Sample Multiple Choice Questions Flashcards
Albert Cohen argued that teachers in middle-class school systems encourage conformity and respect for authority. As such, children from lower-class neighbourhoods are socialized to value independence and mistrust for authority may experience _____________ in the middle-class school system
Status Frustration
Ribert Agnew belives that criminality is the direct result of:
Negative affect states
In their song “War Within a Breath”, the band Rage Against The Machine recommend a violent revolution against the state singing “Seize the metropholis, it’s you that it’s built on.” This is the most consistent with which of Merton’s modes of adaptation?
The Rebel
Cloward and Ohlin believed that because of differential opportunity, delinquent youth may
join one of three types of gangs. This type of gang existed in a stable neighbourhood were
close connections between adolescents and adult offenders created an environment for
successful criminal enterprise:
Criminal gangs
In Elijah Anderson’s research on the ‘code of the street’ he found that respect, or ____________, was of critical importance to young men:*
Internalizing a deviant or stigmatized self-identity reflects:
Secondary deviation
John has been convicted of breaking-entering and theft. At his sentencing, John minimizes the
impact of his crime, informing the judge that his victims’ insurance will cover their losses. This
most closely illustrates which of Sykes and Matza’s techniques of neutralization?
Denial of Injury
Someone who occasionally shoplifts but has a full-time job and socially interacts with non-
deviants is an example of:
Primary deviation
This group of theories look at the role of formal and informal social institutions, such as
family, peers groups, school, and the legal system, on our tendency to follow the law –
Social Control Theories
This theory, developed by Edwin H. Sutherland, proposes that criminal acts are related to a
person’s exposure to an excess amount of antisocial attitudes and values
Differential Association Theory
Amanda Bynes was a successful child actor on Nickelodeon. However, later in her career,
Bynes was better known for her public mental health breakdown, which has become her:
Master Status
This perspective holds that criminal laws are explicitly created and enforced for the protection of the capitalist class
Intrumental Marxism
Richard Quinney argued that this was a ‘contradiction of capitalism’:
The labours of the many produce profits for the few
Sellin’s Culture Conflict Theory argued that conflict and, inevitably crime, emerged as a result of differences in:
Conduct Norms
In the 1990s and 2000s, Canadian school boards tore down playgrounds and jungle gyms that were deemed to be ‘too dangerous’. This illustrates (a):
Risk society
The direct or indirect observation of conduct toward producing a desired outcome is
According to John Hagan’s Power-Control Theory, crime and delinquency are a function of
Both a and b
Family Functions and Class position
The most common type of stalker is the
Simple Obsessional Stalker
Violence committed for an express purpose or to achieve a goal is referred to as:
Intrumental violence
This relationship between drugs and violence proposes that violent behaviour may be a direct consequence of ingesting mood-altering substances
In Canada, you are most likely to be murdered through which of the following methods?
Research on the availability of firearms and gun violence has found that –
There is not enough evidence to determine if firearms legislation reduces gun violence
Individuals who kill multiple victims over a relatively short span of time across geographical areas as part of a sequence following a criminal event are referred to as –
Spree killers
An Economic Theory of Organized Crime would argue which of the following?
Criminal organizations come into existence to supply goods and services that are demanded by the public
The chief accountant of a law firm writes cheques to herself, withdrawing funds from clients’ accounts. This is an example of:
Occupational crime
This theory argues that organized crime in America is the result of the importation of secret criminal societies that are rooted in foreign cultures.
Alien Conspiracy Theory
To protect members from law enforcement, the Cali Cartel from Colombia uses an organizational structure where the identities of members working in one ‘cell’ of their network are unknown to those working in other cells. This is an example of what structural
characteristic of organized crime groups?
The fact that top members of a corporation do not know about the criminal activity engaged in for the benefit of the corporation is a problem known as:
Executive Disengagement
Loretha “Cookie” Lyon, a high-level executive at Empire Entertainment, receives a private memo from a co-worker showing a huge drop in digital sales for Empire over the last quarter of the year. Without hesitation, Cookie sells all her stock options in Empire
Entertainment. This is an example of:
Insider Trading
Passage of the Volstead Act and the subsequent rise of Al Capone and Prohibition-era gangsters best illustrates which of the following theories of organized crime?
Economic theory of crime