sampling methods Flashcards


probability sampling


Simple random sampling
Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the
population has an equal chance of being included in the sample
Lottery Method of Sampling
“With or without
Using a Random Number Table
Using a Computer

Systematic sampling
members from a larger population are selected according to a
random starting point but with a fixed, periodic interval
This interval, called the
sampling interval , is calculated by dividing the
population size by the desired sample size

stratifies random sampling
Researcher divides the population into separate groups, called
strata .

Then, a probability
sample (often a simple random sample ) is
drawn from each group

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  1. Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the
    population has an equal chance of being included in the sample is called………………
  2. in systematic sampling , Sample
    members from a larger population are selected according to a random starting point but with a fixed……………… .
  3. Lottery Method of Sampling, “With or without, Using a Random Number Table ,Using a Computer is an example of ………………
  4. ……………is a grammar of the science stratified random sampling , Researcher divides the population into separate groups, called………….., Then, a …………………….
    sample (often a simple random sample ) is
    drawn from each group

true or false
This interval, called the
periodic interval , is calculated by dividing the
population size by the desired sample size

  1. simple random sampling
  2. periodic interval
    3.simple random sampling
    4, statistic
  3. strata. probability
    . sample interval
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Quota sampling-This
sample is chosen to include a certain portion of particular
variables (e g gender, age, etc Choice of respondent is open provided the quota is met

purposive sampling- Using your own judgment to select a sample. Used for case studies or
grounded theory.

“Hand picked” participants specific
and few
Common in qualitative research

Snowball sampling
contacts an initial group of people relevant to research
topic, and use this group to contact others for the research Often
use in qualitative studies
Most useful when the population of interest is rare, unevenly distributed,
hidden, or hard to reach

Convenience sampling
Sample is chosen for ease or convenience rather than through random
sampling. Normally used in pilot studies or short term projects
(newspapers). Cannot make inference

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Sure! Here are some objective questions based on the given content:

  1. What is the main purpose of quota sampling?
    a) To include a certain portion of specific variables
    b) To use researcher’s judgment in sample selection
    c) To contact an initial group of people relevant to research
    d) To choose a sample for ease or convenience
  2. Which sampling method is commonly used in qualitative research?
    a) Quota sampling
    b) Purposive sampling
    c) Snowball sampling
    d) Convenience sampling
  3. When is snowball sampling most useful?
    a) When the population of interest is rare
    b) When the population of interest is evenly distributed
    c) When the population of interest is visible
    d) When the population of interest is easy to reach
  4. What is the main characteristic of convenience sampling?
    a) Sample is chosen for ease or convenience
    b) Sample includes a certain portion of specific variables
    c) Sample is hand-picked and specific
    d) Sample is chosen using researcher’s judgment
  5. Which type of sampling is used when the researcher selects participants based on their own judgment?
    a) Quota sampling
    b) Purposive sampling
    c) Snowball sampling
    d) Convenience sampling
  6. Which sampling method is most suitable when the population of interest is hard to reach?
    a) Quota sampling
    b) Purposive sampling
    c) Snowball sampling
    d) Convenience sampling
  7. Which sampling method is commonly used in pilot studies or short-term projects?
    a) Quota sampling
    b) Purposive sampling
    c) Snowball sampling
    d) Convenience sampling
  8. Which sampling method allows for making statistical inferences about the population?
    a) Quota sampling
    b) Purposive sampling
    c) Snowball sampling
    d) Convenience sampling
  9. Which type of questions are best suited for statistical sampling?
    a) Open-ended questions
    b) Yes/No questions
    c) Multiple-choice questions
    d) Opinion-based questions
  10. What is the primary characteristic of purposive sampling?
    a) It includes a certain portion of specific variables
    b) It uses researcher’s judgment for sample selection
    c) It contacts an initial group of people for research
    d) It is chosen for ease or convenience



Note: The correct answers to these questions are as follows: 1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. c, 7. d, 8. a, 9. c, 10. b.

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  1. Essential scientific endeavors to collect data to
    explore, understand or verify phenomena is called………..
  2. the gold standard in data collection……………………
  3. Collecting data to compare the effects of different conditions under a controlled environment with the goal of drawing generalisable conclusions is called…………..
  4. Planning
    the controlled environment such that there is a higher
    confidence that effects can be attributed to selected conditions is important for ………………
  1. experiment
  2. experimental data
    3.comparative experiments
  3. designing comparative experiments
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  1. A …………… is the entire description of
    the condition applied to an experimental unit.
  2. ………………….. is the smallest unit that the
    treatment can be independently applied to.
    ………………… is the smallest unit in
    which the response will be measured on.
    Not to be confused with responses Y
    May or may not be the same as experimental unit.
    3 Block also called ………… is the unit that group
    some other units (e. experimental units) such
    that the units within the same block (cluster)
    are more alike (
  3. A …………….. is the allotment of treatments to particular set of units.
    5 A…………….. is the design translated into
    actual units. Randomisation is usually involved
    in the translation process.
  1. treatment
  2. observational unit
  3. cluster
  4. plan or layout
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design an agriculture experiment with in terms of completely randomized design, Randomized complete block design, split plot and factorial design with Units, observational units, treatments, allotment, assignment


Experiment Design: Agriculture Experiment

  1. Completely Randomized Design (CRD):
    - Units: Individual plots of land or specific areas within a field.
    - Observational Units: Measurement will be taken on individual plants within each plot.
    - Treatments: Different types of fertilizers (A, B, C, and D) applied to the plots.
    - Allotment: Randomly assign each plot to one of the fertilizer treatments (A, B, C, or D).
    - Assignment: Apply the assigned fertilizer treatment to each plot.
  2. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD):
    - Units: Blocks, which are sections of the field that are relatively homogeneous in terms of soil quality or other relevant factors.
    - Observational Units: Measurement will be taken on individual plants within each plot.
    - Treatments: Different types of pesticides (P1, P2, and P3) applied to the plots.
    - Allotment: Randomly assign each pesticide treatment to different plots within each block.
    - Assignment: Apply the assigned pesticide treatment to the plots within each block.
  3. Split Plot Design:
    - Units: Large sections of the field, divided into main plots.
    - Observational Units: Measurement will be taken on individual plants within each sub-plot.
    - Treatments: Main plots receive different irrigation techniques (I1, I2, and I3), and sub-plots receive different fertilizer types (F1, F2, and F3).
    - Allotment: Randomly assign the irrigation techniques to the main plots, and randomly assign the fertilizer types to the sub-plots within each main plot.
    - Assignment: Apply the assigned irrigation technique to the main plots and the assigned fertilizer type to the corresponding sub-plots.
  4. Factorial Design:
    - Units: Individual plants within the field.
    - Observational Units: Measurement will be taken on individual plants.
    - Treatments: Combination of different factors such as fertilizer type (F1, F2) and pesticide application (P1, P2).
    - Allotment: Randomly assign each plant to a specific combination of fertilizer type and pesticide application.
    - Assignment: Apply the assigned combination of fertilizer type and pesticide application to each plant.

Note: The specific number of units, blocks, treatments, etc., will depend on the scale and scope of the actual agricultural experiment being conducted.

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