One of the latin fathers of the church
St. Augustine
Doctors of the Church and one of the most significant Christian Thinker
St. Augustine
St Augustine is also called
St Augustine of Hippo
His philosophical approach to Christian thinking is one of the most influential theological system
St. Augustine
His written works are among the foundations of medieval and modern Christian thought
St. Augustine
St Augustine was deeply influenced by?
he give the theory of forms a christian perspective
St. Augustine
Christian perspective of the theory of forms
these forms were concepts existing within the perfect and eternal God ( the catholic University of AMerica Press 1982)
What is the soul (St. augustine0
Soul held the truth and was capable of scientific thinking
What is St augustine’s concept of the “Self”
Self was an inner immaterial “I”that had no self- knowledge and self- awareness
He believed that a human being is both a soul and a body
St. Augustine
What did the body possess?
The body possess senses, such as imagination, memory, reason, and mind through which the soul experienced the world.
human being an senses
through the senses human beings could sense the material and temporal objects as we interacts with the material world.
What are the aspects of the soul? (St. Augustine)
It is able to be aware of itself
it recognizes itself as a holistic one
It is aware of unity
the human being who’s both a body and soul tend to be?
meant to tend to higher, divine and heavenly matters because of his/her our capacity to ascend and comprehend truths through the human mind.