SANS Tumor Flashcards
Seorang pasien berusia 65 thn dgn KPS dari 70 mengalami reseksi subtotal dari 7 cm Low Grade Glioma frontal kiri dgn pemetaan fungsional intraoperatif. Menurut percobaan EORTC, apakah manajemen yg plg tepat setelah reseksi bedah? A. Terapi radiasi 59 Gy B. Terapi radiasi 45 Gy C. Kemoterapi saja D. Serial post-op imaging
B. Terapi radiasi 45 Gy According to the EORTC, the lesion’s size and the patient’s age and KPS portend a poor prognosis, indicating that postoperative radiation therapy to a dose of 45 Gy would be the most appropriate postoperative management. Traditionally, low grade gliomas are often surgically resected and followed with serial imaging with reservation of radiation therapy until signs of tumor progression. According to the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trials, this patient has a high-risk unfavorable prognostic score for tumor progression. According to this grading system, 1-point was added for each of the following negative prognostic factors: age 40 or greater, tumor diameter 6 cm or greater, tumor crossing the midline, and presence of neurologic symptoms. Therefore, in subgroups at high risk for tumor progression, early radiation therapy after surgical resection is initiated as it can increase PFS and seizure control without any effect on overall survival. Studies have shown that there is no difference in OS or PFS between those receiving 45 Gy and 59.4 Gy of radiation. Therefore, the risk of greater radiation complications at higher doses has not shown to be more beneficial at stopping tumor progression.
Apakah karakteristik histologis meningioma yang digambarkan di daerah dilingkari dari slide?
A. Mitotic
B. Verocay bodies
C. Proliferasi endotel
D. Vacuolation
E. S-100 reactivity

D. Vacuolation
Vacuolation or intranuclear clear spaces are characteristically seen with meningiomas and are attributed to glycogen invagination into cellular nuclei. Endothelial proliferation is characteristically seen with malignant gliomas. Mitotic figures are a non-specific indicator or cellular proliferation. S-100 reactivity is generally seen with schwanommas.

Seorang pria 24 thn datang ke ruang emergensi dengan keluhan kejang parsial kompleks onset baru. Dia scr neurologis normal. CT menunjukkan massa berbatas tegas, dengan kalsifikasi samar di lobus temporal kanan. MRI menunjukkan massa berbatas tegas, kista seperti massa yg hipointense pada T1 dan hiperintense pada T2-weighted imaging. Reseksi bedah dilakukan dan diagnosis patologis adalah ganglioglioma. Manakah dari pernyataan berikut ini BENAR ?
A. Komponen glial dari tumor ini cenderung menjadi oligodendroglial
B. Tumor ini hampir selalu meningkatkan kontras pada pencitraan CT dan MRI
C. Stain sel ganglion untuk synaptophysin, yang membantu menegakan diagnosis pada kasus sulit
D. Kebiasaan biologis diprediksi oleh histologi tumor
E. Terapi radiasi diindikasikan untuk seluruh gangliogliomas yang telah direseksi subtotal
C. Stain sel ganglion untuk synaptophysin, yang membantu menegakan diagnosis pada kasus sulit
Gangliogliomas are rare, slow-growing tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) that are seen primarily in young adults and children, with a peak incidence at 11 years of age. These lesions may occur in any location within the CNS, but the majority are supratentorial. The temporal lobe is the most common site, with the next most common being the frontal and parietal lobes. Temporal lobe lesions typically present with seizures. Patients presenting with seizures tend to have a better prognosis because they usually are diagnosed and treated earlier.
Imaging characteristics are variable, and enhancement can vary from none to striking. These lesions most commonly appear as well-delineated masses that are hypointense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted images. Cysts and calcifications can be seen.
Microscopic analysis typically reveals well-differentiated but neoplastic ganglion cells mixed with glial stroma, usually containing astrocytes. Infrequently, anaplastic degeneration occurs and involves the astrocytic component. Biological behavior is not predicted by histology, because many histologically anaplastic gangliogliomas do not demonstrate clinically aggressive behavior. Identification of ganglion cells can be facilitated with synaptophysin staining. Synaptophysin is a membrane glycoprotein of synaptic vesicles that is ubiquitously expressed in all neurons and in many endocrine cells. It is currently the most widely used marker for nerve terminals.
Treatment of these lesions is surgical, and long-term survival is the rule, even with incompletely resected lesions. The value of radiation therapy is unknown and is not recommended after gross total resection. Radiation is usually reserved for progressive growth observed on follow-up imaging.
Seorang wanita berusia 34 thn dgn tingkat prolaktin 48 ng/ml (normal, kurang dari 25 ng / mL). Dia memiliki amenore tetapi tidak galaktore. Penjelasan yg tepat untuk kombinasi temuan ini adalah :
A. Nilai lab false negatif (hook effect)
B. Nilai lab false positif
C. Macroadenoma dengan stalk effect
D. Empty sella
E. Prolactinoma
C. Macroadenoma dengan stalk effect
Prolactinomas generally show levels of prolactin > 100 ng/mL. The presence of amenorrhea without galactorrhea means little. This level (48 ng/ml) is most consistent with stalk effect. Stalk effect is the result of compression of the pituitary stalk by a mass lesion (often a non-secretory macroadenoma), resulting in interruption of delivery of the inhibitory releasing factor, dopamine, from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. In this circumstance, prolactin levels of 50 to 100 ng/ml are common. Empty sella syndrome is not generally associated with elevated prolactin levels. Laboratory error, based on the hook effect, should be considered. In this circumstance, extremely high levels of prolactin ( > 10,000 ng/ml) may overwhelm some forms of bioassay, resulting in an abnormal level orders of magnitude lower than the true measurement. However, this rare laboratory error is largely obviated by most modern assay systems.
Seorang pria berusia 50 thn dengan massa enhancing tunggal di daerah periventicular frontal kanan. Biopsi menunjukkan primary CNS lymphoma. Apakah manajemen yg plg tepat?
A. Stereotactic radiosurgery
B. Reseksi bedah dan kemoterapi
C. Hanya reseksi bedah
D. Hanya kemoterapi
E. Hanya radioterapi
D. Hanya kemoterapi
The treatment for CNS lymphoma consists of chemotherapy alone. Primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) is a form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that arises from the spinal cord, brain, eyes, or leptomeninges. Treatment with methotrexate has been shown to improve both disease control and survival in patients with this disease. The addition of procarbazine and vincristine (MPV) has also been shown to improve disease control.
Pria 58 thn right handed datang dgn keluhan diplopia dan sakit kepala bifrontal. Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan oftalmoplegia kiri parsial. Hasil MRI tertera di gambar. Biopsi menunjukkan tumor ini merupakan chordoma. reseksi skull-based subtotal ekstensif dilakukan. Dalam kasus ini apakah pilihan terapi terbaik selanjutnya?
A. Radioterapi fractionated konvensional
B. Procarbazine, CCNU dan vincristine kemoterapi
C. Radioterapi sinar proton
D. Gamma knife atau LINAC-based radiosurgery

C. Radioterapi sinar proton
Chordomas account for only 0.15% of intracranial tumors and are most likely to be located in the clivus or sacrum although they can be located anywhere along the spinal axis. The tumors tend to be lobulated, gelatinous masses surrounded by a pseudocapsule. Microscopically, they consist of physaliphorous, stellate and transitional cells. Although the tumors are typically histologically benign they usually have a malignant clinical course with frequent recurrence and local mass effect related symptomatology relating to cranial nerve and brainstem compression. While surgical resection is a mainstay of therapy, these tumors are difficult to cure surgically and adjuvant therapy is often used. A variety of anterior midline surgical approaches are used, including transphenoidal, transoral, and midfacial approaches. Reconstruction of the skull base dura is often a technical challenge and can lead to significant morbidity. Although there are sporadic reports of tumor regression with chemotherapy, there is still no widely accepted role for this treatment modality. Similarly, these tumors are mostly resistant to conventional fractionated radiotherapy. But they do appear to be sensitive to higher doses of radiation than can be safely delivered via conventional fractionation. Two methods that are used to more safely deliver higher dose radiation to these tumors are radiosurgery and proton beam radiotherapy. In this case, the tumor is too large for single fraction radiosurgical treatment. Proton beam radiotherapy relies upon the Bragg peak effect to produce relative dose concentration within the tumor and sparing of surrounding tissues.

Seorang wanita berusia 59 thn dgn riwayat kanker paru non-small cell datang dgn metatasis otak soliter dan tidak ada bukti dari penyakit ekstrakranial aktif. Dia mengeluhkan sakit kepala tetapi sebaliknya secara fungsional independen. Apakah recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) class pasien ini?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 4
E. 5

C. 1
A patient is RPA 1 if their age is less than 65, KPS >70 (or functionally independent), control of primary disease, and no extracranial metastatic spread. RPA 2 are patients older than 65 and KPS>70, with or without primary control and/or extracranial metastatic disease. RPA 3 is assigned for patients with a KPS<70. RPA classes 4-5 do not exist for classifying metastatic disease.
The recursive portioning analysis (RPA) was developed to predict survival for patients who present with intracranial metastatic disease. Gaspar et al. developed his scoring system using the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) data, and showed that survival was affected by the following prognostic variables: pre-operative Karnofsky performance status (KPS), status of primary disease, age, and metastatic spread.

Seorang pria berusia 62 thn datang dgn riwayat sakit kepala, ataksia dan nistagmus. MRI dilakukan. Manakah diagnosis yg plg mungkin ?
A. Subependymoma
B. Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma
C. Chordoid glioma
D. Central neurocytoma
E. Choroid plexus papillloma

A. Subependymoma
This is a fourth ventricular tumor with minimal peripheral enhancement in an adult. It was found to be a subependymoma. Subependymomas are generally characterized by slow growth and an indolent clinical course (and, in fact, are often discovered incidentally). They tend to occur in adults and most often arise in the region of the lower medulla and project into the fourth ventricle. They may also arise in the frontal horn of the lateral ventricle where they may attach to the septum pellucidum or the lateral ventricular wall. Contrast enhancement may occur although is usually not striking. They can cause obstructive hydrocephalus, but not in this case. Complete resection can be curative and routine postoperative radiation is not generally employed. Choroid plexus papillomas generally demonstrate intense, homogeneous contrast enhancement. Chordoid gliomas are rare tumors of the third ventricle occurring predominantly in middle-aged females. Central neurocytomas primarily involve the third and lateral ventricles, fourth ventricular occurences have not been reported. Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma appears on MR imaging as global enlargement and signal change in the brainstem, centered in the pons, rather than as a 4th ventricular mass.

Seorang pria 62 thn datang dgn penglihatan ganda onset subakut, ketidakseimbangan dan sakit kepala. Pemeriksaan neurologis signifikan untuk disfungsi cerebellar dan diplopia pada pandangan horizontal ke kanan. Pada MRI ditemukan massa d = 4.3 cm di cerebellum kanan dengan minimal enhancement atau edema. Apakah diagnosis plg mgkn?
A. Hemangioblastoma
B. Metastatic carcinoma
C. Lhermitte-Duclos
D. Medulloblastoma
E. Pilocytic astrocytoma

C. Lhermitte-Duclos
Lhermitte-Duclos Disease (LDD), or dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebellum, is a relatively rare disease. It has been reported in all age groups (from birth to 74 years of age) with a mean age at presentation of 34 years. It consists of a focal or diffuse engorgement of cerebellar folia behaving as a space-occupying lesion. LDD shows progressive growth. Clinical manifestations are related to a posterior fossa mass effect and secondary obstructive hydrocephalus. Surgical excision is the only effective treatment to definitely relieve the symptoms. MRI clearly shows the typical striated, laminated or ��tiger striped�� appearance (arrow) of the involved cerebellar tissue. Thus, the diagnosis can often be achieved preoperatively. In some cases these lesions were seen in the context of Cowden Disease, which is a genetic condition characterized by the presence of cutaneous and non-cutaneous hamartomas as well as breast, thyroid, gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary neoplasias. This disorder is caused by the gene at chromosome 10q22-23.

Apakah neoplasma suprasellar yg menunjukkan karakteristik epitel skuamosa dan pertumbuhan yang solid pada orang dewasa tua?
A. Metastatic adenocarcinoma
B. Germinoma
C. Pituitary adenoma
D. Papillary craniopharyngioma
D. Papillary craniopharyngioma
The only suprasellar neoplasm in adults that displays a squamous epithelial component is craniopharyngioma. Papillary craniopharyngiomas, in contrast to the more common classic adamantinomatous form, occur in older patients (adults, peak at 40-50 years) and most commonly form solid sheets of squamous epithelium with pseudopapillary formations. Papillary craniopharyngiomas lack the wet keratin, lack palisading peripheral cells of adamantinous craniopharyngioma, and frequently lack calcification.
Berdasarkan pedoman American Academy of Neurology, bagaimanakah seharusnya pasien dgn metastasis otak tanpa riwayat kejang diperlakukan berkaitan dgn profilaksis kejang?
A. Tidak ada indikasi untuk profilaksis kejang
B. Obati dgn levatiracetam (Keppra)
C. Obati dgn phenytoin (Dilantin)
D. Obati dgn gabapentin (Neurontin)
A. Tidak ada indikasi untuk profilaksis kejang
Based on level 3 evidence, patients with solid brain metastases but without a history of seizures do not require seizure prophylaxis therapy.
These recommendations are based on a single underpowered randomized controlled trial (RCT) which did not detect a difference in seizure occurrence. There has otherwise been a lack of properly designed studies to provide higher level evidence or rationale for the optimal management of such patients with respect to seizure prophylaxis.
Given the premise that brain metastases are probably less likely than primary brain tumors to cause seizures, it is noteworthy that previously published guidelines on the role of anticonvulsants in patients with brain tumors (either primary or secondary) have recommended against their prophylactic use.
Sebuah astrositoma dengan atypia sitologi kurang mitosis, nekrosis atau perubahan proliferasi vascular akan diklasifikasikan grade WHO :
D. I
Fibrillary astrocytoma World Health Organization (WHO) grade II lacks mitotic activity, vascular proliferation, and tumor necrosis. Astrocytoma WHO grade I include pilocytic astrocytoma, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors, and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma. WHO grade III (or anaplastic) astrocytoma demonstrate mitoses and cellular pleomorphism but no necrosis. WHO grade IV astrocytoma (or glioblastoma) show high cellularity, nuclear and cellular pleomorphism, mitoses, endothelial proliferation and necrosis.
Selama reseksi schwannoma vestibular besar melalui sub-oksipital, pendekatan retrosigmoid, Anda tiba-tiba mengalami pembengkakan cerebellar parah dan herniasi, langkah terbaik berikutnya adalah :
A. Sebagai ahli anestesi memberikan manitol dan memulai hiperventilasi
B. Reseksi area yg dapat diakses pada cerebellum lateral
C. Keluarkan retractor dan tunggu jika bengkak berkurang
D. Buat burr hole parietoccipital dan letakkan catheter ventriculostomy posterior untuk drainase CSF
D. Buat burr hole parietoccipital dan letakkan catheter ventriculostomy posterior untuk drainase CSF
The patient is likely experiencing acute hydrocephalus related to brain edema and CSF obstruction. The only option that would rapidly change this process would be immediate CSF diversion; this would be performed the quickest by ventriculostomy placement via a parietoccipital approach. Mannitol and hyperventilation may also help but would be unlikely to reverse this problem.
Selama diseksi dan debulking tumor di aspek medial daerah pontomedullary, saraf wajah yg plg sering ditemui adalah di dekat :
A. Aspek Ventral-Central dari tumor
B. Aspek Ventral-Inferior dari tumor
C. Aspek Ventral-Superior
D. Aspek superficial (dorsal) dari tumor
C. Aspek Ventral-Superior
The most common location to find the facial nerve during dissection of vestibular schannomas is at the ventral-superior aspect of the tumor. With larger tumors, the variability of the course of the facial nerve (FN) increases, contributing to the increased risk of FN injury during these cases.
Untuk low grade gliomas, apakah kisaran diameter maksimal (cm) yg telah teridentifikasi sbg ambang batas untuk prognosis negatif ?
A. 6-8
B. 4-6
C. 2-4
D. 8-10
E. Ukuran bukan penentu faktor prognosis
B. 4-6
Low grade gliomas with a maximal diameter greater than 4-6 cm (measured on FLAIR MRI) are associated with a worse prognosis. The 4 cm threshold was recently reported by the UCSF group as part of a comprehensive low grade glioma scoring system whereas the 6 cm threshold was reported by EORTC.
In addition to the prognostic implications of size, the preoperative grading system for low grade infiltrating gliomas that originated from UCSF identified three other factors: age greater than 50, KPS (Karnofsky Performance Score) of 80 or less, and location in eloquent brain. For each parameter that is present, 1 point is assigned and added for a total score. The total score can then be used to predict 5-year survival and 5-year PFS as shown in the table below.
Sum 5-year survival 5-year progression free survival 0-1 97% 76% 2 81% 49% 3-4 56% 18%
Germinoma harus dicurigai saat tumor daerah pineal timbul dengan tumor di lokasi lain manakah ?
A. lobus frontal
B. Daerah suprasellar
C. Ventrikel ke 4
D. Orbit
B. Daerah suprasellar
Synchronous primary intracranial germ cell tumors are rare but account for approximately 5-12% of all germ cell tumors and they are found as synchronous lesion in the pineal and suprasellar region. They are also known by the entity “double mid-line atypical teratoma” Some clinicians will forgo a biopsy and assume a germinoma histology when suprasellar and pineal region masses are present if the serum beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is <50 IU/l and the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is within normal limits. These tumors are exceptionally sensitive to radiation, and often present with symptoms attributable to the suprasellar tumor (endocrine disturbance). (Cunliffe et al J Neurooncol 2009 269-74, Sugiyama et al Surgical Neurol 1992, 114-120).
Seorang wanita 50 thn dgn massa daerah pineal 1 cm, diagnosis yg plg mgkn (berdasarkan insidensi yg dikutip dalam literatur) adalah :
A. Pineoblastoma
B. Pineocytoma
C. Germ cell tumor
D. Meningioma
B. Pineocytoma
Pineal parenchymal tumors and specifically pineocytomas are among the most common tumors seen in the pineal region in adults, particularly in adult females. Germ cell tumors are the most common tumors seen in this region in children, but they are less common in adults, and again less common in females as compared with males. Although ependymoma and meningioma do occur in the pineal region, these would be much lower on a differential diagnosis.
Selain gangguan pendengaran, vestibular schwannoma dengan ekstensi minimal ke cerebellopontine angle paling sering datang dgn gejala apa?
A. Rasa baal wajah
B. Tinnitus
C. Kelemahan wajah
D. Gait ataxia
E. Nystagmus
B. Tinnitus
In addition to hearing loss, tinnitus is the most common presenting symptom for purely intracannicular vestibular schwannomas (VS). Tumors with minimal extension into the cerebellopontine angle generally do not compromise the other cranial nerves or the brainstem. The facial nerve and nervus intermedius are intimately involved but withstand the pressure well and it is rare for patients to present with facial weakness. If there is significant growth into the cerebellopontine angle, superior extension of the tumor may compress the Vth nerve and cause facial numbness or trigeminal neuralgia. Inferior extension to the IX, X, XI, and XII nerves may also occur but dysfunction of these nerves as a presenting symptom is rare.
Pemantauan neurofisiologis selama reseksi translabirynthine dari schwannoma vestibular dengan ekstensi minimal ke cerebellopontine angle termasuk yg mana dari berikut ini?
A. BAER dan saraf IX, X, XI
B. SSEP dan saraf VII
C. BAER dan saraf VII
B. SSEP dan saraf VII
Neurophysiologic monitoring generally consists of two techniques; (1) Motor nerve monitoring through EMG responses or (2) Sensory pathway monitoring through SSEP and BAER. The two modalities are complementary and performed simultaneously. Translabrynthine approaches sacrifice hearing and obviate the need or usefulness of BAER or VIII nerve monitoring. On the other hand, preservation of VII nerve function is critical and is one of the reasons the translabrynthine approach is favored when hearing is lost or when the likelihood of preserving hearing is minimal. Hence monitoring of VII nerve function is recommended. SSEPs provide an evaluation of brainstem function and are a useful adjunct.
Dari lesi manakah karsinoma sel skuamosa intrakranial primer dapat timbul ?
A. Meningioma
B. Ependymoma
C. Tumor epidermoid
D. Chordoma
E. Kista arachnoid
C. Tumor epidermoid
Primary intracranial SCC is very rare; most reported caes arise from preexisting benign lesions such as an epidermoid or dermoid cyst. There are no reports of primary intracranial squamous cell carcinoma arising from the other lesions listed. Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common non-melanotic cutaneous malignancy and is frequently encountered in the head and neck region. As with other cutaneous malignancies, perineural spread involving the trigeminal and facial nerve branches or through the orbit may be seen. Further intracranial extension through the dura into the brain parenchyma is not common although at times leptomeningeal spread and cavernous sinus involvement may be seen.
Populasi pasien manakah terdapat bukti kelas 1 yang menunjukkan bahwa radiosurgery stereotactic dosis tunggal (SRS) bila digunakan bersama dgn radiasi seluruh otak (WBXRT) meningkatkan angka harapan hidup terhadap WBXRT sendiri?
A. Pasien dgn metastasis otak tunggal dgn KPS < 70
B. Pasien dgn metastasis otak tunggal dgn KPS > 70
C. Pasien dgn metastasis otak > 4 dan KPS > 70
D. Pasien dgn metastasis otak 2-3 dan KPS < 70
B. Pasien dgn metastasis otak tunggal dgn KPS > 70
SRS with WBXRT improves survival relative to WBXRT alone in patients with a single brain metastasis and KPS>70. Although the metastatic brain tumor guidelines allow for level 2 and level 3 recommendations that SRS + WBXRT may extend survival in patients with multiple tumors and in patients with low functional status, of the above options, only patients with a single tumor and a high functional status have a level 1 recommendation for SRS + WBXRT (Linskey et al).
Berapakah median harapan hidup pasien dgn hmiespheric low grade gliomas?
A. 5-10 thn
B. 3-5 thn
C. 1-3 thn
D. 10-15 thn
E. 15-20 thn
A. 5-10 thn
The median survival for patients with low grade gliomas is between five and 10 years.
Gross tumor resection may delay tumor progression and malignant degeneration as well as improve overall survival of patients with hemispheric infiltrating low-grade gliomas.
Apakah saraf kranial yg yg plg mgkn terkompresi tumor klival?
A. Trochlear
B. Facial
C. Occulomotor
D. Trigeminal
E. Abducens
E. Abducens
The abducens nerve which runs through Dorello’s canal and along the surface of the clivus before entering the cavernous sinus is the most commonly affected nerve with tumoral involvement of the clivus. Chordoma is the most common primal clival neoplasm. The trochlear and oculomotor nerves both are superior to the clivus. The trigeminal nerve is also just supralateral to the clivus and the facial nerve is related to the temporal bone not the clival bone.
Manakah dari kelainan genetik berikut yg paling sering dikaitkan dengan tumor teridentifikasi dalam fotomikrograf ini :
A. Hilangnya heterozygosity (LOH) 1p dan 19q
B. Mutasi gen NF1
C. Hilangnya heterozygosity (LOH) kromosom 17
D. Mutasi gen TP53
E. Amplifikasi EGFR

A. Hilangnya heterozygosity (LOH) 1p dan 19q
The diagnosis of the tumor is oligodendroglioma. Somatic deletions of chromosomes 1p and 19q are some of the most common events in the tumorigenesis of oligodendrogliomas, occuring in about 40-70% of tumors. The presence of 1p and 19q deletions is highly associated with the oligodendroglial phenotype. Mutations of the TP53 gene in oligodendrogliomas are infrequent and less common than in astrocytic tumors. LOH of chromosome 17 is found infrequently in low grade oligodendrogliomas. EGFR amplification is most commonly associated with glioblastoma. NF1 gene mutation is most commonly seen in neurofibromas and not in oligodendrogliomas.

Manakah profil genetik dari glioma yg membawa prognosis yg menguntungkan?
A. Mutasi IDH1
B. Hilangnya 10q
C. Hilangnya 9q
D. Mutasi PTEN
E. Mutasi RB1
A. Mutasi IDH1
There is a strong inverse correlation of IDH1 mutation with tumor grade. IDH mutation was found in 77% of grade II, 55% of grade III, and 6% of grade IV gliomas. IDH1 and IDH2 may also function as tumor suppressor genes and mutations in these genes may predispose one to tumor genesis. These mutations are presumably a separate path towards tumorigensis from other genetic pathways.
Mutations of tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 9q and 10q and can lead to dysregulation of RB1 and p53 pathways and the PTEN gene, respectively, and are associated with higher grade tumors and worse outcome. Some studies found a strong association of longer survival in older patients with GBM without PTEN mutation when compared to those with the genetic mutation.
Manakah dari berikut ini adalah parameter terpenting yg mengindikasikan kompromi dari jalur auditori di pemantauan brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) ?
A. Amplitudo gelombang III
B. Latensi gelombang I-II
C. Amplitudo gelombang I
D. Latensi gelombang I-V
E. Amplitudo gelombang VI
D. Latensi gelombang I-V
Interpeak latency of waves I-V (normal <10ms) is a sensitive indicator for compromise of the brainstem auditory pathway. The BAER consists of a series of seven waves, but for clinical purposes, the first five are most relevant. Wave I is generated ipsilateral to the stimulus from the auditory portion of the VIII nerve. Wave II is generated bilaterally at the level of the Cochlear nucleus. Wave III is generated bilaterally at the level of the superior olive and trapezoid body in the lower pons. The latency between waves I-III is 2-2.3 milliseconds in the normal adult and is an important parameter. Wave IV is generated in the upper pons at the level of the lateral lemniscus and wave V is generated at the level of the inferior colliculus. Another important indicator of compromise is decreased amplitude of wave V.
Manakah dari pernyataan berikut tentang ependymoma sumsum tulang belakang intramedulla adalah BENAR :
A. Tumor ini hampir seluruhnya malignan secara merata
B. Radioterapi diikuti reseksi total gross tidak terbukti memiliki manfaat jangka panjang
C. Tumor ini jarang dapat disingkirkan secara keseluruhan gross karena memiliki batas yg menginfiltrasi
D. Ependymoma spinal cord biasanya terlihat samar,penyerapan kontras heterogen pada MRI
E. Prevalensi pria : wanita 2:1
B. Radioterapi diikuti reseksi total gross tidak terbukti memiliki manfaat jangka panjang
Spinal ependymomas arise from ependymal cells lining the central canal or its remnants and from cells of the ventriculus terminus in the filum terminale. Cellular ependymomas can arise anywhere, but are usually found in the cervical cord. Myxopapillary ependymomas arise exclusively in the conus medularis and cauda equina. Spinal ependymomas are the most common spinal cord tumor overall, and the most common intramedullary tumor of adults (followed by astrocytoma). There is a very slight male predominance. These lesions tend to present in middle-aged patients. On imaging, these lesions tend to enhance strongly and are often associated with hemorrhage and cysts. Ependymomas are slow-growing, benign lesions that are characteristically sharply circumscribed and (in contrast to spinal cord astrocytomas) can often be grossly totally excised. Best functional outcomes are associated with modest initial deficits, symptoms with less than two years duration, and total removal. Radiotherapy following gross total excision has not been found to be of benefit.