HP rotor/compressor.
First action from the PF when we get engine failure during cruise?
And then?
Continue the procedure. 6 things.
When it is time for the descend what do we do? 3
When do we rengage the A/THR?
Why do we set speed to 0.82/300kt during descend on standard strategy? Why do we disconnect the A/THR?
If we have obstacles/terrain how is the prodecure?
Speed drops quickly, we need not delay the descend.
1. I have control, I have communication.
2. Set both the thrust levers to MCT.
3. Disconnect the A/THR.
4. HDG = set and pull as appropriate. Check were the terrain is on the ND and turn away from it.
5. Check PROG page EO MAX altitude
6. WZZ151 PAN PAN PAN, engine failure descending to FL240 (EO MAX).
- We set speed mach 0.82/300kt and pull.
- Altitude on FCU set and pull.
- Don´t hurry with the ECAM actions, do it during the descend.
When V/S becomes less than 500ft/min, we set V/S 500ft/min and A/THR on.
Because the aircraft is within the stabiilized windmilling engine re-light envelope.
To avoid any engine thrust reduction when selecting speed, the speed is controlled by the elevator in OPEN DES.
Same principle, the difference is that we press IAS and select speed green dot (we check O on the PERF page and pull. The rate of angle of descend is reduced. When we are clear of obstacles we revert to standard strategy = 0.82/300kt.
What affects the stall speed? 3
Stall is only what problem?
Changing weight, manueveuring the aircraft (increase in load factor), configuration changes.
Only AOA problem, not a speed problem.
Engine failure with no damage may be recognized by? 5
Just check the N2. If you have N2 = it’s not damage.
Rapid decrease in EGT, N2, FF followed by decrease in N1 or EPR.
What dissapears if we get alternate law? Which protection is still there?
Do we have any protections in direct law?
High speed-, pitch attitude- and AOA protection are not available.The load factor protection is there.
No, everything is lost. Inputs are direct sent to the control surfaces, skips the computers.
What is VLS? It depends on? 2
Green dot and VLS is based on? What happens with our green dot when we have low weight and vice versa?
Lowest selectable speed with A/THR.
Depends on aircraft weight and slats/flaps configuration.
On the weight of the aircraft (when we insert ZFW).
If we have low weight = green dot is very low (around 190) = we descend with faster speed = higher rate. If normal weight = green dot is normal = we descend with lower speed.
What is GS mini?
Wind changes due to gust etc. Function is to keep the aircraft energy level above a minimum value.
GS mini = VAPP - Tower headwind componentIAS target speed (VAPP) = GS mini + current headwind
IF VLS = 130kt. THR HDW = 20kt, VAPP = 130 + 1/3 HWC = 137kt. GS mini = 137 - 20kt = 117kt.
What is V2? It ensures?
Minimum speed that needs to be maintained up to acceleration altitude in the event of engine failure after V1. Ensures minimum required climb gradient is achieved.
What is VREF?
VAPP is calculated by? VLS is calculated by?
VAPP = greater of VLS?
Landing approach speed when we pass 50ft over the threshold in CONFIG FULL. (1.3 times the stalling speed)
VAPP = FMGC (values we have inserted like QNH, wind, temp etc.)VLS = FAC.
VLS+5kt or VLS + 1/3 of the TWR reported headwind limited to 0-15kt.
What is pitch angle?
What is flight path angle?
What is AOA?
Angle between the longitudinal axis of the airplane and the horizon.
Angle between the flight path vector and the horizon.
Difference between the pitch angle and the flight path angle.
Loss of braking memory items, 5
Why do we say NWS/STRG off?
- Full reverse
- Release brakes
- Order NWS/STRG off (anti skid off = ABCU takes over from BSCU = alternate brakes are now active).
- Apply max 7 brake applications (ABCU automatically limits the brake pressure to 1000 PSI).
- If still no braking = use parking brake (short parking brake applications)
Because the ABCU kicks in (alternate brakes).
Can the hydraulic fluid be transferred from one system to another?
- Which hydraulic system pressurize the landing gear?
- Which hydraulic systems pressurize slats?
- Which hydraulic systems pressurize flaps?
- Which hydraulic systems pressurize normal brakes?
- Which hydraulic systems pressurize the rudder?
- Which hydraulic systems pressurize Reverse 1?
- Which hydraulic systems pressurize Reverse 2?
- Which hydraulic systems pressurize nose wheel steering?
- Which hydraulic systems pressurize alternate brakes and the parking brake?
- Which hydraulic systems pressurize cargo doors?
No, we can´t transfer fluid but we can transfer pressure with the PTU.
- Green.
- Green and blue
- Green and yellow.
- Green.
- Green/yellow/blue
- Green
- Yellow
- Yellow
- Yellow
- Yellow
High upset: 6
- Confirm stalled condition = “stall I have control.”
- AP and A/THR OFF
- Nose down below horizon, keep it there
- Increase thrust to decrease the nose down pitch moment.
- Roll to wings level
- Recover to level flight.
Low upset, 5
- Confirm stalled condition (nose high upset/nose low upset).
- AP and A/THR OFF
- Roll to wings level
- Adjust A/THR = decrease/use speed brakes to not over speed.
- Recover to level flight.
High upset: 6
- Confirm stalled condition = “stall I have control.”
- AP and A/THR OFF
- Nose down below horizon, keep it there
- Increase thrust to decrease the nose down pitch moment.
- Roll to wings level
- Recover to level flight.
Actions during Emergency descend.
The captain decides the emergency descend after looking on the CAB PRESS page. We can prevent it if we descend earlier.
- OXYGEN MAX ON (normal if not smoke),
- PM use the oxygen mask.
- PM should set seat belts on
DURING DESCEND, PF resets the FCU to FL100/MEA/MORA, speed maximum (if not damage), heading according to ATC.
PM squawks 7700.
Then orders ECAM actions/QRH.
Incapatacition during take-off/approach. 9
- Immediatly take controls and communication = I have control and communication.
- Use maximum automation
- Climb to MSA and consider a hold.
- Decleare MAYDAY to ATC.
- When reaching MSA and siutation under control, PA = CABIN CREW to the flight deck.
- Decide a plan, DODAR.-
- Choose an airport and runway that will allow maximum automation and reduced workload for single engine crew operation.
- Make a NITS briefing to the SCA.
- Ensure you are safebriefed for the approach and all checklists are completed before starting the approach.
Without AP/FD TCAS:
When TA is activated:
When RA is activated.
PF: 2. AP OFF/ ANNOUNCE FD OFF and follow the RA orders = TURN the aircraft to the green area of the V/S gently.
- When safe again PM to ATC = “CLEAR OF CONFLICT”,
PF = should gently pitch the aircraft towards the proviously cleared alttiude/FL and then announce AP2 and FDs on.
PM: WZZ152 clear of conflict, climbing/descend towards the previous cleared altitude/flight level.
1 = AP OFF
2 = FD OFF
Which generators have priority over each other?
We also has a emergency generator that supplies what power to the aircraft and when?Describe the 3 stages in this situation.
Engine driven generator 1 and 2 have priority over the APU generator and the external power. External power has priority over the APU generator when it is on.
AC power to the aircraft electrical system if main AC generator fails.
The RAT deploys and powers the blue hydraulic system which in turn powers the EMER GEN. It powers the ESS TR so it can convert the AC from AC ESS to DC ESS.
TCAS detection is limited to intruders either side of the aircraft + longitudinally?
Maxiumum range of 30NM on either sides to 80NM longitudinally.
How does the GPS work?
It receives information from the satellites and gives very accurate position to the FMGC. The MMR process the data received and transfer the data to each ADIRS which then performs a position calculating. The FMGS use then this calculation to determine the position/heading etc. of the aircraft = what we see on FMGC DATA MONITOR page.
We have 2 ATC antennas. How does it work? (ADR and IR)
From which sources does the ATC 1 get information from? ATC2?
It sends information to the ATC via the VHF.
Speed, altitude and VS speed data via the ADR and heading, roll, GS, track via the IRs. Also selected barometric altitude and speed selected on the FCU.
ADR 1, IR 1 and FCU 1.
ADR 2, IR 2, FCU 2.
ILS stands for?
Localiser need to be accurate from which distance and degrees from the runway threshold? 3.
Glideslopes best accuracy?
Instrument landing system. Two beams, 150HZ and 90 HZ sends out.
25NM, +- 10 degrees.
18NM, +- 35 degrees.
10NM, +-90 degrees.
10NM, +- 8 degrees.
What is the centre of pressure CP?
What happens if we have the CG in front of the CP?
How can the aircraft fly straight then? Direction of the lift force?
How does the little wing at the THS be able for the nose up and nose down movements?
If the CP is in front of the CG?
Where all the lift are going to act. Directed upwards.
The nose will pitch down.
We have the horizontal stabilizer = THS = like a wing, produces lift but with downpointing force. It will counter act for this movement. We set a THS tex. 1.6 DN = the stabilizer will counteract this movement.
Because it has a larger momentum = arm to the CG than the CP which has a short arm.
The nose will pitch up. We set a nose up on THS tex. 1.2 UP to counteract this.
Why do we take off without packs? 2.
If we use the packs, the engine will work harder to deliver the bleed air to the packs = N1 will increase (idle speed). If we take off without the packs, we can get more thrust available from the engines because the engines don´t deliver any bleed air to the packs.
It also saves fuel because with the packs on = engines need to work harder to deliver the same amount of power = more fuel burn.
What is optimum altitude?
What is the optimum altitude based on? 2
Altitude for maximum distance per kilogram of fuel. The engines are running at the most efficient RPM and the airspeed allows the airplane to fly at a AOA that gives the best range.
Based on the weight of the aircraft and the temperature. Decreasing weight due to fuel burn = optimum altitude will rise.
If it is cold, it will also rise.
How does a wing work?
According to Bernoullis principe?
The wind will go both on the top and on the bottom of the wing and they will meat each other on the trailing edge simultaneosly. The wind on the top needs to go farther = it must go faster because of the shape than the wind that goes below the wing which is straight.
The faster air has less pressure than the slow air below the wing which has a high pressure = this pressure difference cause an upward force = lift.
What is green dot speed?
Can we fly it with two engines?
When do we see the green dot on PFD?
Engine out operating speed in clean configuration. Highest climb gradient with one engine out. It is the speed witch gives the least drag and most lift.
Yes, because it is the speed which gives the least drag and most lift = Best lift over drag.
We need to be in clean configuration to see it.
How many FAC computers do we have?
From where does the FAC gets its information from/what send orders to the FAC when the AP is engaged?
What does the FAC control on the PFD?
FAC 1/2 display the information on PFD number?
FAC computes the speeds on the PFD based on?
We have 2 FAC computers.
From the FMGC.
All the speed scales on the PFD (VMO/MMO, S speed, F speed, green dot, VFE next, VLS etc.) + speed trend + all the warnings like speed speed speed etc.
FAC 1 = PFD 1. FAC 2 = PFD 2.
Based on the grossweight inserted on the FMGC (ZFW+block fuel) inserted.
Who has priority between V/S(FPA) guidance and speed guidance?
V/S (FPA) has priority = If selected V/S or FPA is to high relative to the speed = the aircraft will be steered to the target V/S or FPA = aircraft will accelerate or deccelerate to achieve this because of the priority.
What does the ADR it provide? 5-6
Airspeed, mach, altitude, AOA, temperature, overspeed warnings
What does IR provide? 7.
What is it?
Attitude, track, heading, acceleration, aircraft position, ground speed, flight path vector.
Not a computer. IR are comprised of an laser gyro and accelerometers (accelerations in 3 dimensions) sense the aircrafts motion due to earths rotation (15 degree/h).
NDB, what do we do with the head and tail?
What does the arrow show us on ND?
How should the arrow point when we are flying outbound? Inbound?
We push the head, and pull the tail.
Shows us the direction of the NDB so we turn towards it and then we check the entry.
Outbound = we should have the tail on the top.
Inbound = We should have the head on the top.
How can we visualize the entry?
We draw the holding on our ND from mind. Put heading towards the NDB, drag the OUTBOUND line from the NDB and then R turns from the NDB. Then check it´s easy to see the entry.
Frequency for NL RWY 21?
What is the inbound and outbound courses from NL RWY 21?
When do we start our turn?
How many degrees do we turn with?
Inbound 203 and Outbound 023.
When the NDB nail has turned.
25 degrees.
When should we start timing?
What can we do with the heading when we are outbound?
When do we turn inbound?
When we are abeam the NDB or when we are wings level whichever occurs latest.
We can set the next heading which is the inbound = 203.
On distance 12 LAV.
On which entries can we descend to 2500 when cleared for approach before we pass the NL for the first time? When can´t we descend to 2500ft?
If we do paralell and direct from north west we can descend to 2500ft before. If we do offset or direct from north east = we can not descend because MSA is 3200ft.
What is the pitch we should hold to be wings level?
Which pitch should we have when we descending on approach?
Around 5 degrees.
Around 2.5 degrees.
What is QDM and what is QDR?
Does it care about your heading?
If we want to determine where we are relative to the NDB NL, how can we see it?
QDM = relative bearing TO the station.
QDR = relative bearing FROM the station.
No, doesn´t matter where your aircraft is heading.
We can check the tail of the arrow which will show us our QDR (our radial) and the DME distance.
How do we know how much VS we should descend with on NDB and ILS approach?
GS times 5. So if GS = 150 = 750ft/min.
If LOC on your left side, in which direction should we start our turn when localiser is moving?
We should start slowly to turn to the right, we can also see it on our ND on which direction we are flying and also if we have the runway on our left or right side.
When we configure with flaps etc, what should we think about?
We will get balooning so we should pitch down little bit after every configuration.
We get an offset entry. Outbound is 023. We fly heading 330. How do we fly?
Offset = outbound -30 which means that when we pass the NDB we should turn right to 353 and time 1 minute plus minus the wind. After 1 min we turn right to inbound 203. When we pass the NDB we turn outbound to 023 and here we can descend to 2500ft when cleared for approach, do the approach checklist to the line and take flaps 5 and speed 170kt (thrust 60%). When we have D12 LAV = We turn right to the inbound which is 203. PM say Established on QDM, we take gear down, flaps 15, speed 150 (thrust 63%) PM answers Gear down selected, flaps 15, speed 150, gear down and locked. 1-2NM from FAF = Flaps 30, speed 135, complete checklist. (thrust 50%).
We fly direct entry which heading 250. What do we do?
We pass the fix, turn right to outbound 023, when cleared for approach we descend to 2500ft, do the approach checklist to the line and configure flaps 5, speed 170 (thrust 60%).
After D12 LAV we turn inbound 203 and we start our approach. We don´t need to take extra racetrack like the offset/paralell entry.
What is Cabin differential pressure DELTA P?
Controlled by the?
How much is Delta P during ground and what happens with it during climb?
The difference between the pressure inside the cabin and the pressure outside the cabin.
By the outflow valve.
Ground = 0. During climb it increases because the difference increases.
The cabin V/S will flash green and amber when?
The cabin altitude will flash green and red above?
The cabin V/S will flash green if the cabin V/S is higher than 1750ft/min and amber if it is above 2000ft/min.
Green above 8800ft and red above 9550ft.
Which three areas does the avionic system provide cooling air to?
Avionics compartment, flight instruments and the circuit breakers.
The pilots put in info via the two MCDU´s and the FCU, what does the FMGC do then?
FMGC sends commands to the autothrust system. How many channels to the auto thrust system has? Which channel will be used?
What does the FMGC 1 and FMGC2 provides information to?
Provides outputs to flight control computers (pitch, roll, yaw) + auto thrust system and EFIS.
2 channels. Depending on which FMGC is master, the associated channel will be used.
FMGC1 provides information to FD1 and AP1. FMGC2 provides information to FD2 and AP2.
1: What does IDG stands for? How many do we have? Common housing?
What are the CSD´s function? Which is required for?
Integrated drive generators, we have 2 IDG.
They have 1 constant speed drive CSD and 1 generator in a common housing = 1CSD + 1 generator = 1 IDG.
The CSD provides constant input speed to the generator which is required for constant output frequency.
Each generator supplies AC to its own bus = GEN 1 to AC BUS 1 and GEN 2 to AC BUS 2.
The AC 1 and AC 2 bus then transforms it to it´s own transformer rectifier TR. AC BUS 1 to TR 1 and AC bus 2 to TR 2.
The TRs convert 115V AC into 28V DC to supply their associated DC buses, DC 1 and DC 2 and with a rate of 200 A.
DC1 feeds the DC BAT BUS.
The DC BAT bus can charge the batteries or receive power from the batteries as a backup supply if no other power supply is available via the static inverter.
How many generators do we have in the AIRBUS?
How many engine driven generators do we have?
What are the generators function?
How much electricity can each generator supply? Power/frequency
Which generators have priority over each other?
4 (GEN 1, GEN 2, EMER GEN and APU GEN)
2, GEN 1 and GEN 2.
To produce electricity (AC).
Up to 90kVA of power at 115 volts and a constant frequency of 400HZ.
Engine driven generator 1 and 2 have priority over the APU generator and the external power. External power has priority over the APU generator when it is on.
How many batteries do we have? Power and capacity of them.
The electrical system also includes two essential buses? What do they do?
What is the essential TR? ESS TR
2, each with 24v and a capacity of 23AH.
AC ESS bus feed by AC BUS 1 and DC ESS bus feed by DC BUS 1. They are extra in case of emergency when both AC 1 and AC 2 is lost.
A backup TR wich converts 115V AC into 28V DC.
When the engines are running, each generator supplies?
We start ENG 2 first, what does it supply?
What supply the AC 1?
What happens on the GEN 1 and 2 on the overhead once engines are started?
What happens to the APU GEN when APU is running on the Ecam ELEC page once both engines have started?
What happens when APU is switched off?
It´s side. GEN 1 = AC 1, GEN 2 = AC 2.
It supply AC 2.
APU GEN supply AC 1 until we start engine 1.
The FAULT light disappears.
It is still indicated there, but with 0% load. The engine generators have priority over the APU.
Only the white APU GEN is on the ELEC page, without values.
When does the RAT extends automatically?
During RAT extension and emergency generator coupling (8s), what powers the emergency systems?
When both AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are lost and speed is above 100kt.
The batteries.
What type of fire extinguishers do we have onboard and how many?
During Walkaround we check the fire bottle indicator on APU, if it is red it means?Do we have this indications on the engine?
Halon or Hafex, 1 in flight deck on F/O side and 4 in the cabin.
The fire bottle has not been discharged.Not on the engines, only shows were they are located.
Flybywire: The cables and pulleys have been replaced by: We save weight and fuel.
Describe the system.
The flight controls on the Flybywire are: 5
Electrical wires.
Via the electrical wires, a signal is sent to the flight control computers. They analyze the signal to check if it is a safe command before transferring it to the surface hydraulic actuators named servo controls.
Ailerons, elevators, Trimmable horizontal stabilizer for pitch trim THS, rudder, ground spoilers/speed brakes
How many computers are the flight controls surfaces managed with?
Name and amount of them.
Which computer is this? Normal pitch and roll, alternate pitch, direct pitch and roll, abnormal
Which computer is this? Normal roll, speed brakes and spoilers, alternate pitch, direct pitch and roll, abnormal attitude
Which computer is this? Normal roll, rudder trim, rudder travel limit, alternate yaw
When FAC 1+2 fails, which law do we get?
2 ELAC (elevator and aileron computers)
3 SEC (spoiler and elevator computer)
2 FAC (Flight augumentation computers)
Direct law.
How many slats to we have on each leading edge?
How many flaps do we have on each trailing edge? The flaps on A321?
How is the slats and flaps actuated?
How many SFCC Slat flap control computers electrically controlls the slats and flaps?
5 slats.
2 flaps on each trailing edge. Double slotted flaps.
Hydraucally. 2 SFCC´s (monitor the flaps and slat operation). It has 2 channels each, one for flaps and one for slats.
How does the normal law protect the aircraft? 4
How does the load factor prevents structural overstress?
In clean configuration, between which g?Othan than clean config, between which g?
Maximum bank angle? The flight directors on the PFD dissapear if the angle of bank exceed?
Load factor limitation, pitch attitude protection, high AOA protection, high speed protection
It limits control surface deflections through the flight control computers.
+2,5g to -1g
+2,0g to 0g
67 degrees.45 degrees.
If autothrust is engaged, the speed goes maximum to?
If autothrust is not engaged? What will the flight computers do?
Can the speed drops below Valpha prot?
When do we get the Alpha Floor on PFD?
To the VLS, lowest speed with autothrust engaged.
Speed can reduce to the first level of AOA protection, VALPHA PROT. The computers will maintain this speed.
Yes, if the pilots override Valpha prot using side stick it goes to Valpha max. Impossible to get below this.
When we reach the Valpha MAX.
When do we get TOGA LOCK in the FMA?
How do we go out from TOGA LOCK?
After we pass VLS, and we were previously on the Alpha FLOOR.
We disconnects the A/THR from the two buttons, we set the speed to the dot and wait to the speed to increase to the target speed. Then we connect the A/THR again.
Where is the overpressure protector located? Where is it visible?
What happens if we get overpressure in the tank?
We check this cross during walkaround, if no white crosses are avaiable, it may indicate?
In the vent surge of the inner and outer tank. Visible at the lower surface of the wing with a white cross.
The white cross will burst and the white cross is no longer visible.
Tank venting system malfunction.
During engine start, which hydraulic systems starts to operate in sequence?
How much does the pumps pressurize the hydraulic systems with?
The green system is pressurized with what?
The yellow hydraulic system is pressurized with what?
The blue hydraulic system is pressurized with what?
First the yellow system (ENG 2 starts first), then the blue system (at the end of the ENG 2 start) and finally the green system (ENG 1 starts)
Each hydraulic system is pressurized by 3000psi.
By the ENG 1 driven pump = engine 1 must be running.
By the ENG 2 driven pump = when engine 2 are running or backup, an electric pump = can be pressurized on ground when engine = off. We also have a hand pump = operate cargo doors when no electrical power is available (not shown on the HYD ECAM page).
By an electric pump or by the RAT if the electric pump fails/emergency = 2500PSI.
The anti-ice protection is supplied by either hot air, electrical heating or bleed air in the engines.
Hot air is taken from the pneumatic system. What does hot air protect?
What does electrical heating protects? 4
The anti-ice protection is supplied by either hot air, electrical heating or bleed air in the engines.
Hot air is taken from the pneumatic system. What does hot air protect?
What does electrical heating protects? 4
Three leading edge outboard slats of each wing. (WING ANTI-ICE button)
Windows, sensors, pitot probes, static ports.
How is the engine air intakes anti-iced?
It is through bleed air from the engines HP compressor. Air is supplied through a two position (open and closed) Engine Anti-ice valve that the flight crew controls from the overhead.
Wipers maximum operating speed is?
When do we use the RAIN RPLNT spray?
230 kt.
In moderate to heavy rain.
Wing anti ice system. How is the hot air supplied to the three outboard slats on the wings?
What controls the valves?
What happens with the EPR and the N1 when it is selected?
Supplied through one valve in each wing.
Wing ANTI ICE pushbutton on the overhead. ON = valve opens and it supplies the wings.
It decrease.
On the ND, wind direction and speed is provided by the? It is referenced to?
In all rose modes + ARC, the yellow aircraft is pointing in the direction of the acutal aircrafts x?
The ADIRS. Referenced to true north.
How is the gears controlled and operated?
What is the main landing gears equipped with (brakes and why) ? 4
The nose wheel is equipped with?
Electrically controlled and hydraucally operated.
Carbon brakes for efficient braking during high temperatures
Anti-skid system (A/SKID)
Automatic braking system (AUTO/BRK)
Tire pressure indicating system (TPIS)
Nose wheel steering system.
How is normal braking operating?
Wheen brake pedals is pressed, it activates the BSCU which sends signals to open the normal selector valve and from there the signal goes to the brakes through green hydraulic pressure.
LO = braking after? deceleration rate?
MED = braking after? deceleration rate?
MAX= braking after? deceleration rate?
LO = braking after 4s, provides deceleleration rate of 2m/s.
MED = braking after 2s, provides deceleration rate of 3m/s.
MAX = immediate braking with maximum deceleration rate (only during TOF)
What supplys the ADIRU´s?
What does the ADIRU 1 supply?
What does ADIRU 2 supply?
What does ADIRU 3 do?
What does the ADR receive information from? 4
The batteries.
Supplies Captains PFD/ND
Supplies first officers PFD/ND
Backup, might be used on either side from the pedestal panel.
Receive information from static, AOA, PITOT and TAT and the aircraft sensors.
How many GPS receivers do we have?
GPS contains how many satellites and in how many orbital planes?
The GPS 1 and 2 receiver supplies?
We have 2 receivers on the top of the fuselage.
24 satellites orbiting in 6 orbital planes.
GPS 1 supplies ADIRU 1 and ADIRU 3, the GPS 2 supplies ADIRU 2.
How many weather radars do we have and what is the function of them?
How many degrees can it detect horizontally?
How many degrees can it detect vertically?
The weather appears on the ND depending on the reflectivity (density) of the water droplets. What does the colours represents? Black, green, yellow, red and magenta?
We have two weather radar to detect severe weather displayed on the ND. We use system 1.
+- 80 degrees.
+-15 degrees.
Black = nothing. It is good.
Yellow = Snow, hail, wet snow
RED = Rain, wet hail.
Through what does the pneumatic system gets the high pressure? 3 things.
What is the pneumatic system used to? 5
What is the external HP air used for?
What is the APU used for?
ENGINES, APU or from external HP ground connection (air starter unit)
Air conditioning, engine starting, wing anti-icing (not available with APU bleed), water pressurization, HYD reservoir pressurization.
To start the main engines if the APU is unable.
For air conditioning or to start the engines on ground.
The pneumatic system is controlled by two computers called? They are connected do?
What is their function?
If one BMC becomes inoperative?
Bleed air monitoring computers BMC´s. BMC 1 to engine 1 and BMC 2 to engine 2. They are also interconnected and they receive information about the other bleed system.
They automate and monitor the operation of each of the pneumatic system by regulating the bleed air temp, pressure and selecting which compressor stage to be used.
For air conditioning and pressurization the APU BLEED may only able to provide enough BLEED AIR up to an altitude of?
The APU is automatically started, controlled and monitored by?
We start the APU by pushing the APU START pustbuttons. Explain the process.
By it´s own computer ECB (electronic control box). The ECB becomes energized when the APU MASTER switch is pressed. It makes a self power-up test, opens the inlet flap, fuel isolation valve opens and APU fuel pump starts to operate to supply fuel to the APU (when on batteries only), otherwise L tank pumps.
The intake flaps opens and air is supplied to the APU´s compressor inlet. From there the air is compressed and goes to the combustion chamber where the air is mixed with fuel coming from the left tanks. The air then goes to the turbine and out from the exhaust port.
Which engines does the ceo aircrafts have?
Which engines does the neo aircrafts have?
Difference? 2
2 International aero engines V2500-A5 turbo fan engines.
Pratt and Whitney GTF PW1100G
The engines on NEO has 20% lower maintanence costs and burn 16% less fuel
At first, airflow enters the engine via the fans. What happens? 5 stages
How can we increase the exhaust force?
- The fan/LP compressor is accelerating and sucking in the air either to the HP compressor and getting compressed(rotor blades) or to the outer channel. Air is divided into two flows. Most of the air flows out of the core engine (80%) and provides most of the engine thurst.
- The remaining air enters the core engine, which is compressed by the HP compressor.
- The compressed air goes in to the combustion chamber and fuel is added and mixed with the compressed air. The mixture is ignited in the combustion chamber.
- The outflow gas that results from combustion drives the HP and LP turbines.
- The air blows out of the nozzle at higher velocity than the air was taking in = pushes the aircraft forward. Newtons 3d law.
We must increase the exhaust velocity or we need to get more air through the engine.
What does the combustion chamber has and what happens in the combustion chamber?
What controls the fuel/air mixture there, in accordance with?
The combustion chamber is an annular assembly with fuel nozzles and how many igniters?
Equipped with 2 igniters, A and B. It burns a mixture of fuel and HP air.
FADEC controls the fuel/air mixture in accordence with the position of the thrust lever and the aircraft operating conditions
2 igniters. (A and B)
What is TOGA?
What is MCT and FLX?
TOGA = maximum thrust available from the engine at the actual OAT.
MCT = maximum continuous thrust. Used for single engine operations.
FLX = Flexible take off detent. Used for reduced thrust at TOF. We trick the engine. To achieve the thrust reduction an assumed high temperature (FLEX) is used. This means the engines will perform as if the TOF was made at full power with the OAT at the FLEX value. Result is that the actual TOF thrust is reduced = we get a long engine life. We can read the value to the right of the MAX EPR value on E/WD.
This is the EPR. What is it?
What is EGT?
EPR = Turbine discharge pressure / compressor inlet pressure.
Exhaust gas temperature. The temperature of the turbine exhaust gases as they leave the turbine.
This is the EPR. What is it?
What is EGT?
EPR = Turbine discharge pressure / compressor inlet pressure.
Exhaust gas temperature. The temperature of the turbine exhaust gases as they leave the turbine.
As per regulation, the computation of the headwind and the tailwind is?
What is the takeoff part of the flight?
What is the factorized landing distance (F-LD)?
150% of the entered tailwind and 50% of the entered headwind.
Screen height(35ft=wet/contaminated=15ft), Distance from the brakes are released until it reaches a defined height of 35ft/15ft.
In flight landing distance multiplied by a margin set by the operator. (15%)
How many more passengers flew with SAS under det här kvartalet jämfört med förra året?
36% more.
What did DSV and Sundsvall kommun do?
What did SAS launch in the beginning of April?
SAS aims to use fossil free fuel by?
They agreed that from now they are only going to buy bio fuel when they travel with SAS.
Two ticket types that include bio fuel = 50% bio fuel to reduce the CO2 emissions.
BY 2030.
What can you tell us about the medical evacuation?
How many is evacuated?
SAS has provided aircrafts for the evacuation of wounded and critically patients from Ukraine since the invasion started 2022. SAS has converted a 737 to into a hospital evacuation aircraft which takes war victims from Poland to hospitals across the Europe.
Over 1000 victims has been evacuated using the SAS aircraft.
What is chapter 11?
This process will provide SAS with legal tools to strengthen its financial position and accelerate work with SAS FORWARD, while the airline is able to continue airline operational as normal.
How many NEO and 321 XLR do SAS have?
How many 330?
How many 350?
What did they order 2018?
SAS has XX additional Airbus A320neo on order to be delivered by ?.
320neo = 56st
321LR = 3st
330 = 8st
350 = 6st
50 new A320 NEO aircrafts to create a single-type fleet.
24 additional aircrafts by 2025.
Engines on the 320 neo?
Which type of engine is it?
Which is better, CFM LEAP1A or the PW1100G?
CFM Leap 1A
High bypass turbofan engine. Works as International Aero V2500 and the Pratt and Whitney PW1100G.
History shows that PW1100G has much more problems so a lot of the airlines buy the CFM LEAP engines instead of the PW1100G.
When did they start SAS?
What happened 1954?
How many jobs does SAS create in Scandinavia?
1 August 1946 by three governments of Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
SAS is worlds first airline to fly Copenhagen-New York.
20000 jobs (catering, maintenence, fuel handling etc.)
Cabin crew from SAS in Sweden are being educated?
What did the SAS cabin crews do in Norway during the Corona?
What more are the SAS empoyees educated in?
What about stranded scandinavian passengers?
What did 7 SAS pilots do druing Corona?
By Sophiahemmet to help in the healthcare sector when needed.
Temporary laid-off SAS crew helped with the healthcare sector.
Together with the English international school, they are trained to voluntairly work as teachers in elementery schools in English.
SAS has flown over 290 passengers who was stranded in PERU back to Scandinavia and 210 passengers from LIMA. They are helping to bring back Scandinavian citiziens when needed.
They landed at Arlanda with Corona tests from Hong Kong.
2030 SUSTAINABILITY GOALS: Amount in procent.
Noise reduction
Substainable materials
25% lower CO2 emissions compared with 2005 (absolute emissions)
17% biofuel used - equivalent to the SAS domestic production
50% noise reduction compared with 2010
100% sustainable materials in the SAS customer offering
100% recycling where possible
Engine Failure after V1.
- Use the rudder to center the aircraft on centerline.
- Climb with 12.5 degrees of pitch. TOGA if needed.
- PM calls: Positive climb = PF responds gear up. PM says gear up, cancels master caution and say the title of the failure.
- PF starts to trim the rudder so the ball is centered.
- PF will get NAV on FMA = Says pull heading and connects the autopilot.
- 400ft RA = My controls, my communication, confirm failure.
- Mayday X3, engine failure, standby.
- PM confirms the failure and checks the ECAM and overhead. Check if it´s damage or not.
- PF = ECAM actions.
THR LEVER 1 idle -> PF: THR LEVER 1 idle confirm? PM: confirmed -> PF: IDLE.
PM: ENG master 1 off, confirm? -> PF: Confirmed. PM: OFF.
PM: ENG 1 fire push button push, confirm? -> PF: Confirmed, PM; pushed.
PM: Agent 1 discharge = discharged.
Fire extinguishers and PM says “Engine is secured” - At Engine out acceleration altitude or engine secured, whichever is later = STOP ECAM.
- Push to level off. COnfigure flaps 0 above S-speed.
- Set altitude you are going to climb to (MSA) and pull the altitude so you climb with OPEN CLIMB when green dot is reached.
- PF = Report intentions to tower.
- PF = Continue ECAM.
What is your strengths?
Understand the value in?
Mathematical, problem solving, communication and decision making. I understand
the value in time management, clear communication and teamwork. My adaptability allows me to
work in many different environments and situations and take correct decisions under time pressure.