SARON Flashcards
What is the recency requirement of the IFR rating ?
Has passed the flight test within the 12 months / After 12 months : must have 6 hours of IFR, with 6 approaches to the minima within the 6 months.
On what depends mainly the longitudinal stability ?
What about the lateral stability ?
The size and the position of the horizontal stabilizer.
On the Dihedral angle of the wings and the sweep back angle of the wings.
What happens across a shock wave ?
What is the relation between the Mach, TAS and Speed of Sound ( SOS ) ?
What is the only factor that affects the speed of sound ?
What happens during a constant descent ( constant TAS) ?
- Across a shock wave the pressure rises, temperature rises and velocity decreases.
- Mach = TAS /SOS.
- SOS = 39 * sqrt ( 273 + T°C). The Speed of Sound in the air varies only with the temperature.
-During descent, for a constant TAS, IAS will increase and M will decrease.
What is the critical mach number ?
What is the advantage of a swept wing over a straight wing ? worst disadvantage of the sweptback wing ?
- The Critical Mach Number of a wing is the highest possible airplane Mach without achieving supersonic flow over any part of the aircraft.
- The main advantage of a swept wing over a straight wing is that its Critical Mach Number is higher.
- Dutch Roll is the worst disadvantage of a sweptback wing.
For what is used the Engine Pressure Ratio ?
What is the advantage of the Axial flow compressor over the Centrifugal flow compressor?
What is a compressor stall ?
The role of the bleed valves ?
The role of the diffuser ?
- The EPR is used to measure the thrust in a turbojet.
- Axial flow compressors have a relatively small frontal area.
- Compressor stall is an unstable condition in the compressor where ITT increases and power decreases.
- The bleed valves are used to minimize the surge tendency of a compressor.
- The diffuser deccelerate the speed and increase the pressure.
What is the Free Turbine ?
The Beta Range ?
A Free Turbine is a turbine that is independent of the compressor-drive turbine.
In the Beta Range propeller pitch and fuel flow varies with throttle position.
How is represented a great circle on a polar gnomonic chart ?
It is a straight line.
What is the illusion that we have on the attitude indicator when we suddenly accelerate ?
How does the slaved gyro magnetic compass minimizes the turning errors ?
- On go around we have a false pitch up indication.
- Through a directional gyro unit slaved to a remote compass transmitter
What are the illusions where you feel higher than you really are ?
What is the illusion when there is heavy wind and you fly from downwind to base ?
When there is a narrow runway, an upslope runway, rain on windshiled and also by night with the black hole approach.
From downwind to base you have the illusions that the IAS decreases and you skid.
How long should you wait to go to fly after having :
Scuba dived ?
Undergone a local anethetic ?
Donated blood
At 6000 ft ASL what is the effect of 1 drink ?
Scuba Dive : 24 hours
Local Aenesthetic : 24 hours
Blood Donation : 48 hours
At 6000 ft ASL , the effect of 1 drink is equivalent to 2 drinks at sea level.
What is V1 ( change of weight ) ? V2 ( from a handling prospective) ?
V1 is the Critical engine failure recognigtion speed / decision speed. If the weight of the aircraft increases then V1 increases.
V2 is takeoff safety speed that must be attained at 35 ft over the end of therequired runway distance.
The lowest speed at which the aeroplane complies with the handling criteria associated with the climb after take off following engine failure.
What is Vra and Vb ?
Vra is the recommended speed in turbulent conditions.
Vb is the speed for maximum gust intensity.
What is the take off distance ( TOD )?
What is the balanced field ?
The greater of 115% of the all-engine operating distance to 35 feet or the total distance to 35 feet considering an engine failure at V1.
The balanced field is when the TOD to 35 feet = Acceleration Stop Distance Available
As the weight of the aircraft decreases, what should you do to save fuel ?
What is the Specific Ground Range (SGR) ?
What is the Specific Air Range (SAR) ?
Decrease power and IAS
SGR = Groundspeed/Fuel flow
SAR = TAS/Fuel flow
What is the low speed buffet ?
What is the high speed buffet ?
Low speed buffet : when the airplane is approaching the stall.
High speed buffet : is associated with a shock movement ( related to the growth of shock waves on the wing ).
What do we have to do when we encounter a headwind shearing to calm wind ?
What happens in a Downdraft shear if we don’t act quickly ?
From 40 kts headwind to 5 Kts headwind we have to increase the power and then decrease the power.
Downdraft shear : Without action of the pilot, the angle of attack will decrease wich will in turn decreases lift and plane will sinks rapidly.
What is Dynamic Hydroplaning ?
Viscous hydroplaning ?
Reverted-rubber hydroplaning ?
- Dynamic hydroplaning : When the depth of the water exceeds the depth of the thread of the tire.
- Viscous hydroplaning : Because of the viscous properties of the water, will occur in landing.
- Reverted rubber hydroplaning : The reverted rubber acts as a seal between the tire and the runway and the water is trapped. It will heat and be converted to steam so that the steam supports the tire off the pavement.
The ECG has to be done at which frequency over 40 ?
If you are over 40 and you want to pilot planes with passengers what is the frequency of the medical exam ?
12 months for ECG
6 months
In which case the flight attendants are not required ?
- The aeroplane has 13 to 19 passengers on board .
- 2 pilots onboard
- passenger cabin accessible from the flight deck.
- flight crew are able to exercise supervision over the passengers ( visual and aural means ).
Are foreign AD ( Airworthiness Directives ) applicables to aircraft registered in Canada ?
What is the role of the TSB ?
What is a sign that a control lock is engaged in a plane ?
Yes ADs are reviewed by TC.
The role is to advance transportation safety. TSB doe not assign the blame.
There is an”unmistakable warning” to show that flight control lock is engaged.
What is the ETOPS requirements ?
What is the requirement for transport cateegory aircraft flying over water ?
What is the fuel requirement of tubo-jet powered plane ? (in IFR )
What is the fuel requirement of prop powered plane ?
- A Two-engine transport category plane must not operate farther than 60 min at the one-engine-inoperative cruise speed.
- They can fly up to 400 nm from the shore or 120 min from the shore at cruising speed.
- Approach, Missed Approach, go to alternate, land and then HOLD for 30 min.
- A fuel reserve of 30 min at cruise speed for day-vfr flights and 45 min at cruise speed for night or IFR flights.
What is the minimum fuel advisory ?
It is not an emergency situation and you don’t have ATC traffic priority. Plus you must remind each new controller that you are in a minimum fuel condition.
As opposed to MAYDAY FUEL that is considered as an emergency.
What is an Outflow valve ?
What is a Negative pressure valve ?
Outflow : A valve that regulate the cabin pressure.
Negative : A pressure valve that prevents outside pressure to be more than the inside pressure.
What is the Southern Canadian Airspace ( SCA ) ?
the Northern Canadian Airspace (NCA) ? the Artic Canadian Airspace ( ACA ) ?
In what class of airspace are you if you cross the nothern limit of SDA northbound at 16000 and climb to FL190 ? What frequency sould you tune
What is the class A airspace ?
Class B ?
What happens to Class C airspace when the ATC unit is not in operation ?
- SCA : 18000 ft and above
- NCA : FL230 and above
- ACA : FL270 and above
- In class G under NCA. 126.7
- Class A : High level controlled airspace up to FL600. (Transponder Mode A/C)
- Class B : Above 12500 feet up to but not including 18000 feet ( low level controlled airspace or at and above the MEA )
- It becomes a class E
What is a CYR ?
What is CYA ?
What class is an Air Route ?
Class F restricted, you need the permission from the user agency. Class F Advisory, VFR aircraft are encouraged to avoid this area. An Air Route is class G.
What are the boundaries of the NAT MNPSA airspace ?
What is the min lateral separation in MNPSA airspace ?
The RVSM Airspace boundaries ?
What are the operative equipments that you should have to enter the RVSM ?
What happens if the equipment fails ?
- MNPSA vertical boundaries is between FL 285 and FL420.
- 60 nm
- RVSM Airspace = FL290 to FL410
- Equipments needed : 2 independent altitude measurements systems ( altimeters) , 1 automtic altitude control system ( auto pilot ) and 1 altitude alert system.
- In the event of a failure of those equipments a new clearance should be requested to avoid RVSM airspace.
What an ATC clearance take into account ?
What are the SVFR minimums ?
What is the frequency when there is no UNICOM at the airport ?
All known traffic.
1 SM flight visibility, Clear of clouds but it’s pilot’s responsability to avoid obstacles.
What are the Land and Hold Short Operations ?
To be able to land and hold short when an intersected runway is used those requirements must be met :
- Tailwind of less than 5 Kts is acceptable on both dry and wet runway operation
- If unsure of being able to comply with a hold-short clearance, the pilot must advise ATC immediately of the non acceptance of the clearance.
- Hold 200 ft short of the nearest edge of the runway.
What is the minimum altitude when flying IFR in mountainous regions ?
What we should do if we encounter cold dry air masses with barometric pressures in excess of 31.00 inHg ?
Altitude = MEA/MOCA +1000 ft.
In case of cold dry air, Increase the ceiling requirement by 100 feet and visibility requirements by 1/4 SM for each 1/10 inch of mercury over 31.00 inHg.
What are vortex generators ?
When can the tail plane stall occcurs ?
What is the state of equilibrium on the plane ?
Vortex generators are small fins on the wing that re-energizes the boundary layer by mixing high speed/high energy air above the boundary layer beneath.
A tail plane stall can occur at relatively high speeds, well above the 1G stall speed.
State of equilibrium : When the lift component is perpendicular to the flight path.
What is a hung start condition in a turbine engine ?
What is an EICAS ?
How does work a float type fuel gauge ?
It’s a condition where the engine lights up but N1 does not increase to low idle.
An Engine Instruments and Crew Alerting System : it displays various engine parameters and is used in place of the annunciator panel.
It calculates the mass not corrected for temperature.
What is a Fire Detection Loop in an engine compartment ?
What happens when we fly trhough Volcanic Ashes ?
It’s a system where an electrical resistance of an insulator decreases when subjected to heat ( fire ).
The fire detector detects heat not smoke !
It can lead to powerplant failures.
What is an Anti-Skid system ?
What is the min runway length for Turbo-Jet ?
- A self adapting system that modulates brake pressure according to wheel-speed-rate-of-change.
- a turbo jet cannot take off unless the destination runway allow a full stop landing within 60% LDA.
What is the landing technique when crossing threshold with a high Vref ( 50 ft above the threshold ) ?
What is the wind shear recovery technique ?
- As soon as the main wheels are defintely on the ground, fly nosewheel onto the ground and then apply brake as required.
- If encountering windshear on rotation, use max take off thrust, rotate to 15° initially ( the angle of attack may have to be increased ) and respect the stick-shaker and stall warning.
What is the impact of icing of the upper surface of the wings ?
What are the type of De-icing and Anti-icing fluids ?
How is calculated the holdover time ?
- Having the thickness and roughness of sand paper it can reduce lift by 30 % and increase drag by 40 %.
- Type 1 fluids : De-icing spary / Type 2 and 4 : Anti-icing spray (it is applied cold ). Type 4 to be used when Vr > 100 kts ( fast enough ).
- The holdover time begins at the start of the final application of de-icing/anti-icing fluid and expires when the fluid is no longer effective.
What happens if the APU is unserviceable and you need to shut down the engine to go deice ?
What is aerodynamic heating ?
By how much should you avoid thunderstorms ?
The flight must be canceled.
At an airspeed of more than 500 kts ice will not collect. Aerodynamic heating is very ineffective in removing it.
By 10 nm when flying above freezing level ( and tops less than 30000 feet )
When do we have to do an audiogram ?
What happens when we experience an ear popping ?
What should we do if there is smoke in the cabin ?
- At the initial examination and at the first medical examination after age 55.
- It is the sign that the pressure is equalizing in the middle ear.
- An oxygen mask must be put on by the pilot and it should be set to 100% oxygen.
What is decompression sickness ?
What happens when we are exposed to carbon monoxyde ?
Can you fly if you are taking over-the-counter drugs ?
- It occurs when bubbles of nitrogen are forming in the tissues.
- It takes several days to fully recover from exposure.
- Unless cleared by an aviation medical examiner, pilots should not fly under influence of over-the-counter drugs.
How should you do if you have to interrupt a checklist ?
What happens when the pilot continues to destination despite bad weather ?
Take it in your hand with the numb on the last item until you can resume ( the best would be to restart from the beginning ).
The pilot tends to use any information to confirm the plan and discard information that counters the plan.
What is the whiteout ?
What is the impact of hypoxia on night vision ?
What are the best lights to use in the cockpit at night ?
What is the technique to see better in the dark ?
How log does it take to adapt to the darkness ?
- Whiteout occurs over an unbroken snow cover and beneath a uniformly overcast sky when the light from the sky is about equal to that from the snow surface.
- Hypoxia will reduce the sensitivity of the rods ( smoker’s vision is impaired above 5000 ft).
- Low level of white lights is better.
- You must try to look 10 to 15 degrees away from the object and use peripheral vision instead of looking straight at object.
- It takes eyes about 30 min to adapt fully to the dark.
What are the requirements of the ATPL License ?
What are the privileges of the ATPL Licence ?
Is it possible to be an IFR instructor if we just hold an ATPL Licence ?
What is the recency requirement to act as a flight crew member ?
- Age 21, No ground school required, 1500 TT, 250 PIC, 100 h X country ( min 25 hours night ), 100 h night, 75 h instruments ( max 25 h in sim). IFR on multi-engine.
- The holder of an ATPL may be the PIC of a plane that requires a min crew of 2 pilots to provide commercial air service.
- Yes with 500 h PIC, 100 h on the plane group ( Multi-engine) and 10 h on the plane type.
- To have completed at least 3 T/O and landings within the previous 90 days.
When the validity period of the medical is reduced to 6 months ?
Can you fly after having consuming alcohol ?
- If you are over 60 or over 40 and conducting single-pilot operation with passengers on board.
- You cannot fly within 12 hours after having drunk or if you are under influence of the alcohol. ( With just 1 drop of alcohol you need to wait 12 hours. Recommended: 24hours and if you have drunk a lot 48h.
Regarding icing, what are the critical surfaces ?
Can we take off when there is snow on the wings ?
What is the condition to take off if we can reasonably expect that there is frost snow or ice adhering to the aircarft ?
- The control surfaces, rotors, propellers, horizontal and vertical stabilizers and the upped fuselage in case of rear mounted engines.
- It is not allowed to take off in the case there is frost, ice or snow ADHERING to its critical surfaces.
- The aircaft must be inspected immediately prior to take off.
What are the airspeed limitations ?
What is the acceptable tolerance of speed when you are radar vectored ?
What is the max speed in an holding pattern ?
- 250 Kts when flying under 10000 ft ASL and 200kts within 10nm of a controlled airport when below 3000ft.
- +/- 10 Kts or +/- Mach 0.01
- Under 6000 ft = 200 Kts
Between 6000 ft and 14000 ft = 230 Kts
Above 14000 ft = 265 Kts
How do we set the altimeter when we operate in the Standard Pressure Region ( departure, levelling,landing,holding pattern) ?
- Set on airport elevation at departure airport.
- Set to 29.92 before levelling off.
- Set to the altimeter setting before commencing a descent FOR THE PURPOSE OF LANDING.
- Set to the altimeter setting immediately before descending below the lowest flight level at which the holding procedure is conducted.
What is the 2-way Radiocommunication Failure procedure in VFR flight ?
- Leave the airspace ( by landing at the aerodrome if the airspace is a control zone / by the shortest route ).
- Set 7600
- Inform ATC by other means asap.
What is the tolerance of time and distance when entering into the ADIZ ?
+-5 min / +-20 nm
What is the flight time limitations in 90 days ?
What is the flight duty time limitation ?
What is the flight time limitation in single-pilot IFR operations ?
- 300 hours
- 14 consecutive hours in any 24 consecutive hours.
- Single-pilot IFR : 8 hours in any 24 consecutive hours
By how long the flight duty time can be extended ?
Who decide that the flight duty time should be extended as a result of unforeseen operational circumstances ?
In the case of a flight crew member on call, how long is the time free from duty ?
- By 1/2 of the rest period up to a max of 3 hours.
- The PIC after consultation with the other flight crew members.
- 1 period of at least 36 consecutive hours within each 7 consecutive days / 1 period of at least 3 consecutive calendar days within each 17 consecutive days.
What is the condition to operate an aircraft with a removed or unserviceable equipment ?
The aircraft is operated according to the Minimum Equipment List ( or Master Minimum Equipment List / M.M.E.L)
An example of equipment = Main tank indicating system.
What is the Oxygen requirement between 10000 ASL and 13000 ASL ?
What is the highest altitude you can fly without oxygen for a VFR eastbound flight of 2 hours ?
What is the TUC at FL400 ?
- All crew members shall wear an oxygen mask from the moment the flight exceed 30 min at this altitude.
- 9500 feet
FL 400 : 15 to 30 sec
FL 300 : 45 to 75 sec
FL 200 : 5 to 7 min
(protect the pilot flying in case of rapid depressurization)
When the aircraft must be equipped with a flight data recorder ( FDR )? TEN
How long can you fly without a FDR ?
When does the aircraft must be equipped with a cockpit voice recorder (CVR) ? SIX
When does the CVR must be operative during a flight ?
-FDR :
A multi engine turbine pressurized plane of more than 5700 kg/ 12500 lbs that has a seating configuration of 10 or more passengers and was manufactured after October 11 1991.
-A max period of 90 days after the date of failure of the FDR.
-CVR :
A multi engine turbine pressurized plane of more than 5700 kg/ 12500 lbs that has a seating configuration of 6 or more passengers.
-The CVR must be operated continuously from the time at which electrical power is first provided and then removed at the end of the flight.
When the aircraft must be equipped with an altitude alert system ?
What are the exceptions ?
- When the aircraft is a turbojet.
- When the PIC/Operator takes posession of the plane, for crew member training, PPC and flight tests.
In which case it is not compulsory to be equipped with an ELT ?
What are the requirements associated with the ELT ?
If the aircraft is required to operate with an ELT but the ELT is not serviceable ?
When it is possible to activate the ELT to test it ?
- Glider, Balloon, Airship, Ultralight or Gyroplane
Multi turbo jet > 5700 kg south of 66 30’
-Must be registered under the laws of a contracting state , has a distinctive audio signal ans is capapble of communication on 121.5 MHz.
- If an MEL has not been approved on the plane,
the operator must repair or remove the ELT at the first aerodrome where it can be repaired or
re-equip the aircraft with a serviceable ELT within 90 days after the date of removal.
-During the first 5 minutes of any hour no more than 5 seconds.
Is it possible to fly if the aircraft has undergone maintenance ?
Who can change the battery of a single-engine turboprop aircraft ?
What happen when we want to use a new volume of an existing technical record ?
- Yes provided the maintenance has been certified by an AME.
- The mechanic with a logbook entry with his signature.
- It is necessary to ensure that an unbroken chronological record is maintained.
When do we have to do do the high altitude training when we operate plane above 13000 feet ?
Every 3 years.
Is it possible to displace parts of an aircraft that has been involved in an accident ?
Can you go and get the logbook to prevent it from burning ?
No except to extricate person, to prevent danger to any person or property.
Let the logbook burn.
When the PAPI is showing slightly low ?
What is the acceptable tolerance for a VOR receiver to be used for an IFR flight ?
Acceptable tolerance for DME receiver ?
- 1 white then 3 reds ( the red has to touch the runway ).
- VOR : +/- 4°
- DME : +/- 0.5 nm.
How often should you do reports when you are flying South-North in NCA ?
West-East in NCA ?
- Each 5° of latitude including 65° North
- Each 10° of longitude, including 100°W ( if 20° are flown in less than 1 hour then report every 20° of longitude )
What are the requirements to do a commercial VFR night flight with passengers ?
IFR Rating
Landing Light
Factory-Installed Turbine Engine
5 T/O and landings the 6 previous months
What is a large airplane ?
How often do you have to do the training to carry dangerous articles on borad the aircraft ?
- A plane that weighs more than 5700 Kg (12566 lbs).
- 24 months and you are authorized to do so by the minister.