Sanitation and Safety Flashcards
personal protective equipment
when do you perform hand hygiene?
before and after contact with a patient, before and after contact with equipment in patient’s environment, after any contact with an activity including a patient’s body fluids, before putting on gloves and after taking off, before eating, after personal body functions
removal of all forms of organic matter from a surface
application of chemicals or other procedures in order to kill the remaining microorganisms that cannot be removed by routine cleaning
what are things you need to be aware of/do when applying disinfection?
dilution, application method, contact time
what PPEs should be used for disinfecting?
mask because you could inhale chemicals, gloves because chemicals could make contact with skin
what is the isolation ward like?
low traffic area that only trained personal can enter
what are the patient concerns for animals in the isolation ward?
don’t take them in public areas, avoid moving through the clinic, make sure you have everything you need for patient before entering isolation ward, take care of isolation ward patients last after caring for other patients
what PPE is needed to go into the isolation ward?
gown, gloves, eye/nose/mouth protection, foot protection
what are things to know for taking care of laundry from isolation ward?
treated separately, pre-soak in bleach and wash in hot water, use separate machines if possible, all gross materials removed before laundering, most contaminated area of items should be facing the middle of the pile, destroy bedding depending on the pathogen