Hypothesis testing Flashcards


a hypothesis testing is a …………………. explaining a phenomenon in order to allow testing through for instance………………..
2…………………..an assumption about a population parameter.This
assumption may or may not be true .
3. Researcher might conduct a statistical experiment to test the ……………. of this hypothesis.
4. Testing of our assumptions
scientifically is called ……………..
5. Hypothesis testing is the procedure in which data from ………………. are used to evaluate a hypothesis about a ……………………

6.A hypothesis testing is about a. ……………………but not about a ……………………


provisional proposition
2. Hypothesis
3. validity
4. hypothesis testing
5. sample, population
6. population,sample

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Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What are the two types of hypotheses commonly used in statistical hypothesis testing?
    a) Primary and secondary hypotheses
    b) General and specific hypotheses
    c) Null and alternative hypotheses
    d) One-tailed and two-tailed hypotheses
  2. How should the null and alternative hypotheses be related to each other?
    a) They should be contradictory to each other
    b) They should be complementary to each other
    c) They should be independent of each other
    d) They should be all-inclusive and mutually exclusive
  3. What does it mean for the null and alternative hypotheses to be all-inclusive?
    a) They should cover all possible outcomes
    b) They should only cover a specific range of outcomes
    c) They should ignore certain outcomes for simplicity
    d) They should be based on subjective opinions
  4. What does it mean for the null and alternative hypotheses to be mutually exclusive?
    a) They should always be true at the same time
    b) They should never be true at the same time
    c) They can be true simultaneously
    d) They can be true based on different criteria
  5. Why is it important for the null and alternative hypotheses to be all-inclusive and mutually exclusive?
    a) To confuse the researchers
    b) To simplify the hypothesis testing process
    c) To ensure accurate and meaningful statistical analysis
    d) To increase the complexity of the research study

Answer: c) To ensure accurate and meaningful statistical analysis

True or false
null hypothesis always contain an equality where as alternative hypothesis doesnot contain equality


1.Answer: c) Null and alternative hypotheses

  1. Answer: d) They should be all-inclusive and mutually exclusive
  2. Answer: a) They should cover all possible outcomes
  3. Answer: b) They should never be true at the same time
  4. Answer: c) To ensure accurate and meaningful statistical analysis
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Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. In a one-tailed hypothesis, the researcher specifies the expected direction of the effect. Which of the following statements correctly describes a one-tailed hypothesis?
    a) The hypothesis includes both less than and more than the mean.
    b) The hypothesis includes either less than the mean or more than the mean.
    c) The hypothesis does not specify a direction of the effect.
    d) The hypothesis covers all possible outcomes.
  2. What is the characteristic feature of a one-tailed hypothesis?
    a) It includes both less than and more than the mean.
    b) It specifies a specific range of outcomes.
    c) It specifies a direction of the effect.
    d) It covers all possible outcomes.
  3. In a one-tailed hypothesis, what does it mean when the researcher expects the result to be “less than the mean”?
    a) The researcher expects the result to be below the average.
    b) The researcher expects the result to be above the average.
    c) The researcher expects the result to be exactly at the average.
    d) The researcher expects the result to be any value without reference to the average.
  4. Which of the following statements is true for a one-tailed hypothesis?
    a) It covers all possible outcomes.
    b) It can be ambiguous and open to interpretation.
    c) It is used when the researcher has no specific expectations.
    d) It provides a clear prediction about the expected outcome.
  5. What is the advantage of using a one-tailed hypothesis?
    a) It allows for more flexibility in the statistical analysis.
    b) It simplifies the hypothesis testing process.
    c) It increases the chance of obtaining statistically significant results.
    d) It is suitable for situations where the direction of the effect is unknown.

Hypothesis testing always assumes that the
null hypothesis is…………………
We reject null hypothesis or fail to reject null hypothesis true or false
we can never accept alternative hypothesis.t or f


1.Answer: b) The hypothesis includes either less than the mean or more than the mean.
2.Answer: c) It specifies a direction of the effect.
3.Answer: a) The researcher expects the result to be below the average.
4.Answer: d) It provides a clear prediction about the expected outcome.
5.Answer: c) It increases the chance of obtaining statistically significant results.


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Example Case Questions:

  1. A researcher wants to investigate the effect of a new medication on reducing blood pressure. What type of hypothesis should the researcher formulate to test the effectiveness of the medication?
    a) One-tailed hypothesis
    b) Two-tailed hypothesis
  2. A company claims that their new energy drink improves athletic performance. To test this claim, a study is conducted. What type of hypothesis should be used to examine the effect of the energy drink on athletic performance?
    a) One-tailed hypothesis
    b) Two-tailed hypothesis
  3. A researcher wants to determine if there is a difference in IQ scores between two groups of students: those who received tutoring and those who did not. What type of hypothesis should the researcher formulate to investigate this?
    a) One-tailed hypothesis
    b) Two-tailed hypothesis
  4. A study aims to examine whether there is a relationship between sleep duration and academic performance. What type of hypothesis should be used to explore this relationship?
    a) One-tailed hypothesis
    b) Two-tailed hypothesis
  5. A researcher wants to investigate if a new teaching method improves students’ reading comprehension. What type of hypothesis should the researcher formulate to test the effectiveness of the teaching method?
    a) One-tailed hypothesis
    b) Two-tailed hypothesis

Certainly! Here are more example case questions to assess understanding of one-tailed or two-tailed hypotheses:

6.. A researcher wants to investigate if there is a difference in reaction times between two groups: professional athletes and non-athletes. What type of hypothesis should the researcher formulate to test this?
a) One-tailed hypothesis
b) Two-tailed hypothesis

  1. . A study aims to examine whether there is a correlation between age and memory performance. What type of hypothesis should be used to explore this relationship?
    a) One-tailed hypothesis
    b) Two-tailed hypothesis
  2. A researcher wants to determine if a new teaching method leads to a higher percentage of students passing a difficult exam. What type of hypothesis should the researcher formulate to investigate this?
    a) One-tailed hypothesis
    b) Two-tailed hypothesis
  3. A study investigates if a new advertising campaign leads to an increase in sales. What type of hypothesis should be used to test the effectiveness of the advertising campaign?
    a) One-tailed hypothesis
    b) Two-tailed hypothesis
  4. A researcher wants to examine if there is a difference in anxiety levels before and after a mindfulness meditation intervention. What type of hypothesis should the researcher formulate to compare the anxiety levels?
    a) One-tailed hypothesis
    b) Two-tailed hypothesis

1. b) Two-tailed hypothesis
2. a) One-tailed hypothesis
3. b) Two-tailed hypothesis
4. b) Two-tailed hypothesis
5. a) One-tailed hypothesis

1. b) Two-tailed hypothesis
2. b) Two-tailed hypothesis
3. a) One-tailed hypothesis
4. b) Two-tailed hypothesis
5. a) One-tailed hypothesis

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