Sample Learning Flashcards
A preview of flashcards from our learning presentations.
Socrates - Head of School

We empower educators to reimagine teacher development and school leadership by providing distilled resources and delivering customized professional development programs. We use the lens of questioning to challenge educators and stimulate critical thinking.
What is the difference between a delivery system and a discovery system of teaching?

A delivery system is set up where the students are passively receiving information and a discovery system is one where they are actively uncovering it
What is the Zeigarnik effect?

The idea that people have a better memory for incomplete than complete tasks.
What is rage to master?

When people consistently tap into their talent because they possess an innate desire to improve.
What are the three ways knowledge can be attained?

Knowledge attainment is divided into three sections: retrieving, predicting, and interleaving.
What is schema?

We understand new ideas better when we relate them to things we already know, our schema.
What three assumptions should teachers unlearn?

What teachers need to “unlearn”: 1- We are the smartest people in the room. 2- We have to organize everything. 3- We can do without technology.
What is associative learning?

“Associative learning”- the achieving of deeper comprehension and more durable memory by relating something newly learned to something already known.
How is System 1 thinking different from System 2 thinking?

“System 1” thinking is quick and automatic- think limbic system/emotions. “System 2” thinking is slow, effortful and deliberate.
What is meant by adjacent possible?

Those changes currently possible in one’s current state or position.
When should you write down good ideas?

At the exact moment you have them or there is a chance you won’t be able to remember.
What is freedom shock?

Sometimes when learning shifts from students being told exactly what to do to them having agency over their learning there is an initial, and sometimes jolting, adjustment.
What is the 10-minute rule?

The idea that direct instruction duration should last no more than 10 minutes.
What is chunking?

The idea that we should break down difficult tasks into smaller and more manageable steps.
What are goldilocks tasks?

Challenges that are “just right”- neither overly difficult nor overly simple.
What is attention blindness?

When our focus on one thing makes us blind to something else.