SAM I Final Exam Material Flashcards
What are the signs of systemic distemper?
fever, nasal/ocular discharges, chorioretinitis, diarrhea, vomiting, pustular dermatitis, enamel hypoplasia, “hard pad”
T/F: Occult heartworm infections are very rare in cats
Occult heartworm infections are very common in cats (up to 80%)
What is the initial treatment protocol in a dehydrated dog with PU/PD?
IV Fluids
Large volumes of 0.9% NaCl delivered via a jugular catheter are ideal. Rapid administration of IV fluids restores blood volume and improves renal perfusion which decreases serum potassium concentration via dilution and promotion of renal potassium excretion.
What should you be monitoring in any Lyme positive dog?
urine protein‐ creatinine ratio (UPC)
- Every Lyme positive dog, regardless of symptomatic or not, should be tested for proteinuria.*
- If urine protein‐ creatinine ratio (UPC) is elevated, treat for Lyme disease and monitor UPC.*
Which of the following is found in the salivary gland of the tick: OspA or OspC
- OspA is outer surface protein expressed on borreliae in midgut of infected nymph ticks. This protein allows bacteria to ‘stick’ to gut epithelial cells.*
- When ticks ingest blood meal, the OspA expression is down‐regulated & OspC expression is up‐regulated. OspC allows bacteria to ‘stick’ to tick salivary glands. Borrelia migrate from midgut of tick to hemolymph to salivary glands. Thus reservoir host is infected via tick saliva.*
Most thoracolumbar disc protrusions are between what spinal cord segments?
T11 and L2
Crossed-extensor reflex in a dog in lateral recumbency is indicative of a ____ lesion
There are long spinal reflexes between limbs that are usually suppressed by UMNs. Damage to the UMNs releases this inhibition and flexion of one limb in response to a noxious stimulus is accompanied by extension of the contralateral limb.
Sudden neurologic signs that result in death within 10 days in any dog or cat should make one suspicious of:
Without lifelong replacement therapy, dogs with hypoadrenocorticism invariably die. What are the 2 choices of long-term maintenance therapies?
(1) DOCP + Prednisolone or (2) Fludrocortisone
- Desoxycorticosterone pivalate (DOCP) is a mineralocorticoid therapy. DOCP has no glucocorticoid activity, so must be given with prednisolone
- Fludrocortisone does provide some glucocorticoid activity and therefore, additional prednisolone supplementation isn’t usually required except during periods of stress
T/F: In the postictal phase of tonic-clonic seizures, animals very rapidly regain consciousness and soon appear normal
- This phase is a gradual return to consciousness with varying degrees of depression, fatigue, fright, dazed appearance, aimless pacing, thirst, or hunger. Occasionally, neurological deficits such as blindness, paresis and/or incoordination may occur during this period.*
- Postictal depression may last for seconds to days (average about 5 hours)*
If a patient is undergoing treatment for leptospirosis and they are unable to tolerate doxycycline, what other anitibiotic may be used?
ampicillin or penicillin G
If doxycycline cannot be tolerated by the patient, ampicillin or penicillin G can be started. Follow with doxycycline 5 mg/mg bid to eradicate carrier state and the shedding of the bacteria in urine. Doxycycline is eliminated primarily in the feces, so is safe to use in dogs with renal insufficiency.
What changes on a hemogram are observed in dogs with Babesia?
hemolytic anemia & thrombocytopenia
anemia, thrombocytopenia, fever and splenomegaly are all are fairly consistent findings, regardless of genotype, geographic region or host species
T/F: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is clinically indistinguishable from acute ehrlichiosis
Clinical signs most frequently reported with Ehrlichia are depression, lethargy, anorexia, fever, lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly and hemorrhages. More of a bleeding problem with E. canis than RMSF
What is the drug of choice for treatment of Ehrlichia?
If a dog presents to your clinic with truncal alopecia, obesity, and lethargy, what might be at the top of your differential list?
An abnormal, sustained spasm of the facial muscles that appears to produce “grinning” is termed:
Risus sardonicus
- This is one of the main clinical signs associated with Tetanus*.
- Other signs of tetanus include sawhorse stance, erect ears, third eyelid protrusion, trismus (lock jaw), increased salivation, laryngeal spasm, dysphagia, opisthotonus, convulsions*
T/F: Fibrocartilaginous emboli is associated with paresis or paralysis that is lateralizing and not painful
At what age can you test a kitten for FeLV and not worry about maternal antibodies?
Any age
- We’re not concerned about antibodies with this disease. Test checks for antigen!*
- However, the ELISA assay cannot predict whether a cat is transiently or persistently infected. Therefore, any [+] ELISA needs to be retested after 8 to 12 weeks or a FeLV IFA needs to be done. ELISA [+], IFA negative cats should be retested in 2-3 months.*
Identify the arrhythmia.
Atrial fibrillation
Note the absence of P waves and the variable R-R intervals
What percent of dogs exposed to Lyme do NOT DEVELOP signs?
90‐95% dog exposed to B. burgdorferi remain asymptomatic. Organism probably does not invade connective tissues.
If a dog presents with symmetric, ascending flaccid quadriparesis/quadriplegia, what should be at the top of your differential list?
May also see CN signs: mydriasis, decreased gag reflex, megaesophagus
Trismus is typically seen as a symptom of:
Trismus (lock jaw) is a spasm of the jaw muscles, causing the mouth to remain tightly closed
Which virus causes cerebellar hypoplasia in dog?
canine herpesvirus
What medications are included in Triple Therapy for treatment of Helicobacter?
Amoxicillin + Metronidazole + H2 blocker (famotidine, ranitidine, or omeprazole)
What clinical signs do Ehrlichia/Anaplasma have in common with Borrelia?
lameness, fever, lethargy
You finish vaccinating a puppy and on the way home, the owner calls you to tell you the puppy’s face is swelling up. What type of vaccine reaction is this?
Type I
IgE hypersensitivity
T/F: Campylobacter is usually associated with signs of small intestinal diarrhea
It usually shows large bowel diarrhea, which may be acute, intermittent, or chronic, but feces can be loose to watery to bloody & mucoid
A small, lactating bitch presents 4 weeks after welping with tetany. What do you expect to see with regard to calcium levels?
T/F: Dogs with parvovirus are actually suffering from Gram‐negative sepsis
- Several studies have shown that the clinical signs associated with parvovirus infection is the result of bacteremia and the most likely source is bacterial translocation from the injured intestines.*
- Dogs with parvovirus are actually suffering from Gram‐negative sepsis*
Radiographically, what is the most consistent feature associated with endocardiosis?
left atrial enlargement
Between Hepatozoon americanum and Hepatozoon canis, which one causes a more severe disease?
Hepatozoon americanum
PCR testing can differentiate between H. canis and H. americanum
T/F: In the dog: parvovirus, lyme, bordetella, and leptospirosis vaccines are core vaccines
Lyme, bordetella, and leptospirosis vaccines are NOT core vaccines in the dog.
Distemper, parvovirus, rabies, and hepatitis are core vaccines in dogs
T/F: The PCR test for Babesia canis is specific and will not detect other species.
The PCR test for Babesia gibsoni, however, will detect a variety of species
T/F: Cats found to be infected with FIV should be euthanised immediately as they have a very poor prognosis and because the virus is closely related to human immunodeficiency virus, it may be a zoonoses
What diseases in the dog (that we have discussed in class) do we use amoxicillin to treat?
salmonella, helicobacter, lyme
Which of the following hormones does not increase hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis?
- Insulin
- Growth hormone
- Glucagon
- Cortisol
- Epinephrine
Does the FeLV ELISA SNAP test check for antibodies or antigens to FeLV?
which means you can test a kitten for FeLV at any age and not worry about maternal antibodies :)
A 6-week-old MaltiPoo is diagnosed with hypoglycemia. What is the most likely diagnosis?
- Immature glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzymes
- Hepatic carcinoma
- Insulinoma
Immature glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzymes
What is the most common systemic fungal disease in cats?
For PCR determination of leptospirosis, what is the sample of choice during the first week of infection?
- Blood is the sample of choice during the first week of infection since organism numbers are highest in blood at that time.*
- After 10 days of infection, organisms are found in greater numbers in urine.*
- If the time of infection is unknown, both blood and urine can be submitted to reduce the chance of false‐negative results.*
What is your initial treatment protocol for severe heart failure?
O2 & Furosemide
T/F: Botulism, tick paralysis, and coonhound paralysis all cause flaccid paralysis in the dog
What tick is responsible for transmission of Borrelia?
Ixodes spp.
A 12 week old puppy presents with stiff rear limbs. Within 3 days, both are so rigid that you cannot flex the joints.
What is the likely cause of disease?
Neospora caninum
multiple pups in litter may be affected; paraparesis that develops into extensor rigidity, limb atrophy; can progress to quadriparesis, CN signs, death
You’re performing a low dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDST) and you observe a high basal cortisol sample. If 4 hours later the cortisol is less than 50% of baseline, what is your diagnosis?
Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism
What infectious organisms can cause acute hemorrhagic diarrhea?
parvovirus, salmonella, salmon poisoning, giardia, ICH
What cells in a dog’s body does parvovirus like to ‘mess with’?
rapidly dividing cells
intestinal crypts, lymphoid tissue, and bone marrow
T/F: 90-95% of dogs exposed to Borrelia burgdorferi do not develop clinical signs
God damned mystery
What is the best stand alone hormone assay (accuracy) to diagnose hypothyroidism?
Excellent but expensive because must be determined by equilibrium dialysis; Not affected by circulating antiT4 autoantibodies; not as affected by concurrent illness or drugs as T4
T/F: In the dog: distemper, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and hepatitis vaccines are core vaccines
Parainfluenza is NOT a core vaccine in the dog.
Distemper, parvovirus, rabies, and hepatitis are core vaccines.
The insulin and dosing schedule of choice in a cat associated with an 80% induction of remission:
- Vetsulin/Lente BID
- Glargine BID
- Glipizides
- Alpha glucosidase inhibitors
Glargine BID
The insulin and dosing schedule of choice in a dog is:
- Lente (Vetsulin) BID
- Lente insulin SID
- Glargine SID
Lente (Vetsulin) BID
Why is blood PCR not considered a good test for diagnosing Lyme disease?
Lyme ‘hides’ in joints
PCR on blood is likely to be negative as spirochetemia in dogs is rare. However in experimentally induced infections, PCR on punch biopsy skin samples taken at inoculation site showed a peak in spirochete numbers at day 60 post infection; this was same time that clinical signs of arthritis developed. Synovial tissue biopsy is preferred over joint fluid for PCR.
What drug should be given to a dog in an Addisonian crisis for glucocorticoid replacement therapy?
Dexamethasone preferred as it will not interfere with the ACTH stimulation assay; in addition, a single dose of short-acting corticosteroid will not suppress the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis.
T/F: Endocardiosis is characterized by decreased contractility of the heart
In patients with endocardiosis, there is thickening and contraction of the AV valve, resulting in valve incompetence. The heart compensates by increasing sympathetic tone, which increases contractility
T/F: ACE Inhibitors block myocardial remodeling induced by RAAS in CHF
ACE inhibitors slow the progression of heart failure, block remodeling and fibrosis due to Angiotensin II and aldosterone, enable up to 50% reduction in furosemide dosage, & prolong and improve quality of life
Will a Lyme vaccine give you a false positive result with the Idexx C6 Antibody SNAP test?
C6 protein is not expressed in the tick, in tissue culture, or in Lyme vaccines, so C6 test can differentiate between natural infection and vaccine‐induced antibodies
What is “triple therapy” and which infectious agent is it used for?
Amoxicillin + Metronidazole + H2 blocker (famotidine, ranitidine, or omeprazole)
Used to treat Helicobacter
What is the adulticide drug of choice for treatment of heartworm in dogs?
T/F: A positive isolation from the feces can confirm that Salmonella is the cause of disease
A positive isolation from the feces does not mean that Salmonella is the cause of disease, because it can be isolated from healthy animals
At what age can a dog be vaccinated against Lyme disease?
Are boosters needed and if so, when?
as early as 12 weeks of age
Vaccines are initially given as a series of 2 vaccines, 2‐4 weeks apart. Lyme vaccine should be re‐administered (boostered) annually
The treatment for hyperthyroidism with the best outcome (longest survival) is:
Radioactive iodine (I131)
Hyperthyroidism is typically cured with one dose of radioactive iodine (>95% of cases with only carcinoma cats requiring a second higher dose). Considered gold standard therapy by many especially for cases with thyroid adenocarinoma and metastasis (treated with a higher dose).
T/F: Strabismus is commonly associated with Horner’s Syndrome
Horner’s Syndrome is marked by miosis most commonly, but there can also be ptosis, enophthalmos and protrusion of the membrana nictitans.
- miosis: constriction of the pupil
- ptosis: drooping of the eyelid
- enophthalmos: posterior displacement of the eyeball
T/F: In KITTENS: Rhinotracheitis, Panleukopenia, Calicivirus, and FeLV vaccines are core vaccines
In kittens: Rhinotracheitis, Panleukopenia, Calicivirus, and FeLV vaccines are core vaccines. Rabies is also a core vaccine in felines
What is the most specific test for diagnosing hypothyroidism in the dog?
A Great Dane presents with LMN signs in all 4 limbs, tetraparesis and decreased tone in all 4 limbs; and its reflexes are reduced to absent. What is your most likely diagnosis?
Coonhound paralysis
Difficulty breathing while lying down is termed:
A dog has a [BG] > 300 mg/dL several hours each day (within 10 hours of dosing), fructosamine > 500 umol/L, persistent clinical signs with a [BG] nadir of 80 mg/dL.
What is the problem?
Duration of action too short
Regarding titers for toxoplasmosis: how is diagnosis of this disease made?
High IgM titer or 4x increase in IgG titer over 2‐4 wks