Sales Qualification for Tableau Flashcards
What’s your timeline? (Question for primary contact)
When can you and your peers/team evaluate/trial the software?
Who and how will this be conducted?
Who makes the decision and what’s the process? (Question for primary contact)
Who is making the decision to buy and will they be involved in the evaluation process (committee or individual?) or just presented a recommendation at the end?
Company/Team/Project/Department Overview: (Question for primary contact)
What do they do? Not the website version…
What are the major initiatives/goals for this year?
What problem are they trying to solve? (Pre-demo)
How do you envision the solution or end result?
What is it you need to do to be successful?
How will you measure success?
Where/whom are the evaluation/success criteria coming from? (Pre-demo)
Is this coming from higher ups?
If yes - What type of involvement in the evaluation/selection will they have? What do they want to see? When/how can we involve them?
What is your current solution? (Pre-demo)
What is/isn’t working with your current solution?
Are you looking to compliment or replace existing solution(s)?
Why Tableau?
Who else are you looking at?
Who is involved/tasked with evaluating and ultimately utilizing this new solution? (Pre-demo)
Who will be creating the reports/dashboards?
Who will be running analysis off these reports/dashboards?
Who owns the data, where is it, and what’s the format?
Who will be in charge of implementing/deploying Tableau Server?
What is your evaluation process and how will you rank/score each vendor?
Next Steps (Demo lead in)
Who is the audience?
What are their department titles, relationships, expectations, and roles in the eval?
What is their experience with Tableau and other reporting tools?
Will you be asking all the vendors to provide custom demos using your data?
Are you/who is actively using Tableau Desktop/Server?
Are there any roadblocks to trialing both Desktop/Server?
Will the agenda be driven by you or our technical team?
Any specific metrics, functionality, etc. that needs to be covered?
What is the order of sales stages?
1) Mutual Interest
2) Discover
3) Validate
4) Decide
5) Select
6) Commit
Mutual Interest
You believe the customer has a problem that you think Tableau could solve and the customer would spend money on a solution.
Identified pain, basic solution fit, comfortable with budget process.
Use case identified, evaluation process defined, key players identified, discover/needs analysis completed.
35 %
I-Date identified, transfer of ownership (custom data, training, trialed), Buy-off on solution proof (trial, POC), pricing discussion and/or quote delivery.
Met/talked with executive sponsor, business case justification, tableau selected yes/no, procurement process mapped and understood, software configuration and pricing set.
Agreed upon sequence of events to purchase with dates, detailed understanding of approval process, legal/business terms agreed upon and accepted, order date finalized.
Credit card order, purchase order or executed contract, signed EULA or MSLA, order is off to customer service for processing.
What is causing you to change?
Ex: want some business users to go and create their own dashboards. Could free up time for the current person creating reports.
What is your vision for BI?
Ex: customer is excited to work with the data in a smarter day.
What is the timeline for changing?
Ex: could be this month.
What is the evaluation process?
Ex: they have a checklist of reports to build and functionality they want to test out.
What is the current solution?
Ex: BI delivery is publish self-service reports online. SSRS is their current system.
What is the user community?
Ex: Up to 400 users would leverage the reporting.