Army Training and Leader Development 7-0 Flashcards
What is ADP 7-0?
Training Units and Developing Leaders
What is the Army’s life-blood?
Unit training and leader development
What are the three training domains?
o institutional
o operational
o self-development
Who is responsible for training units and developing leaders?
Commanders exercise this responsibility through formal and informal chains, assited by other officers and NCOs, through development and execution of progressive, challenging and realistic training.
Where does training begin?
In schools and training centers, Soldiers are introduced to Warrior Tasks and focus on developing individual skills and knowledge.
What does Operational Assignments build on?
The fundamental skills, knowledge, and behaviors developed in institutional training.
What does Self-development do?
It is a personal responsibility that enhances qualifications for a current position or helps prepare an individual for future positions.
The Army’s institutional training and education system, which primarily includes training base centers and schools that provide initial training and subsequennt professional military education for Soldiers, military leaders, and Army civilians.
The training activities organizations undertake while at home station, at maneuver combat training centers, during joint exercises, at mobilization centers, and while operationally deployed.
A planned, goal-oriented learning that reinforces and expands the depth and breadth of an individual’s knowledge base, self-awareness, and situational awareness; complements institutional and operational learning; enhances professional competence; and meets personal objectives.
What does collective training include?
Unit-level tasks and events, but also requires individual skill proficiency, and capitalizes on multiechelon, joint, interagency, and multinational forces training opportunities as often as needed.
What is the operations process?
Plan, prepare, execute, and assess
What is TADSS?
Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations
What are the principles of Unit Training?
o Commanders and other leaders are responsible for training
o Noncommissioned officers train individuals, crews, and small teams
o Train to standard
o Train as you will fight
o Train fundamentals first
o Train to develop adaptability
o Understand the operational environment
o Train to sustain
o Train to maintain
o Conduct multiechelon and concurrent training
Who are the primary trainers?
NCOs train enlisted Soldiers, crews and small teams. NCOs help officers train units.
What does “Train as you will fight” mean?
Training under an expected operational environment for the mission.
Basic soldiering, the Warrior Tasks, Battle Drills, marksmanship, fitness, and military occupational specialty proficiencies that support the capabilities of the unit.
Where does Training Adaptability come from?
Training under complex, changing conditions, with minimal information available to make decisions
How do you train during deployment or when conducting daily operations?
From formal and informal after action reviews to improve performance and address changes in tactics, techniques and procedures that affect the operation
What is Train to Sustain?
Preparing units and individuals to be resilient under the stress of operations.
What is Train to Maintain?
Conducting maintenance to ensure equipment is serviceable and available for the conduct of training and for mission accomplishment.
What is multiechelon training?
Training technique that allows for the simultaneous trainig of more than one echelon on different or complementary tasks. It optimizes training by preserving time while capitalizing on the opportunity to train related tasks at the same time
What does ADP 7-0 state about Operational assignments to Leader development?
Operational assignments are the crucible of leader development
What are the Army’s principles of leader development?
o Lead by example
o Develop subordinate leaderse
o Create a learning environment for subordinate leaders
o Train leaders in the art and science of mission command
o Train to develop adaptive leaders
o Train leaders to think critically and creatively
o Train your leaders to know their subordinates and their families
What is meant by Lead by Examble?
Good leaders understand they are role models for others and reflect the desired leader characteristics found in ADP 6-22
What is a Leader’s responsibility?
Developing subordinate leaders and subordinates to be successful tactically an dtechnically and to be prepared to assume positions of greater responsibility
What do Leaders establish when creating a learning environment for subordinate leaders?
An environment that allows subordinates to try different solutions to problems. Subordiantes must know that they can attempt innovative solutions to problems.
What is meant by “Train in the Art and Science of Mission Command?”
Employing mission command in training encourages risk-taking initiative, and creativity in subordinates, while staying within the commander’s intent
Define Train to Develop Adaptive Leaders.
Training must enable leaders to respond to unexpected conditions in a positive and contructive way. They cannot train on every task for every condition. Instead, they must excel at a few tasks and then adapt to new tasks
How do Leaders Think Critically and Creatively?
analyzing challenging problems, keeping an open mind on different perspectives of problems and unconventional ways of solving problems. Critical thinking and creativity can be developed
Who should leaders know and help?
Their subordinates at least two levels down-their strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities. Leaders help not only subordinates, but also their families
What is a unit’s primary focus when not deployed?
How do Battalions and higher units develop unit training plans?
the Military decision making process
How do Companies develop unit training plans?
the Troop leadeing procedures
What is the purpose of unit training?
To build and maintain ready units to conduct unified land operations for combatant commanders. Unit training is the primary means for developing leaders.
What is METL?
mission-essential task list. It is the doctrinal framework of fundamental tasks for which the unit was designed.
How is a Unit’s METL determined?
When a unit is assigned a mission, the commander determines key collective tasks that support the METL and are essential to mission accomplishment.
What approach is used when conducting unit training?
Crawl-walk-run approach that progressively and systematically builds on successful task performance before progresssing to more complex tasks.
Who is the only person that can assess the readiness of a units mission-essential task?
The commander