Salutes, Honors, and Visits of Courtesy Flashcards
What regulation covers salutes, honors and visits of courtesy?
AR 600-25
When in uniform are you required to salute?
When you meet and recognize persons entitled to the salute
Who salutes first?
The junior person shall salute first, encouraged is the greeting of the day.
When do you salute indoors?
Personnel will not salute indoors except when reporting to a superior officer.
When do you salute official vehicles?
When recognized individually by rank or identifying vehicle plates and/or flags is displayed.
How do military personnel under arms salute?
They render the salute with the prescribed weapon which they are armed.
When are you not required to salute?
- In Civilian attire.
- Engaged in routine worfk if the salute would interfere.
- Carrying articles with both hands so occupied as to make saluting impracticable.
- Working as a member of a detail, or engaged in sports or social functions where saluting would present a safety hazard.
- In public places shcuh as tehaters, churches, and in public conveyances.
- In the ranks of a fomation
When is the flag of the United States dipped?
When will CANNON SALUTES not be fired?
Between retreat and reveille, on Sundays, or on national holidays (excluding Memorial Day and Independence Day) unless, at the discretion of the commander directing the honors, international courtesy, or the occasion requires an exception.
How many guns consist of the salute to the Union?
1 gun for each State. The national salute and the salute to a national flag are each 21 guns.
What are the holidays observed by the Army?
- New Years Day, 1 January
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the third Monday in January
- President’s Day, the third Monday in February
- Memorial Day, The last Monday in May.
- Independence Day, 4 July
- Labor Day, the first Monday in September
- Colombus Day, the second Monday in October
- Veterans Day, 11 November
- Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November
- Christmas Day, 25 December
How is the flag flown on all Army Installations on Memorial Day?
the national flag will be displayed at half staff from reveille untill noon. Immediately before noon, the army band will play appropriate music and at 1200 the national salute (21 guns) will be fired. After the salute, the flag will be raised and remain there until retreat
How is Independence Day commemorated on all Army Installations?
A salute to the Union (50 Guns) will be fired at 1200 hours on Independence Day.
When is Armed Forces Day?
The third Saturday in May
When is the national anthem of the United States played during ceremonies with foreign countrys?
The performance of a foreign country’s national anthem will be followed without pause by playing the national anthem of the United States.
When are you authorized to recite the Pledge of Allegiance while in uniform?
a. During military ceremonies, soldiers will not recite the PoA
b. at official functions, social events and sporting events soldiers should -
1. When in uniform, outdoors, stand at attention, remain silent, face the flag, and render the hand salute.
2. When in uniform, indoors, stand at attention, remain silent, and face the flag.
Where do foreign soldiers stand when they are invited to participate in a parade?
They will be assigned a position of honor ahead of U.S. Soldiers. As a special compliment, a small escort of honor composed of U.S. soldiers will precede the foreign soldiers.
Who recieves a retirement ceremony?
Military personnel being retired after a long and faithful service will be given appropriate recognition at retirement to include reviews, ceremonies, or other similar functions.
What is the official song of the U.S. Army and when is it played?
“The Army Goes Rolling Along” . The Army song concludes all reviews, parades and honor guard ceremonies.
What is the purpose of VISISTS OF COURTESY?
Establishes social contacts among officers of the Army which are essential to the develpment of mutual understanding, respect, confidence, and teamwork.
Traditional buisiness sized cards that include the individual’s name, grade, and the words “United States Army”.
What must all officers fo on NEW YEAR’S DAY?
It is customary for all officers of a unit, organization, or installation to call upon the commanding officer on NEW YEAR’S DAY.
What does AR 600-8-1 cover?
Army Casualty Program.
What are DEATH ANNOUNCEMENTS and for whom are they for?
Official worldwide announcement of death for the following persons made by electronic message by Director, Army Protocol, OCSA:
a. The President, a former President, or President-elect of the United States
b. The Vice President of the United States
c. Secretary, Deputy Secretary, or former Secretary of Defense
d. Secretary of the Army or former Secretary of the Army
e. CJCoS or former CoJCos
f. Vice Chairman of the CJCoS or former CJCoS
g. CoS or former CoS, United States Army
h. General of the Army, Active, or retired 4-star generals
i. Sergeant Major of the Army or former SGMoA
What happens on Army installations after receipt of a DEATH NOTICE for the President, former President, or President-Elect?
- Commanding officers of all Army installations equipped w/ the necessary personnel and materiel will require:
1. One gun to be fired every half-hour, beginning at reveille and ending at retreat. Uniformed personnel will not salute.
2. All soldiers at Army installations and cadets of US Military Academy to be formed and notified of the death. - On the day of interment:
1. A 21-gun salute will be fired commencing at noon at all military installations equipped with personnel and materiel. Guns will be fired at 1 minute intervals. Uniformed persons will not salute.
2. An additional salute of a number of guns equal to the number of States of the Union will be fired at retreat at all military installations equipped. Fired at 5 second intervals immediately following lowering of the flag. Uniformed personnel will not salute
What happens on Army installations after receipt of a DEATH NOTICE for the Vice President of the United States?
The day after, the commanding officer at all installations equippd will cause a 19-gun salute to be fired at noon.
On the day of interment, a 19-gun salute will be fired at noon at all installations equipped. Guns will be fired at 1 minute intervals. Uniformed personnel will not salute.
What is the composition of funeral escorts of honor for the Chief of Staff, Army and 5-star generals?
Special military funeral: 10 Companies plus a band
What is the composition of funeral escorts of honor for a Retired CoS, Army and 4-star generals?
Special full-honor funeral: 4 companies from the officer’s Service, plus a band
What is the composition of funeral escorts of honor for a Sergeant Major of the Army or former SGMoA?
Full-honor funeral: 1 company with band and a CSM in charge
What is the composition of funeral escorts of honor for a 3-star general through colonels?
Full-honor funeral consisting of 1 company with band. General officers will also receive a cannon salute commensurate with grade
What is the composition of funeral escorts of honor for a LTC through warrant officer?
Full-honor funeral: 1 platoon with a band
What is the composition of funeral escorts of honor for a CSM and SGM?
Full-honor funeral: 1 platton with band and a CSM or SGM in charge
What is the composition of funeral escorts of honor for a enlisted personnel, cadets, and personnel in the DEP ?
Funeral: NCO in charge firing party, pallbearers and bugler
Who receives Military Funeral Honors?
Active duty soldiers, retirees and Medal of Honor recipients
What consists of Full Military FUneral Honors?
9 member team: 6 pallbearers and/or firing party, a chaplain, and officer and /or NCO in charge , and a bugler .
What is AP3?
Authorized Provider Partnership Program. Outside organizations which support the rendering of Military Funeral Honors such as Veterans Service Organizations.
When can Funeral Honors be denied?
o recipient is absent withouth authority in excess of 30 days and declared as a deserter
o convicted of a capital offense under Federal or State law for which the person was sentenced to death or life w/o parole
o a serious offense which if prosecuted under UCMJ, could be punished by confinement of six months or more and/or a punitive discharge
o misconduct, which if prosecuted under the UCM, would require specific intent for conviction
o Discharges: Dishonorable, Bad Conduct, Other than Honorable Conditions
o Dismissal from the service by court-martial
o Officer Resignation in lieu of court martial, which results ina discharge characterization of Under Other Than Honorable Conditions
What is TAPS?
Traditional “lights out” musical composition played at military funerals and memorials.
When is a 21-gun salute fired?
Fired in honor of the national flag, the sovereign or chief of state of a foreign nation, a member of reigning royal fameily, and the president, former President, and President-elect of the United States. Fired at noon on the dayh of the funeral of a President, former and elect.