SAS mod 3 Flashcards
complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society
Culture (Tyler, 1870)
a fuzzy set of basic assumptions and values, orientations to life, beliefs, policies, procedures and behavioural conventions that are shared by a group of people, and that influence (but do not determine) each member’s behaviour and his/her interpretations of the ‘meaning’ ofother people’s behaviour
Culture (Spencer-Oatey, 2008)
Culture is ______
associated with social groups
Cultural knowledge include (5)
- attitudes
- perceptions of reality
- standards of morality
- notions of the proper way to live
- belief systems (Kottack, 2006)
include how people act in situations and how they conduct themselves amidst other people, including what they do when experiencing emotions (Kottack, 2006).
Cultural behavior
all the natural and human-created objects to which people have attached meaning (Ferrante, 2011)
Material Culture
non-physical things such as ideas, values, beliefs, and rules that shape a culture.
Nonmaterial Culture
“both a conscious and an unconscious conditioning process where a man, as child and adult, achieves competence in his culture, internalizes his culture and becomes thoroughly enculturated (Adamson Hoebel)“
Through enculturation, _________ which accounts for people thinking and acting in certain ways that might be __________.
people share experiences, beliefs, and values; considered characteristics of that group
According to Margaret Mead (1963), it is a process distinct from socialization in that enculturation refers to the actual process of cultural learning with a specific culture
personality is obtained from culture
Franz Boas
Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict, believe that culture _______
shapes a person’s personality
The assumption is that people who were brought up in the same culture have ______
common personality traits
A person’s concept of self-esteem also corresponds to the _______
value priorities of a cultural context
the process of learning the society’s culture that new members of a society go through (Eitzen & Zinn, 1991)
learning process that transforms a new member of a society into someone who knows how to live with others in that society
While becoming a part of a culture, the individual members also assumes a member a _________
sense of self or identity
Socialization is a ____________, as throughout the life course, a person has to learn __________
womb-to-tomb (lifelong process); socially approved and culturally appropriate behavioural expectations.
enables us to see how general patterns in society are manifested by the individual members.
Each individual is a ______
“micro” representation of society and culture.
It emerges through socialization
The social self
Socialization, from the point of view of society: to make the new individual members __________; to teach new members how to ___________
“similar” to or like the other members; become what society sees as acceptable
Socialization, from the point of view of the individual: _________
to have a sense of self, an identity
“a sense of group affiliation based on a distinct heritage or worldview as a people” (Miller, 2005)
According to Eitzen & Zinn, 1991, ethnicity is
“the condition of being culturally rather than physically distinctive”
According to ________, ethnicity is a “shared cultural heritage
(Macionis, 2010)
People who share, believe they share, or are believed by others to share a national origin; a common ancestry; a place of birth; distinctive concrete social traits (such as religious practices, style of dress, body adornments, or language); or socially important physical characteristics (such as skin color, hair texture, body structure) (Ferrante, 2011)
Indicator of identity
Socially ascribed status
subsumed under membership in a particular subcultural group (i.e. Being a Filipino vs being a Waray)
ethnic identity
Belonging to an ethnic group means belonging to a _______
culture that is shared by most people within a large society.
Dominant/ Mainstream Culture
Groups that share in some parts of the dominant culture but have their own distinctive values, norms, beliefs, symbols, language, or material culture (Ferrante, 2011).