Saponification Flashcards
what is the basic/general formula for saponification?
fat/oil + base –> glycerol + salt (soap)
What are most oils and fats?
What is an example of saponifcation?
glycerol tristearate + sodium hydroxide
glycerol + sodium stearate
what is the chemical formula for sodium stearate?
CH3-(Ch2)16COO-Na+ (aq)
What are the steps to carry out saponification and test the product (at school)?
- Pour 30ml 5molL-1 NaOH solution into a 250ml beaker. Add 10ml of coconut oil
- Gently boil mixture for 20-30min, stirring occasionally. Add 20ml NaCl solution (Causes soap to precipitate). Allow solution to cool (clumps of soap should begin to form)
- Filter out the crude soap and rinse with a little water.
- test the soap by shaking a small amount in a test tube with water to see if it lathers.
Summise saponification in school laboratory
reasonably pure oil is added to NaOH and NaCl solution.
- the soap is precipitated with NaCl and is filitered
- It is then rinsed to remove NaOH, glycerol and salt
Saponification was performed on a small scale
Summise saponification in industry
- Concentrated NaOH and impure fats and oils are mixed in larger quantities and stirred using steam and pressure.
- Precipitation is caused by adding salt and the glycerol that is filtered off is used for other industrial processes
What are the similarities between the saponification in a school laboratory compared to inindustry
- fats and oils are mixed with a concetrated alkali and heated
- Concentrated brine is used to precipitate the soap from the aqueous phase
- the crude soap is washed
What are the differences between the saponification in a school laboratory compared to inindustry
- A blend of gnerally impure fats & oils are used in industry, rather than one pure fat or oil in the lab
- High pressure steam is used to heat & stir the mixture in industry, whereas a glass rod and hot plate are used in the laboratory
- The glycerol is removed and purified for other use in industry, where as in the lab glycerol is discarded and some remains in the soap
- in industry the settling of soap occurs over several days –> in lab soap is relatively crude and collected rapidly
- In industry some old soap and salt is left in the kettle to emulsfiy new reactants –> in lab methylated spirits is added to help emulsification
- no fragrances or colours were added to the soap produced in the laboratory
-A blend of gnerally impure fats & oils are used in industry where as in the lab?
one pure fat or oil in the lab
a glass rod and hot plate are used in the laboratory where as in industry?
High pressure steam is used to heat & stir the mixture in industry
The glycerol is removed and purified for other use in industry, where as?
in the lab glycerol is discarded and some remains in the soap
in lab soap is relatively crude and collected rapidly where as?
in industry the settling of soap occurs over several days
in the lab methylated spirits is added to help emulsification, where as?
In industry some old soap and slat is left in the kettle to emulsfiy new reactants
in industry fragrances or colours are added where as?
-no fragrances or colours were added to the soap produced in the laboratory