Sample Collection Flashcards
Procedure used to send a sample to a laboratory for testing
Wear PPE to avoid cross contamination or zoonosis
Ensure sample is in correct container and packaged correctly (i.e. enough formalin?)
Single sample mass/weight must not exceed 50ml/50g
Container airtight and moistureproof
Container correctly labelled (Patient ID, Sex, Species, Name, Date, Sample, Client name)
Wrap sample in absorbent layer in event of leak/broken container
Placed and sealed in biohazard bag
Form filled out and attached in seperate plastic bag
Tertiary layer - placed into padded bag/envolope
Outer packaging to include; sender name and address, nature of sample and any special instructions (i.e. handle with care, fragile, pathological specimen)
Sent via first class post or courier
Procedure to prepare a urine sample for microscopy of the sediment
Wear PPE
Gently mix urine sample
Draw up sample with pipette and put into tube
Place in centrifuge for 5 minutes at 1500rpm
Remove supernatant fluid with pipette
Add drop of sedistain if required
Resuspend sample by closing lid and flicking tube
Draw up sample with pipette
Place a drop on a clean microscope slide
Place cover slip on sample at 45 degree angle to avoid bubbles
Dispose of PPE, materials and Urine in hazardous waste
Look under microscope at low power, 10x magnification then 40x
Record findings. Use vernier scale to relocate.
Explain how you would prepare a recumbent horse to collect a Cerebro-spinal fluid sample.
Technique used for assessment of neurological conditions such as meningitis
Patient should be anaesthetised
Placed in lateral recumbency
Clip hair at atlanto-occipital space
Clean skin using appropriate disinfectant
i.e. hibiscrub and surgical spirit
Explain the procedure used to collect the Cerebro-spinal fluid from the patient
Procedure carried out by a VS
Must be sterile i.e surgical scrub, sterile gloves, equipment and consumables
20-22g needle placed and advanced
Sample dripped into plain or EDTA tube
No more than 1ml/5kg of BW to be collected
Needle removed and point of insertion is covered with a sterile dressing
Explain how you would prepare a cat to collect a synovial fluid sample
Collected using arthrocentesis
Patient does not require a GA but may need a local anaesthetic
2-3cm area clipped
Skin cleaned using appropriate disinfectant i.e. hibi and surgical spirit
Needle inserted into joint cavity
Explain the procedure used to collect a synovial fluid sample
18-23G 1” needle used
Sterile equipment, gloves and consumables used
Fluid dripped into plain or EDTA tube
Explain the procedure used to collect the skin scrape from the patient.
Clip fur using size 40 clipper blade
Select size 10 surgical blade and dip in liquid parrafin, moisten skin
Hold blade between finger and thumb. Stretch skin with other hand.
Scrape 3cmx3cm area until capillary ooze
Sample to be placed on microscope slide with liquid paraffin
Coverslip placed on top & label slide
Look at slide under microscope at low power, 10x magnification
Vernier scale
Dispose of materials/ PPE
Explain how you would prepare a patient for a skin scrape for Sarcoptes
Select and prepare correct equipment and materials;
Clippers, clipper blades, Size 10 surgical blade, liquid paraffin, gloves, microscope slide, coverslip, microscope, chinagraph pencil
Prepare and clip area using size 40 clipper blades