Sample Questions (SQ01) 1-500 Flashcards
Can you debug the data manager package ?
Program: UJD_TEST_PACKAGE .You must specify the User ID .The DM package can be selected with F4 . SQ01 1 P.
How to debug the script logic ?
UJKT Program UJK_SCRIPT_LOGIC_TESTER will allow you to test and debug script logic SQ01 2 P.
What is ROUND ?
Technical name of the BADI. SQ01 3 P.
startroutine = C1 endroutine = C2
What is C1 ?
Badi filters. SQ01 4 P.
DM package doesn’t need a transformation file ? True or False.
Process performed by setting up two Excel files: Transformation file (required) .Conversion file (optional) SQ01 5 P.
What is CONVERT_INTERNAL = NO in a transformation file?
- When transformation option CONVERT_INTERNAL = NO, the external column refers to the source
value, the internal column refers to the target dimension member you want to load into the
application. When Convert_internal =YES, the external column refers to
Where you can use the Java script . ·Script logic ·Validation ·Transformation ·Conversion file
Answer; Conversion File SQ01 7 P.
Can VB script be used in Netweaver BPC ?
No VB script in Netweaver BPC . SQ01 8 P.
What are 3 components of Transformation file?
- Transformation file is selected during the run time of the import package. Transformation definitions are in Excel files that contain one worksheet named Instructions. The file is divided into 3 parts (*OPTIONS; *MAPPING, *CONVERSION)The transformation
What is *XDIM & *COMMIT?
Tip: The *COMMIT statement will end any execution scope defined by any previous *XDIM scoping statements. If your script logic needs to continue after a *COMMIT, you will need to rescope by using additional *XDIM statements. SQ01 10 P.
What is best practice for running validation on Data Manager Variable in a logic Script?
11.When validating a script logic file with a DM variable, the current response in a BPC75NW SP04 system (and earlier) is to error on the line containing the ${DataManagerVariable}$. This occurs due to the fact that the DM variable is not really defined u
Can an IIF statement be included in *REC commands?
- The IIF statement allows a conditional IF/Then/Else statement to be defined for MDX based syntax. The IIF statements cannot be include *REC commands, but can be used within MDX tuple expressions. Each *REC command generates a new record. SQ01 12 P.
What is *XDimName
- %{DimName}_SET%:A system generated keyword is available for each dimension. This keyword holds the set of members passed to the logic engine for a given dimension (i.e. the initial scope). This keyword can be used as a replacement string anywhere in
When are *SELECT statements executed?
14.The *SELECT statement will be executed before any other statements regardless of its actual position in the script logic file. SQ01 14 P.
WHEN/IS/REC/ENDWHEN cannot be written inside ____________?
- WHEN/IS/REC/ENDWHEN cannot be written inside SELECTCASE/ENDSELECT . SQ01 15 P.
What properties are not supported inside REC statements?
- Dynamic Properities such as HLEVEL, PARENTHn are not supported inside REC statement. SQ01 16 P.
Where does REC belong?
- REC always needs to be accompained within WHEN/IS/ENDWHEN. Stand alone REC statements will not have any effects . SQ01 17 P.
What are 5 restrictions on *REC statement? When can’t you use keyfigure/ SIGNEDDATA?
There are restrictions when using the *REC statement and these are:
You can’t use MDX keywords in the expression
You can’t use the GET() function
You can’t use the NOADD function
You can’t use the SIGNEDDATA key figure (OQuantity, 0Balance) – put into on
What is LOOKUP? Limitation?
LOOKUP to another application within logic script. 19. Multiple LOOKUP blocks for same Application is not supported . SQ01 19 P.
What command is used to convert the keyfigure model to account model ?
MVAL? Answer not provided by source. SQ01 20 P.
Script logic calculations cannot cross applications within on Appset – True or False.
TRUE, Any logic that is created is model specific, SQ01 21 P.
Script Logic is used to calc data but only for base level data in the application. True or False.
TRUE SQ01 22 P.
The *REC instruction tells the program what to do once the specified criteria has been met. – True or False.
TRUE SQ01 23 P.
ACCT_FROM = 10000
ACCT_TO = 10001
Technical name of the BADI. *– starts indicate SQL coding. [ ] are for MDX coding. SQ01 24 P.
What is RUNLOGIC keyword allow you to do?
run scripts in parralell for better performance SQ01 25 P.
The list of supported MDX functions is available from function module ____?
Which are the on the fly calculations ?
Dimension member formulas. SQ01 27 P.
Which logic is stored in the database ?
Script logic. Other logics are worksheet & Dimension Member Formulas SQ01 28 P.
Dimesnion member formulas and worksheet logic are not stored in the database – True or False.
TRUE - dimension member formulas are generated during execution of report or input template. SQ01 29 P.
What do you need to use dimension member formulas ?
Formula property in the dimension. SQ01 30 P.
Any property with length greater than 60 is stored as a string in SAP NetWeaver BW – True or False.
True? Properties that are longer than 60 characters (in the BPC version for SAP NetWeaver) will still be accommodated, but the characters over 60 will be stored differently in BW, so the property won’t support the use of their property ID’s in programs a
What property is required by all currency type dimensions ?
Ø Currency Type SQ01 32 P.
Dimension and dimension members are case sensitive – True or False.
False, but All Caps is best practice so that they can be used in Logic. Logic is case sensitive. SQ01 33 P.
What does process a dimension do?
- Validate the formulas
- Validate the hierarchy
- Save it to the database. SQ01 34 P.
What is solve order ?
Solve Order determines the order in which dimensions, members, calculated
members, custom rollups, and calculated cells are evaluated, and the order in
which they are calculated. SQ01 35 P.
What is the highest priority of the solve order ?
36.What is the highest priority of the solve order ?
Zero is the highest priority. SQ01 36 P.
What is the file service tcode in BW?
UJFS SQ01 37 P.
What is system constants file?
Is the logic file that allows you to map dimension names from the application to the standard system variables used in SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 7.5 dynamic logic. SQ01 38 P.
What is Mdxlib.lgf.
MDXLibrary.lgf contains base examples of dimension formulas . SQ01 39 P.
What is default logic file ?
Default.LGF file SQ01 40 P.
What are .LGF and .LGX files ?
.LGF - an ASCII file that you use to create/edit your logic calculations and is accessed through the Script Logic editor in the Admin Console.
.LGX - the compiled logic file. Created by the system when you validate and save your logic. This is an executab
What are the major 10.0 enhancements?
reporting, front-end, consolidation enhancements, BW links including security, elmination of .NET layer., enhanced data manager, books and publishing. See text p. 624 SQ01 42 P.624
What are the major 7.5 enhancements ?
TMVL for time offset function
FOR/NEXT now supports variable
WHEN/IS/ENDWHEN support variable
ALLOCATION’s FACTOR now supports all basic mathematical functions with USING & TOTAL
ELSE within WHEN
?answer? SQ01 43 P.
Allocation Function? Explain Ø WHAT Ø WHERE Ø USING Ø TOTAL Ø FACTOR
What are scoping commands ?
The following keywords can be used to modify the scope:
- XDIM_MEMBERSET - Overwrites the scope for that dimension
- XDIM_ADDMEMBERSET - Add members to the scope of that dimension
- XDIM_FILTER - Filters the members of the scope of that dimension
What command is used to update the records in the database ?
COMMIT . SQ01 46 P.
Can you use data manager prompts in the script logic ? TRUE or FALSE
TRUE SQ01 47 P.
What are system variables ?
%USER% - Returns current SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation User
%APPSET% - Returns current SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation AppSet (Application Set)
%APPLICATION% - Returns current SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation
What are delivered measures ?
Periodic, QTD, YTD SQ01 49 P.
What are custom measures ?
Custom measures can be created using ABAp program – TRUE or FALSE.
TRUE SQ01 51 P.
What is the difference between EVGTS and EVSND
EVGTS : The EvGTS (Get value and scale) function retrieves a data value based on the specified members, and scales the value if the scale property is enabled on the dimension. The report templates provided in the sample application set have a scale refere
XDIM_MEMBERSET doesńt allow Properties. What are 2 work arounds?
%DIMNAME_SET% is a variable which inherits the dimension member from the current view. – TRUE or FALSE .
?answer? SQ01 54 P.
What are 4 types of methods to read the data ?
RSDRI, MDX, AXIS, CELL - I think this is EVDRE related. SQ01 55 P.
What is UJSTATS tcode ?
How to switch on the stats and what is the web parameter ?
Application Web parameter called BPC_STATISTICS – Should be set to ON SQ01 57 P.
What type of query EVDRE creates – RSDRI or MDX ?
?answer? SQ01 58 P.
What is the purpose of the program UJO_STATISTICS_DELETE ?
Delete the stats table entries. SQ01 59 P.
Cell queries have been moved to Axis Queries because they are faster even though they bring back more data – TRUE or FALSE.
?answer? SQ01 60 P.
What is sparsity coefficient ?
no longer used SQ01 61 P.
CoefficientPost BPC 7.0 SP3, the Sparsity Coeffiecientis no longer used – TRUE or FALSE.
TRUE SQ01 62 P.
Custom suppression adds another EVDRE – TRUE o FALSE
TRUE SQ01 63 P.
What is the difference between DRILLDOWN and DRILLTHROUGH ?
Drill down is different than drill through. Drill down is used to drill down on member data within
dimensions. You can drill down on members in a worksheet, or you can drill down on charts and graphs. Drill down is conducted within one report in the Excel
What are the options of DRILL THROUGH?
Jump to any website
Jump to a BW query
Jump to ECC tcode SQ01 65 P.
The business rules are broken down into Appset and Application sections. In the application the destination data source is assigned to the method in the automatic assignment. – TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 66 P.
During first cons the diff between the investment and the parents share of subs equity Is
written to goodwill . – TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 67 P.
The purchase method only adjusts the investment for market value changes in the subsidiary –TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE SQ01 68 P.
The purchase method is typically used in the US where the parent has a majority of shares or has controlling interest over the subsidiary . TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 69 P.
Annual Net Income of the subsidiary is split between the parent and the minority shareholders during subsequent consolidation activities .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 70 P.
When the consolidation program is executed, it reads dim prop, cons methods and percentages in the
ownership app. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 80 P.
The dimlist property in the account dim can be used as a selection criteria for account to be included in the source of the calculation . TRUE OR FALSE
True - DimList is an important property for source & target in BCF(balance carry forward) IC Elim, balancing logic, … SQ01 81 P.
The method assignments by entity and their percentages are read from the DHE(Dynamic Hierarchy Editor) – TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE - Read from ownership model and components. the components that are working together to successfully accomplish a validate consolidation include a hierarchy, the ownership model, a method definition, and method assignment. SQ01 82 P.35
Dynamic hieracgy Editor is available in NW BPC 7.5. –TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 83 P.
DHE is a user interface and data is stored in the cube ?–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 84 P.
Main reason to consider using IC matching is that you want to do the matching on transaction currency and you do not want to add this currency to the Legal App. –TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 85 P.
The IC booking function concentrates into each entity the declarations all other entities vs the particular entity. This then allows the end users within each reporting entity to run a report whichmatches all of its declarations against the balance of the
TRUE SQ01 86 P.
The IC Matching App is a Financial Type with Currency Conversion and Intercompany Booking business rules .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 87 P.
Intercompany Matching vs BO InterCompany
Note: Intercompany Matching versus SAP BusinessObjects InterCompany By the way, planning and consolidation intercompany matching isn’t to be confused with one of the other SAP products called SAP BusinessObjects InterCompany, which also performs intercomp
Running the ICDATA.LGF logic file via the corresponding ICDATA package runs intercompany reconciliation .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 88 P.
Running the ICBOOKING.LGF via the ICBooking package runs intercompany reconciliation and posts differences .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 89 P.
Setting up the Seller rule type in ICBooking Business Rules means that the seller will receive any variances . TRUE OR FALSE
S -Seller: The seller is correct, so the buyer receives the difference.
B -Buyer: The buyer is correct, so the seller receives the difference.
G-Greatest: Entity with the greatest amount receives the difference. SQ01 90 P.495
ICMatching postings happen at the group level. TRUE OR FALSE
False - base entity level. SQ01 91 P.
ICMatching postings happen at the entity level.– TRUE OR FALSE
True - not at group level. SQ01 92 P.
US Elim entries happen at Group Level . TRUE OR FALSE
True This ownership data will be used to book elimination entries at each group level. SQ01 93 P.440
Automatic Adjust entries happen at Group or Group & Entity Level. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 94 P.
During IC Elim , in order to keep the BS of each Entity balanced, the reverse amount is booked to a plug account . TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 95 P.
FALSE SQ01 96 P.
The Plug/offset account should be balanced at Group level . TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 97 P.
The Elim is written to a diff data src so that the initial value of the account is not overwritten . TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 98 P.
A unique requirement while dealing with IC entries is that they should only be reflected in any given group only if both the entity and partner entity which it was doing business with are a part of that group. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE - First common parent. SQ01 99 P.
% of Ownership = Shares Owned/Shares Outstanding100.
% of Minority Interest = 100 –(Shares Owned/Shares Outstanding100)
TRUE SQ01 100 P.
RUN CONSOLIDATION only performs the eliminations, as Currency Translation has to be run before to populate the data in the Group Currencies . TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 101 P.
the reverse amount is booked to a Plug account . TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 102 P.
Processing a dimension will execute the following 4 steps:
- Validate Hierarchy.
- Validate Dimension member formulas.
- Update member data into BW.
- BW Attribute change run. SQ01 103 P.
Plug Account should be balanced at group level (only Intercompany missmatches are left).
TRUE SQ01 104 P.
ACCTYPE is required for account type dimensions and is used to control sign display and aggregation behavior in reporting. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 105 P.
DIMLIST# properties are used as selection criteria in business rules. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 106 P.
Dimension member formulas are defined at the Application Set level, thus they are valid across all applications which use the dimension.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 107 P.
What are these symbos used for ? // * . #
// denote comments.
‘*’ indicates executable lines of code. SQL
No ‘.’ at the end of statements.
‘#’ is used in MDX statements to denote the receiver of the calculation SQ01 107 P.
What is the tcode for logic debugging?
UJKT Program UJK_SCRIPT_LOGIC_TESTER will allow you to test and debug script logic SQ01 108 P.
What is tcode to access Netweaver Logic files?
UJFS – might be used with system constants file SQ01 109 P.
Once the Consolidation User sees the validation account with a non zero value, they would know to run the Validation package which performs customer derived validation checks and sets the validation account back to zero. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 110 P.
In the conversion file : If you want to ignore external data (as listed in the External column), you can place the keyword *skip in the Internal column.TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 111 P.
You can use the asterisk () and question mark (?) wildcards in the External or Internal columns. An asterisk () stands for any character, while a question mark (?) stands for any single character.TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 112 P.
If the source InfoCube has multiple key figures, the MVAL keyword can be used to import the data in only one data load.
TRUE SQ01 113 P.
By adding an ‘ENABLEJRN’ property to any dimension, only the members with a ‘Y’ in that property can be selected in journals. TRUE OR FALSE
True - A popular journal control feature is the idea of limiting which dimension members can be used in journal postings by using the ENABLEJRN property. You can use this property in any dimension type, but it’s best used with the DataSource type dimensio
If you have already created a journal template, creating a new template that changes the structure of the journal entries deletes the old template and all journal entries associated with that template. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 115 P.
The ‘Driver’ dimension is the one dimension per application whose members are used to compare against other dimension members to see if they are permissible. There is only one driver dimension per application but it can be used as a point of comparison wi
TRUE SQ01 116 P.
“Validation:The only operators are ‘<>’ and ‘=’. But you can include multiple single values separated by commas.
TRUE SQ01 117 P.
Which of the following are true regarding the reversal of signs during data loads?
Choose the correct answer(s).
A If the source value is positive it will be reversed if it is an AST account type.
B If the source value is positive or negative it will be r
CREDIT POSITIVE - If NO, all amounts referring to an account type (LEQ,INC) will have their signs reversed. SQ01 118 P.298
What is Team?
A group of users. Fairly equivalent to a NW role. One user can be designated as a team leader. Team Lead has right to manage team folder. SQ01 119 P.516
It is the combination of member access profiles & task profiles that
determine overall BPC access. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 120 P.
What are 8 important programs?
What are tables within BW system?
/B28/F or E – Tables associated with cube fall under /B28/F or E namespace
UJ –Tables associated with the ABAP fall under UJ namespace
/CPMB/ – All the BI objects would get created under /CPMB/ name space. SQ01 122 P.
Compare Microsoft Analysis Server table to BW tables:
Open Request – Write Back table
Fact Table – Fac2 Table
E Table – Fact Table SQ01 123 P.
You can find the tables through their technical names in SE16 tcode. – TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE – SE16 and view table TSTC - this table holds all the tcodes available in BW SQ01 124 P.
What is SE16 & TSTC?
SE16 and view table TSTC - this table holds all the tcodes available in BW SQ01 125 P.
Describe Light and Full Optimization. What is different between the two?
Lite Optimize: will close the open request, compress and index the cube, and update database statistics for the BI Cube. Moves the data from F-Table to E-Table
Full Optimize: will perform the same operations as Lite Optimize, but will also check the NetW
data remodel is done in full optimization .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 126 P.
Compression is done in Lite and Full optimization. –TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 127 P.
BPC 7.5 SP05 patch 1 increased formatting performance by 40% –TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 128 P.
You can change the BPC dimensions in the backend with BW.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE SQ01 129 P.
Cell queries have been moved to Axis Queries because they are faster even though they bring back more data.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 130 P.
If multiple EVDRE’s are needed, the first EVDRE should be RSDRI in order to build the rows.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 131 P.
Work Status is set up from the Administrators at both the application set and application level. –TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 132 P.
Work Status is set only athe application level .–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE SQ01 133 P.
To use work state tracking, you must specify the hierarchy (H1, H2, H3, …, Hn) within the owner dimension for which you want to use work status.TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 134 P.
You specify the hierarchy for which you want to track the work status of deliverables in the APPROVALORG field on the Setting Application Parameters.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 135 P.
Work Status:You can define only one hierarchy for each application within an application set.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 136 P.
The work state “Locks Not Set” “is a Default work state” with internal code of “0” with “both” for Controlled by. This work state must be the first and cannot be changed.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 137 P.
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 7.5, version for SAP NetWeaver allows setting any combination of between 3 and 5 dimensions as relevant for locking, despite the dimension type. So Work Status can also be configured for an Account type dimension.–
TRUE SQ01 138 P.
Email Notification is only available in SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 7.5, version for SAP NetWeaver. –TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 139 P.
There is a reporting function EVLCK available as well. This function provides a read only comment retrieval for Work Status.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 140 P.
Script logic statements are case-insensitive.–TRUE OR FALSE
test says TRUE, but I think this is FALSE. Seen cases where if dimension is not in all caps it does not recognize. SQ01 141 P.
You cannot use MDX keywords in *REC.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 142 P.
REC always needs to be accompanied by WHEN / IS / ENDWHEN. Stand-alone REC statements do not have any effect.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 143 P.
*FOR / *NEXT is used to repeat certain scripts written between a FOR and an immediate NEXT for a set of members. Sets of members can be provided either directly in the FOR statement or through variable. The Logic Module supports any number of FORNEXT loop
What is a limitation of SELECT statement?
The SELECT statement is fairly limited, as it only supports the equal sign (=) , not equal to (<>) and cannot be used to combine multiple filtercriteria with AND or OR keywords. SQ01 145 P.
How many nestings of SELECTCASE can you have?
SELECTCASE structures currently CANNOT be nested. SQ01 146 P.
Which has much better performance? WHEN/ENDWHEN OR *SELECTCASE?
WHEN/ENDWHEN which has a much better performance then *SELECTCASE. SQ01 147 P.
What is the syntax for dimension member formulas?
- The syntax for dimension member formulas requires a square bracket around the dimension and the member and separated by a period. The only exception is with the account dimension, where only the dimension member is needed. Standard arithmetic functio
What is default SOLVE_ORDER for measures? For members?
The SAP Business Planning and Consolidation default Solve_Order is
equal to 3 for measures and 5 for members. SQ01 148 P.
What is the Spread funcion?
SPREAD:The Spread modeling option allows you to take a value and allocate it among selected destination cells. The value can be allocated equally, or it can be weighted by a range of values. For example, you can take the value 100 and spread it across a n
What is Trend function?
TREND:The Trend modeling option takes a value or percentage and grows it by a factor among selected cells. This option places the source value in the first cell of the destination range. Each subsequent cell in the destination increases by the amount or p
What is weighted function?
WEIGHTED:The Weighted modeling option lets you allocate a set of values by weighted factors in your spreadsheet. It allows you to take a set of values, grow them if desired, and then allocate the new amount based on the relative weights of the selected ce
How is the comment feature enabled for both methods?
The comment feature must be turned on at the Application level for both methods. SQ01 161 P.
What is EVCOM?
Add a comment to a cell. SQ01 162 P.
Comments are stored in which of the following? Ø Cube Ø DSO Ø Real time cube Ø Table
Table - is that why can’t use a copy package to copy them? SQ01 163 P.
Which reporting commands update the data base:
To use the excel popup feature for comments, you need to turn that on via th workbook options.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 165 P.
What are system reports?
System Reports are pre-designed web reports, that allow you to report on system information/activity, rather than transaction/master data in the system.You can report on: • Activity Audit • Data Audit • Security • Comments • Work Status SQ01 166 P.
What are the fields of a distribution template?
Answer needs to be updated for BPC 10.0
• BOOK: the title of your distributed book.
• SECTION: denotes the beginning of a section.
• REPNAME: report filename, location and title (can also be for Input Schedules).
• FIXKEY: sets dimension members to the fi
Validations configuration is performed in transaction UJ_VALIDATION.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 168 P.
One driver dimension for each application for validation. –TRUE OR FALSE
True – application = Model. SQ01 169 P.
Only one is correct.
Ø There can be n driver dimension or 1 app.
Ø There can be only 1 driver dimension for 1 app.
Ø There can be n driver dimensions for m apps.
Ø There can be max 5 driver dimensions for a single app.
Answer : There can be only 1 driver dimension for 1 app. SQ01 170 P.
What is the relationship of Rules & Members? #:#
Rules and Members are a N:N relationship (1 rule can be assigned to multiple members, and 1 member can be assigned to multiple rules). SQ01 171 P.
You can turn validations on or off by application.TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 172 P.
What is EVUSR? What is BPC 10.0 equivalent?
The EvUSR (User ID) function returns the name of the user who is logged on to the system. EPMuser () SQ01 173 P.
What is EVAST? What is BPC 10.0 equivalent?
174.The EvAST (Application set) function returns the name of the current application set. EPMEnvDatabaseID SQ01 174 P.
What is EVAPP?
The EvAPP (Application) function returns the current application name. SQ01 175 P.
What is EVDES?
The EvDES (Description) function returns the description of a specified member. SQ01 176 P.
What is EVDIM?
The EvDIM (Dimension) function retrieves a dimension name of the specified type from the database. SQ01 177 P.
What is EVPRO?
The EVPRO function returns the value of a specified property for a specified member. SQ01 178 P.
What is EVTRI?
The EvRTI function returns the time and date of the last data refresh. SQ01 179 P.
What is EVCOM?
The EvCOM function references another cell and sends its value, a textual comment, to the database when specified. SQ01 180 P.
What is EVHOT?
The EvHOT (hot link) function sets up a hot link to another report or cell withi another report. Hot links can be used to guide a user through adhoc analysis. SQ01 181 P.
What is EVGTS?
The EvGTS (Get value and scale) function retrieves a data value based on the specified members, and scales the value if the scale property is enabled on the dimension. SQ01 182 P.
What does Send & Refresh do?
The Send function references another cell and sends its value to the database when you select Send and Refresh Schedules. SQ01 183 P.
What is EVTIM?
The EvTIM (time period offset) function specifies an offset from a given time period. SQ01 184 P.
How did you set the current view in BPC 7.5?
You can double click on the EVCVW output to set the current view. EVDRE templates use the EVCVW function in the page key range. SQ01 185 P.
What is EVBET?
EVBET is used to calculate variances in conjunction with the ACCTYPE property. Use EVPRO to pull in the account type property. EVBET performs a variance calculation based on the acctype value. For example, if revenue actual is greater than plan, the vari
AVAILABLEFLAG Controls whether the system is offline or not. Yes means the system is online and available for sending data to the database. You can take the system offline by changing the value to No. (Required) SQ01 188 P.
YTDINPUT This parameter controls whether data is input in year-todate format. Valid options are 1, which means ytd format; or 0, which means periodic format. (Optional) YTDInputTimeHir This parameter designates the time hierarchy that will be used by a YT
Deleting & leaving blank required and optional parameters
If an application parameter is required, you can leave it blank to accept the default, but if you delete the parameter, the system may not work correctly. If an application parameter is optional, you can delete it if you wantto. SQ01 190 P.
If the application parameter is required and it is blank then Ø System will crash Ø Will throw an error message Ø Gives a warning message Ø Leave it blank to accept the default.
Leave it blank to accept the default SQ01 191 P.
What is TOPDOWN?
You can set work status to top-down in the TOPDOWN field in the Application Parameters. SQ01 192 P.
What are work status locks?
Work Status locks can allow you to lock down documents that have had the Application Context specified. SQ01 193 P.
There is an AppSet web admin parameter called “LANDINGPAGEITEM”, which allows you to control what is viewed when you open the BPC Web “Getting Started” page (landing.aspx). SQ01 194 P.
What is AS_IS? What can it be combined with? When use it?
AS_IS’ is key word that is supported in the formula field that means to leave a value untouched if it is already in the destination currency. ‘AS_IS’ cannot be combined with anything other than ‘-1’. ‘AS_IS’ is used when you need a historical rate. For Co
END - uses the end of month rate as stored in the rate application.
AVG - uses the average rate as stored in the rate application.
COPYLC - translate the local currency to group or reporting currency with a factor of ‘1.
OPEEND - the end rate of the last
What are Equity Method, Purchase Method, & Proportional Method?
Generally speaking, if the ownership % is greater that 50% the purchase method will be used in the US but the equity method is used if the amount is less than 50%. The proportionate method is similar to the purchase method and is used more frequently in E
A owns 80% of B company, 70% of C and 40 % of D. Which company can use the quity method. B B & C D A
A company can use the equity method. SQ01 199 P.
What do properties used in the dynamic hierarchy editor for Ownership begin with?
Org - The properties that begin with ‘Org’ all relate to the dynamic hierarchy editor. SQ01 200 P.
What are 2 ways to enter Ownership data?
Ownership data can be entered via the Dynamic Hierarchy Editor or via input templates. SQ01 201 P.
There are five possible adjustment types: But typically this is blank except for Equity and Proportionate.
10.0 Blank --Purchase method. Equity -- Equity method. Proportional -- Proportional method. Leaving -- Divestitures.
7.5 • Generic • Equity • Proportional • New (acquisitions) • Leaving (divestitures) SQ01 202 P.
In 7.5, what was MS equivalent of “Groups”?
“Consolview”. In the NetWeaver release, the ‘Groups’ dimension is typically used whereas the Microsoft release referred to it as the ‘Consolview’ dimension. SQ01 203 P.
Are businss rules like Automatic Adjustment broken down by model or environment?
The business rules are broken down into Appset and Application sections for Automatic Adjustments SQ01 204 P.
Where is the destination datasource assigned to the method? What is in the automatic adjustment details?
In the Appset, the Rules, Methods, and Formulas are defined. In the Application, the destination datasource is assigned to the method in the
‘automatic adjustments’. In the automatic adjustment details, the source accounts, reversal signs, target accounts
What is a requirment for IC Elimination entries?
must be in same group. Share a common parent. A unique requirement when dealing with inter unit elimination entries is that they should only be reflected in any given group if both the entity and the partner entity which it was doing business with are p
The adjustment types include the same 5 rule types.
10.0 Blank --Purchase method. Equity -- Equity method. Proportional -- Proportional method. Leaving -- Divestitures.
7.5 • Generic • Equity • Proportional • New (acquisitions) • Leaving (divestitures) SQ01 207 P.
What are 4 consolidation methods in 10.0?
- 0 These are different types of consolidation methods such as the 86-Purchase Method, 70-Proportional Method, 90-Holding Method, and 30-Equity Method.
- 5 The consolidation method types include: New, Holding, Global,Proportional, Equity, Leaving @ the b
How do commit instructions impact performance?
Any number of commit instructions can be entered in a logic file. However, the number of commit instructions should be kept to the minimum, because they have a negative impact on the overall performance of the logic execution due to increased communicatio
BPC supports compounded info objects . TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE there is no concept of compounding in a BPC InfoObject. The is compounding in BW. If you have a compound InfoObject, this means that there is a superior InfoObject that controls the core InfoObject
Compounding is the addition of another InfoObj
BPC doesn’t support compounded info objects.You have to write proper transformation .–TRUE OR FALSE
Answer says false, but thought this was TRUE. SQ01 211 P.
What % of consolidation are Proportionate, Full, Holding done?
1 SQ01 ck P.
What are four data packages available?
Standard Data Loading Packages
Financial Packages
Administrative Packages
Misc Packages SQ01 212 P.
What is the Import Hierarchy package?
Import Hierarchy package…Only supports Overwrite mode, not update mode .The node name in the hierarchies, after transformation, should be a existing members in BPC target dimension.Supports reading hierarchies by time and version dependency, but not writi
The Master data BADI is based on the table level .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 214 P.
The Transaction data BADI is based on the package level – True or False?
TRUE SQ01 215 P.
What is different about packages vs package links?
Package Link is application based and can not be used across applications. The packages in one package link are executed in sequence. If one package fails, then all subsequent packages will not run. SQ01 216 P.
What are the options available for transaction data load ?
Merge and Replace options are both available . SQ01 217 P.
How many driver dims per application is allowed while setting up validations? What is code for validations?
One driver dim per application is allowed while setting up validations using UJ_VALIDATIONS. SQ01 218 P.
The driver dim can only be the account dim while setting up validations.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE SQ01 219 P.
If two applications are using the account dim , the validation will be set across applications.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 220 P.
All config in UJ_VALIDATION is \_\_\_\_\_Specific Application App Set Dimension DSO
AppSet = Environment 10.0 SQ01 221 P.
Which of the following are used in setting up UJ_VALIDATIONS? A. Value ranges B. Use non existing members C. Only = sign D. You can include multiple values.
?answer? SQ01 222 P.
It is possible to turn validations on/off by Journals, Manual Planning and Data Manager.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 223 P.
Which of the following is true with regards to validations(7.5) Controls (10.0)?
A. All validations config can be transported
B. Validations integrate with Activity Audit
C. Authorisation is controlled by access to task profiles
D. last changed date and t
Answer: A,B,D. C- work status determines acess for Controls? SQ01 224 P.
It is possible to log the process of copying and deleting an Appset.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE SQ01 225 P.
All changes regarding activation and de-activation of audits is logged into the system–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 226 P.
An Application set is equivalent to a MS Analysis Services Database.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 227 P.
An Application is equivalent to a table in a relational database–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 228 P.
In the MS Version the ApShell comes with 5 of 6 app types. – True or False
TRUE Note:Does not include Generic, non-reporting type. Includes apps like Finance ,Legal, Lrate, Rate and Ownership . SQ01 229 P.
In the MS Version, you can create custom menus , define security and add them to the custom menu list in BPC for Excel .–TRUE OR FALSE
Custom menus aren’t migrated; instead, they are replaced with the workspaces and
activities options in BPC V10.0. SQ01 230 P.
In case the SQL dim data and Excel member do not correspond the\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is needed to make sure the diff storage types contain the same members. Process Dim Delete Dim Export Dim Modify Dim
Export dim SQ01 231 P.
Processing a dim in the MS version will execute the following steps. A. Create info objects B. Save to the server C. Validate the Formulas D. Validate the hierarchies
C & D – validate the formulas and hierarchies. SQ01 232 P.
You can schedule processing of dimensions in the MS Version .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 233 P.
Duplicate dim types are allowed in one application.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE. Note:Duplicates are allowed if it is user defined dimesnions. SQ01 234 P.
In the MS Version you can set the system to remind you to optimize the app when the database records reach a certain limit.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 235 P.
When you load data via data manager in the MS Version it resides in the “Real Time” data storage.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE. Note: When you load data via DM it resides in the FAC2 tables which is the short term data storage. SQ01 236 P.
The Compress database option in the MS Version sums multiple entries for the same CV into one entry so that data strorage space is minimized.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 237 P.
Index Defragmentation has no effect on FACT Tables.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE Note:ID can update all indices and statistics to receive a faster access to the data. ID has an effect on FACT tables . SQ01 238 P.
The BPC DM is an instance of the MS Analysis Integration Services.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 239 P.
Data Manager can handle meta data.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE. Note: Only Master data and Transaction data. Meta data is what is stored locally for reporting. SQ01 240 P.
Clear package creates an additional record with a reverse sign and is eliminated upon compression to achieve the deleted effect.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 241 P.
Worksheet Logic does not require a call to the server.-TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 242 P.
Worksheet Logic doesn’t update the database.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 243 P.
Dimension logic can only be used with the Account type dimension–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE. Note:It can be used with any dim having the formula property SQ01 244 P.
Upon posting a Journal the system runs the logic that Is specific to journal processes. You can create a Journal.lgf to overwrite this. –TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 255 P.
In case of Work Status, if a child is added to the hierarchy, and if the parent is locked, the child will also be in locked status.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 256 P.
Re-posting a journal is like posting the values again with a reverse sign.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE. Note: Unposting is posting the JV again but with a reverse sign. Reposting is posting the values twice to the database . SQ01 257 P.
There are no dynamic template wizard available for the EVDRE function .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 258 P.
EVDRE produces smaller workbooks the EVSND and EVGET as there is no need to embed functions to send or receive data.– True or False
TRUE SQ01 259 P.
You cannot build a static report using EVDRE.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE SQ01 260 P.
The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ option controls the sending of data by EVDRE . Workbook Esubmit Eanalyze Etools
workbook SQ01 261 P.
Where do you set the layout as input schedule or report?
Workbook options – Input schedule or Report. SQ01 262 P.
Refresh option recreates the sturcture of the report and then refreshes the cells.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE. Note: Expand All does this. SQ01 263 P.
What is the difference between EXPANDALL and REFRESH ?
EXPANDALL expands and refreshes, while refresh only refreshes the cells. SQ01 264 P.
EXPANDALL is more time consuming than REFRESH.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 265 P.
The member for each dim is tied to the CV from the Page Key Range using the EVCVW function.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 266 P.
The _________ allows you to select the members from a member lookup
dialog box by double clicking on the cell that contains the formula
EVMBR = EPMMemberSelector (10.0) SQ01 267 P.
You can use the Cell key range only on static reports .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE Note: Use the cell key range to overwrite the CV for any cell that Is a part of the data range. SQ01 268 P.
You can base the suppression option on a diff region of data than the one being retrieved.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 269 P.
In the advance formatting, all the 6 cols can be arranged in any order.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE–Note: They must be found in the correct order - Criteria,Evaluate in, format, Use, Parameters, Apply to. SQ01 270 P.
Time is a flat dimension .–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE Note: Times ia hierachial dimension . Category is pretty flat. SQ01 271 P.
In BPC you can assign task profiles directly to users.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 272 P.
In BPC you can assign task profiles to Team and assign users to the team.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 273 P.
Drag and drop reporting provides an alternative method for creating reports and does not use the EVDRE Functions .–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE SQ01 274 P.
In EVDRE , Report is pulled by Page Key Range and not by Current View.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 275 P.
BW has detailed level data and BPC is executive data.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 276 P.
is useful for:
Refresh the schedule without sending data
Sending data and refresh the worksheet
Sending data without clearing or refreshing the worksheet
Answer : Sending data without clearing or refreshing the worksheet SQ01 277 P.
The dimension type that is required for effecting currency translations is Currency Type Flow Type Entity Type Rate Type
Currency Type SQ01 278 P.
Delivered properties like Scaling, formula etc can be shared across Appsets–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE. Note: The dimensions are app set specific not application specific. SQ01 279 P.
A step is re-opened? What is the next step status? Open Re-open Pending Delayed
Answer: Delayed . SQ01 280 P.
What is BW object equivalent to a BPC cube? Info cube Info object DSO Info area Table
InfoCube SQ01 281 P.
Where are the archived reports stored in BW? Cube SAO Write DSO Real Time cube Tables
Answer: Tables SQ01 281 P.
Where do you set up the data audit for transactional data?
BPC Admin
BPC excel interface
Web Admin parameters at app set level
Web Admin parameters at application level .
Answer: Web Admin Parameters at application level. SQ01 282 P.
What DIM is same for all applications in consolidation setup? Category, time Category,entity,time Category,group,time Category,group,Time,Entity
Answer: category & Time (Ownership, Consolidation, Rate Models) SQ01 283 P.
IC Matching is required for consolidation setup.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE SQ01 284 P.
What are the 3 apps required for Legal consolidation
Ownership, Rate, Legal SQ01 285 P.
Ownership and Rate for non-reporting type apps.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 286 P.
Rate is like equivalent to TCURR in ECC system.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 287 P.
Which of these transformation file options is unique for NW setup? SELECTION MAXREJECTCOUNT VALIDATION SELECT
What is not possible through work-status?
To lock a BPF – Business Process Workflow SQ01 289 P.
What is the name of the program to check the appset consistency ?
Transaction data is described by Infocube Dimension Appset Dimension Members Calculated KF’s
Answer: Dimension Members SQ01 291 P.
The required dim types for reporting,generic is A, C, E, T .–TRUE OR FALSE
True: Account, Category, Entity, Time SQ01 292 P.
During optimization the records are moved from the F-fact table to the E-fact table. True or False
TRUE SQ01 293 P.
SAP BPC does not have the facility of partitioning/portioning.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 294 P.
You can access the "Modify Work Status option thru the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_menu. Edata Esubmit Eanalyse Etools
eSubmit (7.5)
10.0 – Data Input / Save Data / “change work status” SQ01 295 P.
The copy package can copy from several senders to one receiver.–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE Note: Always 1:1 relationship. SQ01 296 P.
Compounding is supported in the /CPMB namespace.–TRUE OR FALSE
False. there is no concept of compounding in a BPC InfoObject. Compounding is the addition of another InfoObject that is required for the purposes of defining another
InfoObject. SQ01 297 P.
Non-team leaders can manage a package at the team level .–TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE. Note: Non team leaders’s can only run a package within the company or team folder. SQ01 298 P.
A user can be both a system admin and primary admin .–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 299 P.
Default logic references system constants which allow you to use different dim names .– True or False.
TRUE SQ01 300 P.
Default logic allows you to set fixed filters such as the fiscal year. –TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE. Note: None of the logic sets fixed filters SQ01 301 P.
Validation must be run to clear the validation account .TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 302 P.
The designated validation account is specified in work status config
TRUE SQ01 303 P.
Every time the validation is run, the validation account is incremented by 1 so the user knows how many times the validation was run . True or false
FALSE SQ01 304 P.
The *REC instruction tells the program what to do once the specified criteria has been met .
TRUE SQ01 305 P.
Each *REC instruction generates one new record to post to the data base TRUE OR FALSE
true. instruction tells the program what to do after the specified criteria has been met. Each REC instruction generates one new record to post to the database. Each source record can generate as many records as desired, even pointing to the same destina
Script logic calculations cannot cross applications within on Appset .TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE SQ01 307 P.
Script Logic is used to calc data but only for base level data in the application. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 308 P.
You use journals to record and make adjustments to the database.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 309 P.
How many journal templates are in an Application/Model?
N no of journal templates.
Only one journal template per application.
Based on the no of dimensions
Journal templates are app set specific.
Answer: only one journal template per model/application. Application set = Environment (10.0) SQ01 310 P.
The Ownership Account contains which of the following? Percentages Methods Parent Positions Entity Rates
Answer: Percentages,Methods and positions. Note: R_RATE & R_Entity are their own dimensions. SQ01 311 P.
Ownership data is collected and stored by entity and intco. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 312 P.
In the ownership cube percentages and methods are stored by Entity. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 313 P.
Any user with “manage template task “ can save and update objects to the company folder or team folder .TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 314 P.
When data is entered into YTD, its periodic values used for reporting purposes, are calculated as the difference between the current period and the last period.TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 315 P.
One can decide to store data in YTD or on a Periodic basis setting the AppSet Parameters .TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 316 P.
What is the BW equivalent of Environment/App set?
InfoArea SQ01 317 P.
Which dimensions appear in the Context/CurrentView?
All dimensions in the application appear in the current view SQ01 318 P.
Selection for multiple single values or ranges in Context/CurrentView is allowed?
No. Multiple single values or ranges are not allowed - Current View . SQ01 319 P.
Is the Context/Current view user dependent?
The Current View is user dependent, therefore you will only be able to view information that your member access profile allows. SQ01 320 P.
What is the workbook option for read only or save data?
Work Book Option:Templates being used for reading have a workbook type of ‘Report’ whereas templates being for both read and write have a type of ‘Input Schedule’.” SQ01 321 P.
Offline Mode/Park n Go lock down the report or input schedule and the current view data.TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 322 P.
EvDRE is bidirectional; it can both send and retrieve data. It combines and extends the functionality of other BPC functions such as EvGET and EvSND.–TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 323 P.
What are the 10 dimension types?
A C D E G I R S T U - Account, Category, AuditTrail, Entity, Group(Scope), Intercompany, Currency, Subtables(Flow), Time, UserDefined SQ01 324 P.
What is the new dimension in 7.5?
Group SQ01 325 P.
- Which business rules are used in the consolidation monitor?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
a) Account-based calculations
b) US eliminations
c) Eliminations and adjustments
d) Currency translation
e) Global definitions
c,d,e, — Eliminations & Adjustments, Currency Translation, Global Definitions SQ01 ck P.
Which business rules are contained in Global Definitions?
Methods, Method-based multipliers SQ01 ck P.
What is a Method business rule?
These are different types of consolidation methods such as the 86-Purchase Method, 70-Proportional Method, 90-Holding Method, and 30-Equity Method. SQ01 ck P.432
What is a Method-based Multiplier business rule?
This table contains rules that are used to select entity source values and apply percentages to those values to ultimately book new data records. SQ01 ck P.432
What is IFRS and US GAAP? Which is more specific GAAP or IFRS ?
GAAP is more specific . One of the major differences lies in the conceptual approach: U.S. GAAP is rule-based, whereas IFRS is principle-based. The inherent characteristic of a principles-based framework is the potential of different interpretations for
BPC allows periodic or YTD data storage while BCS is always periodic. TRUE OR FALSE
True. BCS is an older version of BPC. SQ01 327 P.
What is the soft limit on dimensions in the MS version per Model/Application?
The Microsoft versions have a soft limit of 20 dimensions per Application .
SQ01 328 P.
How many key figures are allowed for an InfoCube?
InfoCubes used for Business Planning and Consolidation only contain one key figure. SQ01 329 P.
How do you manage Request IDs? What is the threshold?
Request id’s stay ’open’ until a threshold of 50,000 records is reached. However,they can be closed by turning the request id green, switching from plan to load mode, or by running the ’close trans request’ function module.
The data storage for the BPC mo
What are the corresponding Fact Tables between MS & NW?
Open Request – Write Back table
Fact Table – Fac2 Table
E Table – Fact Table SQ01 331 P.
What are the MS Fact tables?
Open Request, Fact Table, E table. SQ01 ck P.
What are the BW Fact tables?
Write Back, Fac2, Fact table SQ01 ck P.
What happens when a model is created?
underlying infocube, multiprovider, and query are created. SQ01 332 P.
Why is a multiprovider created when BPC model is created ?
to support the interface between the EPM add-in reporting and the InfoCube itself SQ01 333 P.137
Why is a query created when a BPC model is created ?
?not sure?. to support the interface between the EPM add-in reporting and the InfoCube itself SQ01 334 P.
What can / can’t be done with non-reporting application data?
Can (report) Cannot(assign work status, define business rules).
You can report on non-reporting application data, but you cannot
assign work status codes to the data. In addition, you cannot define
business rules to these application types.
SQ01 335 P
When you create an application you reference an application and business rules ? TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 336 P.
What are the components of BPC Security?
Users, Teams, Data Access Profile(7.5=member access profile), Task profile SQ01 337 P.
When you create new applications, you need to select at least one ’secure’ dimension. Then the member access profiles need to allow access to the desired members.TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 338 P.
If the carry forward business planning function isn't working, it may be because the following web application parameter is not set. CARRYFORWARD OPENING BALANCE COPY OPENING BALANCE CARRYOVER
Runs a balance carry forward business rule (COPY_OPENING). SQ01 CK P.387
What are 3 logic scripts that run intercompany reconciliation?
What are two libraries and what do they contain?
MDXLIB.LGF SYSTEM_LIBRARY.LGF - one is MDX specific and one is basic set of keywords. SQ01 CK P.387
How do you run a validation rule?
run package VALIDATION.LGF. SQ01 CK P.387
If the YTD web admin parameter is set to YTD then the data stored in the cube will
Cash YTD measure and Revenue YTD measure will be the same.
Cash periodic measure and Revenue periodic measure will be the same.
Cash YTD measure and Revenue YTD measure are
Answer: 2 are correct answers . Answer not provided. My guess is the first two. SQ01 340 P.
Define the following: DIMLIST#, GROUP, ELIMACC, FORMULA.
’DIMLIST#’ properties are used to provide selection criteria in business rules.
’GROUP’ is used to designate an account as PL or BS.
’ELIMACC’ is used for US Elims and logic based eliminations in Microsoft typically.
’FORMULA’ is for dimension formulas. S
What do properties used in the dynamic hierarchy editor for Ownership begin with?
Org - The properties that begin with ‘Org’ all relate to the dynamic hierarchy editor. SQ01 342 P.
Can you delete a dimension when it is being used by a Model?
no SQ01 343 P.
How are these dimensions referenced by other dimensions? C, A, E, I
Category & Time – year common
Account & Account – Rate Type property
Entity & Currency – Local currency property
Intercompany & Entity – Entity values SQ01 344 P.
What is CALC? What are 2 other system generated properties?
a system generated property that indicates calculated members. 2 other system are HIR, Description. SQ01 345 P.
How are hierarchies stored in NW?
Hierarchies are stored as SAP NetWeaver BW Hierarchies. SQ01 346 P.
How are hierarchies stored in MS version?
Hierarchies are stored as a separate dimension in MS version. SQ01 347 P.
What is SCALING?
SCALING is a property of account used to display values in thousandsfor example in formula based reports. =EPMScaleData() SQ01 348 P.
What are the 4 account types?
AST, LEQ, INC, EXP SQ01 349 P.
Is it possible to create custom account types?
No SQ01 350 P.
Check the signs for the account types stored in DB and reporting ?
Account type. Can be INC for Income, EXP for Expense, AST for Asset, and LEQ for Liabilities and Equity. The account type can’t be blank. This is a critical property because it controls the signage of the transactional data that is uploaded. It’s used to
What does processing a dimension do?
- Validate Dimension member formulas.
- Validate Hierarchy .
- Update member data into BW.
- BW Attribute change run. SQ01 352 P.
Which 2 functions can be used using script logic and business rules? 2 answers are correct. A. Carry Forward B. Validation C. Automatic ajustments D. Currency Translation
Answer : A & D SQ01 353 P.
What are 2 categories for business rules? Name 5 business rules.
Global Definitions & Consolidations. (there are more). CCEMM Methods, Method-based multipliers, currency translation, Eliminations & Adjustments, Carry-Forward. Both MM are Global Definitions. The others are Consolidations. SQ01 ck P.
In MS, what would prevent the work status from advancing in regards to “validation”?
In microsoft the work status cannot be advanced if the ’validation’ account as defined in the application work status has a non zero value. SQ01 354 P.
Rate type is missing
TCURR table is missing
Answer: A SQ01 355 P.
When you load the data to the BPC info provider you want to delete the existing data and reload the new data. What options do you select? Merge and replace the date Append the date Delete and do a full load Replace and clear Merge the data
Replace and Clear SQ01 356 P.
What is Distribution & Collection?
Distribute worksheets via excel or pdf. Collect input schedules. Sets reports into Offline mode before saving. SQ01 357 P.
Only reports can be distributed and collected and not the Input Schedules ?
FALSE SQ01 358 P.
What are the Out of the Box solution for loading the master data load?
A. Load Master Data from SAP ERP directly into BPC, version for SAP NetWeaver .
B. Load Master Data from SAP NetWeaver BI Characteristics Directly Using Data Manager
C. Flat file by DM
Answer; A & B – Why not all 4? Others require configuration? SQ01 359 P.
What are the Out of the Box solution for loading the transaction data load ?
A. Load transaction data from SAP NetWeaver BI using an Open Hub destination that provides flat files to data manager (Delta Load)
B. Load transaction data from SAP NetWeaver BI
Answer: A & B SQ01 360 P.
When performing a “Copy AppSet” action, all Validations configuration is copied as well. Likewise, for “Delete AppSet” all Validations configuration is also deleted.
TRUE SQ01 361 P.
What is new dimension type G?
The new dimension type ’G’ is new in 7.5 and permits the calculation of multiple group currencies by adding multiple currencies into currency type dimension in the group dimension . SQ01 362 P.
MS uses ‘stored proceddures’. What does NW use?
Stored procedures are used on the Microsoft product but not in NW.NW uses process chains and programs. SQ01 363 P.
By adding a value of ’Y’ to the IS_CONSOL property, the corresponding datasource will be included in the consolidation processing, otherwise they are ignored.
TRUE SQ01 364 P.
By adding a value of ’Y’ to the IS_CONVERTED property, the corresponding datasource will be included in the conversion from local to the desired currency, otherwise they are ignored.TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 365 P.
What are the required dimensions to create the BPF instances ? Time Time and category Category Entity,category and Time
time SQ01 366 P.
What is the opening step for BPF process?
there is none. SQ01 367 P.
When an BPF action is completed or status changed who gets notified ? Owner Reviewer Manager Admin
Owner because it is completed. Reviewer has already seen.
The owner of an activity receives an e-mail notification when the activity is open to perform, approved/rejected by reviewer, and reopened.
The responsible reviewer for an activity receives an e-
What is required dimension for BPF? What is best practice to define an instance?
Time is the only required dimension. It is best practice to select at least two dimensions to define an instance. The instance will be used to determine the status of the steps.Usually Time and Category . SQ01 369 P.
The first step of the BPF always opens regardless of the opening criteria.TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 370 P.
What is the Reopen setting for BPF?
Allow Reopen will allow that step to be reopened after completion. If this is set to ‘No’ that step can’t be reopened during execution. SQ01 371 P.
What is BPF Opening Criteria? What is All? What is Matched?
All or Matched, then if want, “Allow Reopen”. All(only when all predecessors are complete for all process contexts), Matched(activity can be started for a specific context if predecessor for same context is complete) See Admin in BPC/create new templat
What are 3 valid drill through calls?
Any URL, Any BEX Query, Any ECC tcode SQ01 373 P.
At what level is Data Audit captured?
Application level=Model 10.0 SQ01 374 P.
At what level is Activity audit captured?
AppSet = Environment 10.0 SQ01 375 P.
What do you have to do when a new Model is created?
When a new application is created, you must define member access to the secured dimensions that reside in the application. This is required in order to use BPC Web, BPC for Excel, BPC for Word and BPC for PowerPoint with any newly created application that
When is packaging not used? Why is packing used?
Some components in SAP Business Planning and Consolidation do not post delta values (e.g. Journals), in which case, the package size is always set to 99,999,999 (meaning packaging will never be used). SQ01 377 P.
Where do you specify the hierarchy for which you want to track the work status of deliverables?
You specify the hierarchy for which you want to track the work status of deliverables in the APPROVALORG field on the Setting Application Parameters . SQ01 378 P.
Is email notification equally available in 7.5 MS & NW?
Email Notification is only available in SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 7.5, version for SAP NetWeaver. SQ01 379 P.
What controls access to Models?
Member Access Profile, Tasks. – or money and booze :-) SQ01 380 P.
What is a limitation of dimension property?
Size cannot be decreased. SQ01 381 P.
What is the required DIM for inter-company setup?
Intercompany or C_Account ? Unsure? SQ01 382 P.
What can you do while creating a BPF?
Matched opening criteria, owner…? SQ01 383 P.
There is a problem in currency translation. Where would you look?
Property MD in Rate. MD property (If the currency is used in the Rate model, then this property is required. This defines whether the currency exchange rate for that currency is used to multiply or divide with the local amount.) SQ01 384 P.109
BPF. A step is re-opened. What is the next step status?
Delayed (previous activity reopened). If an activity is reopened, the Status is changed to Reopen and that status is available for others to see. Activities must be reopened in sequence. SQ01 385 P.
What is BW object equivalent to a BPC cube?
InfoObject SQ01 386 P.
Where are the archived reports stored in BW?
Answer: Tables SQ01 387 P.
What can you do in web admin interface?
Dimensions & Models, Security, Rules, BPF, Features
Rules BCLM (Business Rules, Controls Logic Scripts,Member Formulas )
BPF(Process Template, Process Instance)
Features (Audit, Context Defaults, Document Types, Drill-Through, Journals, Work Status,) SQ01
Which of these would require additional programming while loading data?
Open hub data load SQ01 389 P.
Where do you set up the data audit for transactional data? App level or Appset level and where( web-admin/BPC client)
Answer: Web Admin Parameters at application level. SQ01 390 P.
An application is not shown while logging into excel. What is wrong?
Member Access is not given. SQ01 396 P.
What are the reporting applications/models ?
Financial, Consolidation, Standard SQ01 398 P.
What are the non-reporting applications/models?
exchange rates, ownership, generic – Drivers & Rates is umbrella. SQ01 399 P.
Can you assign work-status codes which application
reporting or non-reporting. Work status creates stricter access that data access by limiting activities permitted such as (Data Manager, Journal, Manual Entry, Comments, Documents) SQ01 400 P.
What are the required dimesions for reporting application?
Financial(A C E R T), Consolidation (A C D E G I R S T), Standard (A C E T) SQ01 401 P.
What doe light optimization do?
closes open request, compresses without zero-elimination and indexes the cube, updates database statistics for the BW InfoCube. SQ01 402 P.
What does Full optimization do?
Sames as light. Plus it checks to see if data model can be improved. SQ01 403 P.
What are the full optimization checks?
dimension tables have <20% size of Fact table, moves data to shadow cube, compress, index,…NEW technical name. SQ01 ck P.
Changing the BI data model is light or full optimization?
full SQ01 404 P.
Does BPC uses the Sap standard time dimension ?
No, not yet in 10.0 either. SQ01 406 P.
Is it possible to change the DB parameters in BW for BPC cubes ?
Yes, but the parameters are wiped on a full optimization. Ex: roll-up, query cache, db performance SQ01 407 P.
What are the objects get created in the backend when BPC application is created ?
InfoProvider, query, MultiProvider SQ01 408 P.
Why is a multiprovider and a query created on top of the application cube and what is the purpose ?
for the local client SQ01 409 P.
Can a BPC infocube can be changed without the re modeling tool in BI ?
Yes, there is no remodeling tool in BPC. SQ01 410 P.
What information does UJA_APPL table contain?
The technical name of the InfoProviders SQ01 411 P.
Does MDX statements select from the cube or from the query built on the multi provider ?
MDX statements are performed against query which is on top of the MultiProvider. SQ01 412 P.
What is the purpose of the web admin parameter YTDINPUT ?
YTDINPUT This parameter controls whether data is input in year-todate format. Valid options are 1, which means ytd format; or 0, which means periodic format. (Optional) YTDInputTimeHir This parameter designates the time hierarchy that will be used by a YT
What is a measure ?
Periodic, QTD, YTD SQ01 414 P.
What is signeddata ?
sign of data stored /Inc LEQ SQ01 415 P.
What are the 3 delivered measure ?
Periodic, QTD, YTD SQ01 416 P.
What is the purpose of the UJA_FORMULA table ?
create custom measures. There are tables for custom measures. Need to update both tables. SQ01 417 P.
Why do we need UJA_FORMULA and UJA_FORMULA_APP ?
create custom measures. There are tables for custom measures. Need to update both tables. SQ01 418 P.
What is concurrency lock?
locking of transaction data when 1 or more users save to same location at same time. DURING SAVE DATA.
Concurrency locking prevents users from saving data to the same region of the cube at the same time. ALL mechanisms that write data into a cube (for e
What is tcode RSPLSE ?
Lock management SQ01 420 P.
What you maintain in tcode RSPLSE ?
Lock management SQ01 421 P.
Does BPS and Integrated planning also use RSPLSE ?
answer? SQ01 422 P.
What is UJR_PARAM table used for ?
code for changing save data “Package Size”. UJR_PARAM OR transaction code UJR0 SQ01 423 P.
What are the 2 types of locking ?
answer? SQ01 424 P.
What is the formula for calculating id record level locking or intervallevel locking is needed/
answer? SQ01 425 P.
What is sparsity coefficient ?
no longer used. SQ01 426 P.
BPC Data Manager packages are technically executed as a BW process chain. TRUE OR FALSE
TRUE SQ01 427 P.
True Or False
a. Planning InfoCubes are write optimized but Standard InfoCubes are read optimized.
b. Consolidation InfoCubes are write optimized because the request id stays open until a threshold is reached for example.
c. Request id’s in real time cu
?ANSWER? SQ01 428 P.
Choose the Correct Answer(s)
a. There are two main types of InfoObjects: Catalogs and InfoAreas.
b. BW Characteristics have three potential types of master data.
c. A BW Dimension table is exactly the same as an Business Planning and Consolidation Dimensi
?answer? SQ01 429 P.
Choose the Correct Answer(s)
a. An SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation dimension is like a BW Characteristic
b. An SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation property is like an Attribute in BW.
c. The SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Conso
?ANSWER? SQ01 430 P.
Fill in the Blank: BPC Application Development can be carried out from the BPC _____________, ______________. The system automatically populates BW with the related object
Model Wizard? SQ01 431 P.
BPC equivalent of BI Objects: Fill in the Blank
a. Characteristics , ___________________________
b. InfoCubes , ___________________________
c. MultiProvider , ___________________________
d. Process Chain, __________________________
e. Transports, ________
master data/properties Model Environment Data Package Transformation? SQ01 432 P.
What are the required dimensions for “Non Reporting –Generic” Application?
Account, Category, Entity, Time SQ01 433 P.
What is the reference Application for “Reporting–Generic”application?
Drivers & Rates (10.0) SQ01 434 P.
What is common between “Non Reporting– Generic” and “Reporting– Generic” Application? Standard vs Generic Report.
A, C, E, T Account, Category, Entity, Time SQ01 435 P.
We can not _______________ to “Non Reporting” application?
?answer? SQ01 436 P.
Which of the following application options are common between Finance and Consolidation Application?
a. Currency Conversion
b. Calculation
c. Intercompany Booking
d. Intercompany Elimination
e. Validations
f. US Elimination
g. Opening Balance
only ACETR in Reporting, therefore. A,B,E are possible. Nothing with I,G,S dimensions. SQ01 437 P.
Is it possible to create an Model without a Reference Model?
Yes. Create a new model with wizard, don’t need to reference an existing model. SQ01 438 P.
Is it possible to create a Dimension without a Reference Dimension?
Yes. SQ01 439 P.
________________ allow the automated processing of data to render a consolidated set of financial statements.
scripts ? SQ01 440 P.
When you create new applications, we need to select at least one ____________ dimension. Then the ________________ need to allow access to the desired member
secured, security? SQ01 441 P.
Measure dimension used to determine application as a ________________ OR _________________
periodic or YTD? SQ01 442 P.
Most secure system store balances on a ________________ basis whether the data is entered/stored in daily, weekly , monthly , fiscal period
balances could be YTD. Most systems are periodic. SQ01 443 P.
_____________ namespace is a reserved namespace in SAP NetWeaver BI for BPC
/B28/F or E – Tables associated with cube fall under /B28/F or E namespace
UJ –Tables associated with the ABAP fall under UJ namespace
/CPMB/ – All the BI objects would get created under /CPMB/ name space. SQ01 444 P.
BPC Dimensions are created under an Application Set with BI Technical names of InfoObjects are generated with naming convention /CPM/XXYYYYY, Where “XX” _____________ , and “YYYYY” is a ____________________ string.
/CPMB/[SHELL ID + MODEL ID]AD or text or package?? SQ01 445 P.
Default Application set for BPC Excel, Admin , Word , PPT can be set through ______________________
options? SQ01 446 P.
True Or False
a. Only user with System Admin rights can create a new application , Dimension ,business rules table , work status
b. Only user with Admin rights can create a new application ,Dimension ,business rules table , work status
c. Only user with
A. Primary.
What are task rights of System Administrator?1 - manage environments 2 - Manage Security 3-Use system when offline
What are task rights of Secondary Administrator?Manage dimensions, Edit Content of Public Folder
What are task rights of Primary
How to create an application set without using an existing application set?
choose not to reference an existing in the wizard. SQ01 448 P.
___________,______________,_________________,______________ are copied from the source application set to the target application set based on the user choice
reports, input forms, journal template(option), control definitions (option), and data packages copy over to the new model. Source data(no), data (yes). SQ01 449 P.
______________________ allows us to monitor the scheduled application set copy process
Process monitor? SQ01 450 P.
True Or False
a. Does not copy the Master Data and Transaction Data
b. Creates all the new Dimension with different technical name
c. Copies WebFolder
d. Any error in copy function will rollback all the data that has been copied and files that has been cr
A. False, B.? , C. true(if this means reports), d. true. SQ01 451 P.
______________________, _____________________ are application status , _____________ can be obtained while processing Dimension
?answer? SQ01 452 P.
True or False:
a. Administrator can not continue to work on the Application Set when the Application set is in “Unavailable”
b. Users can continue to work on the Application Set when the Application set is in “Unavailable”
A. False. can use offline. B. False. SQ01 453 P.
Which of the following tasks can be performed when the application set is in Offline
a. Executing Data Manager Package
b. Write back through input schedule
c. Executing Reports
reports can be run, but data incorrect. Others are unavailable. SQ01 454 P.
Fill in the Blanks: _____________ will force an update of the template files to the clients , this can be changed in _______________, and ___________________.
?answer? Version, “Set template version”(current version for dynamic templates) & “change status” (offline or online) SQ01 455 P.
Which of the following objects we can transport?
a. Application Set
b. Dimension Data
c. Application Data
transaction data is not tranported. Master Data is tranportable. SQ01 456 P.
True or False:
a. Every AppSet has a 2 character AppSetPrefix stored in a table called UJA_APPSET_INFO
b. This prefix can be used in the technical name of
i. . InfoArea
ii. InfoObject
iii. InfoObject Catalog
iv. InfoCube
True? /CPMB/[SHELL ID + MODEL ID]AD or text or package?? ShellID(2 char) ModelID(3char) SQ01 457 P.
___________________ is new in BPC NW 7.0 , it logs all the .NET tier to the ABAP tier.
no .Net layer in MS or NW. SQ01 458 P.39
which of the following are new functions available only In SAP BPC NW 7.0 and this in available only in SAP BI Administrator workbench and __________TCODE used to execute this function
d. U
?answer? SQ01 459 P.
______________ Dimension does not have to be part of any application within the set , and it is needed validate ____________in the Entity dimension
?answer? SQ01 459 P.
_____________________, and ________________________ can be specified while creating Dimension.
?answer? SQ01 460 P.
True or False
a. Dimension properties are SAP BI Attributes
b. Dimension names are not case sensitive
c. Dimension properties are not case sensitive
d. Dimension names are 20 character length
e. Dimension property names are not limited to any character le
?answer? SQ01 461 P.
______________,_______________, __________________ are 3 different type of properties , and _____________ property technical names won’t change
?answer? SQ01 461 P.
Choose the BEST - Dimension properties are used which of the following BPC Functions
a. Reporting
b. Data Manager Selection
c. Logic Formulas
d. Member Lookups
reporting SQ01 462 P.
True or False
a. You can not delete an Application if it is already assigned to an Application
b. Member sheet is a temporary storage
c. Member sheet each time rebuild from the SAP BW Database when we open it
d. After deleting a member from an dimension r
?answer? SQ01 463 P.
Under what circumstance you create same dimension with different name , Example : ACCOUNT, ACCOUNT_L , DATASRC , DATASRC_L , etc
a. When same dimension needed for different application with different set of Members
b. When same dimension needed for differ
?answer? SQ01 464 P.
True or False
a. Hierarchy properties does not appear in the property list in “Maintain Dimension Property”
b. PARENT“N” property can be directly added as a column in the Dimension member sheet via “Maintain Dimension Member”
c. You can not have PARENT1,
?answer? SQ01 465 P.
How many level we have in “CONUS” and “CONSMALL” hierarchy ?
?ANSWER? SQ01 466 P.
Which of the following functions performed when we process the Dimension?
a. Validate Hierarchy
b. Validate Dimension Member Formula
c. Update Member Data in BI
d. BI attribute Change run in BI
e. Invalidate Server cache for Dimension member by updating v
?answer?all but e? SQ01 467 P.
Which of the following Dimension definition can not be changed through SAP BW Admin workbench?
a. Base unit of Measure
b. Currency Attribute
c. Auth relevant
d. Unit of Measure for Char
TRUE SQ01 468 P.
True Or False
a. In a Dimension , All user defined properties aredefined as a Navigational attributes
b. In a Dimension , All user Reserved properties are defined as a Display attributes
c. In SAP BW workbench, we have change the Attribute TAB only throug
TRUE SQ01 469 P.
Choose the “BEST Option” to load master data
a. Direct entry into the Member Sheet
b. Copy from an external Excel file into Member Sheet
c. BI File load process
d. BPC Data Manager Flat File Load
e. Use BI techniques to load into BI Data Target and then B
?answer? F. BI load process directly into BPC SQ01 470 P.
Choose the Best Answers - If you use BI technique to load master data you will have to
a. You will need to run the hierarchy attribute change run in BI manually as well as make sure the caching mechanisms in SAP Business Planning and Consolidation were up
?answer? SQ01 471 P.
Which of the following tasks can be performed as a background job Via process chain?
a. Copy Application
b. Modify Application
c. Optimize Application
d. Copy AppSet.
?answer? Optimize application SQ01 472 P.
True or False
a. If the Application Type is Financial or
Consolidations, then Journals are also copied during Create.
b. One Rate application can not be referenced by multiple other applications
c. You can report on non-reporting application data, but you
?answer? SQ01 473 P.
Netweaver restrictions for the InfoObjects in the BPC-Cube are the same as in “normal” BI cubes _____________ characteristics per Bidimensions and ______ possible BI-dimensions.
?answer? SQ01 474 P.
There are 2 type of optimization techniques to optimize the application.
?ANSWER? SQ01 475 P.
In the Context of BPC, Explain actual data with example?
?ANSWER? SQ01 476 P.
In the Context of BPC, Explain plan data with example?
?ANSWER? SQ01 477 P.
In the Context of BPC, Explain forecast data with example?
?ANSWER? SQ01 478 P.
In the Context of BPC, Explain outlook data with example?
?ANSWER? SQ01 479 P.
In the Context of BPC, Explain budget data with example?
?ANSWER? SQ01 480 P.
In the Context of BPC, Explain GL data with example, and explain the use of GL data in BPC?
?ANSWER? SQ01 481 P.
In the Context of BPC, Explain COPA data with example, and explain the use of COPA data in BPC?
?ANSWER? SQ01 482 P.
What the “ACTUAL” Transaction data required for GPM (Gross Margin Planning) for a company like Wal-Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 483 P.
What the “ACTUAL” Transaction data required for Sales for a company like Wal-Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 484 P.
What the “ACTUAL” Transaction data required for P&L Planning for a company like Wal- Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 485 P.
What the “ACTUAL” Transaction data required for Balance Sheet Planning for a company like Wal-Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 486 P.
What the “ACTUAL” Transaction data required for Cash Flow
?ANSWER? SQ01 487 P.
What the “ACTUAL” Transaction data required for COGS planning for a company like Wal- Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 488 P.
What the “ACTUAL” Transaction data required for HCM planning for a company like Wal- Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 489 P.
What the “ACTUAL” Transaction data required for Legal Consolidation for a company like Wal-Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 490 P.
What the “ACTUAL” Transaction data required for COI for a company like Wal-Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 491 P.
What is Full P&L for a company like Wal-Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 492 P.
Explain Flow dimension with example?
?ANSWER? SQ01 493 P.
Explain Monthly, Quarterly and Half Month Closing Proces
?ANSWER? SQ01 494 P.
Explain Local, Transaction, Report, and Group Currency?
?ANSWER? SQ01 495 P.
In the Context of BPC Consolidation, Explain the following with examples?
a. Company Code
b. Business Area
c. Business Units
d. Profit Center
e. Primary Cost Center
f. Secondary Cost Center
g. GL account
h. Chart of Account
i. Cost Elements
j. Legal Entit
?ANSWER? SQ01 496 P.
In the Context of BPC, Explain cost allocation, activity based costing, fixed cost, variable cost and product costing?
?ANSWER? SQ01 497 P.
In the Context of BPC, What are Equity, Minority Interest, US GAPP, and UK GAPP?
?ANSWER? SQ01 498 P.
What are the Dimensions required for each of the following planning for a company like Wal-Mart?
a. Balance Sheet
b. Full P&L
c. Cash Flow
d. Cost Center
e. Sales Volume
f. Sales Revenue
g. GMP
h. Operative Expense
i. HCM
?ANSWER? SQ01 499 P.
What are the Hierarchies required for each of the following planning for a company like Wal-Mart?
a. Balance Sheet
b. Full P&L
c. Cash Flow
d. Cost Center
e. Sales Volume
f. Sales Revenue
g. GMP
h. Operative Expense
i. HCM
?ANSWER? SQ01 500 P.
What is the difference between Management and Statuary Reporting; also explain with example for a company like Wal-Mart?
?ANSWER? SQ01 501 P.
What are the Applications required for each of the following planning for a company like Wal-Mart?
a. Balance Sheet
b. Full P&L
c. Cash Flow
d. Cost Center
e. Sales Volume
f. Sales Revenue
g. GMP
h. Operative Expense
i. HCM
?ANSWER? SQ01 502 P.
What are the Primary Business Objectives for each of the following planning for a company like Wal-Mart?
a. Balance Sheet
b. Full P&L
c. Cash Flow
d. Cost Center
e. Sales Volume
f. Sales Revenue
g. GMP
h. Operative Expense
i. HCM
?ANSWER? SQ01 502 P.
What is the difference between Legal and Profit Center Consolidation?
?ANSWER? SQ01 503 P.
Explain the consolidation proces in details the tasks that are performed during consolidation?
?ANSWER? SQ01 504 P.
Which of the following statements are TRUE?
a. ApShell is the delivered application set used as a starting point for client implementations only in SAP BPC NW 7.0.
b. Objects within an AppSet are shared with other AppSets.
c. You begin by copying an exist
checker SQ01 505 P.
Which of the following statements are TRUE?
a. Measures allows you to change the view of your data
b. Measures – time-related views of transaction data, such as Period, Quarter tion n to data, and Year to date.
c. ApShell measures are: Periodic, Quarter T
?ANSWER? SQ01 506 P.
Which of the following statements are TRUE?
a. Every dimension in the cube has a dimension member posted in every record and each one is a base level member. Base level members don’t have children.
b. Transaction Data is stored in Applications (Cubes).
?ANSWER? SQ01 507 P.
ApShell Content:
a. InfoArea named /CPMB/APSHELL
c. InfoArea: /CPMB/IOBJGEN
d. InfoObject catalog (/CPMB/IOBJGEN)
e. Task and Member Access Profiles
f. Business Rules
g. BPF
?ANSWER? SQ01 508 P.
The _______________ is an important tool to log to different application sets and to set the default set.
?ANSWER? SQ01 509 P.
Which of the following steps are executed When you create a new AppSet
a. Copy the AppSet WebFolders/Data within File Service
b. Creates a copy of all NW BW Objects (different technical names)
c. Moves all data to copied AppSet from source AppSet (both tr
?answer? SQ01 510 P.
____________________ It logs all RFCs from the .NET tier to the ABAP tier. It is a is new in SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 7.0,version for SAP NetWeaver.
?answer? SQ01 511 P.
_____________________ program can be used to check the transport entries of an AppSet.
UJA_APP_DATA_CHECKER - after a transport is run or UJT_CHECK_TABLE_ENTRIES will allow you to check table entries for transports. SQ01 512 P.
____________________ program can be used to check the consistency for an AppSet.
UJT_CHECK_TABLE_ENTRIES will allow you to check table entries for transports SQ01 513 P.
Which dimensions are required in every Model?
ACET SQ01 514 P.
Application Create Vs. Copy – Which are TRUE?
a. Create and Copy both require you select a “template” application to copy from
b. The major difference then is that Copy will actually copy the data, and you can not change the dimension assignments when cop
?answer? SQ01 515 P.