Sagae Thessalae- Appuleius Flashcards
cum haec etiam loca provincae clarae visitare cuperem
since I wanted to visit these places of the famous province as well,
Iuvenis ego mileto profectus ad spectaculum olympicum,
As a young man having set out from Miletus to the Olympic Games,
Mileto is an ablative without a preposition which means from- Miletus is very far from Thessaly- highlights the distance and importance of the journey
peregrata tota thessalia larissam preveni
I travelled through the whole of Thessaly and reached Larissa.
Ac dum urbem perrerans
And while wandering through the city
tenuato viatico
My travel money having diminished
paupertati meae fomenta quaero,
I searched for remedies for my poverty
Medio in foro senem conspicio
[And] I caught sight of an old man in the middle of the forum
In is literally in the middle of the forum (medio in foro) highlights the old mans importance in the middle of the forum
Insistebat lapidem
He was standing on a stone
Voce praedicibat
And proclaiming in a loud voice
Si quis mortuum custodire vellet,
If anyone wanted to guard a dead body
Magnum praemium accepturum esse.
He would receive a large reward.
Assonance of “um” with “mortuum” emphasises importance of death and reward
Et cuidam praetereunti “quid hoc” inquam “audio?
And I said to somebody passing by, “what’s this I hear?
LIT CRIT: “audio”- short questions highlight thelyphrons ignorance
Hic mortui Solent aufugere?”
Do the dead usually run away here?”
“Aufugere” emphatically positioned at the end of the line to highlight shock at them running away
“Tace” respondet ille
“Be quiet” he replied
“Nam puer et satis peregrinus es
For you are a boy and a mere foreigner
Meritoque nescis in Thessalia te esse,
And naturally you don’t know that you are in Thessaly,
Ubi sagae ora mortuorum semper demorsicant,
Where witches always bite pieces out of the faces of the dead
- deMORsicant & MORtuorom- assonance=highlights eating to death
- “demorsicant” gruelling and violent
Quae sunt illis artis magicae supplementa”
Which are extra ingredients for them in their magic art.”
Contra ego: “quali custodela” inquam “opus est?”
In reply I said, “what sort of protection is needed?”
“Iam prium” respondet illi
“To begin with” he replied
“Totam noctem examie vigilandum est apertis et inconivis oculis semper in cadaver intentis”
“All night you must stay fully awake with eyes open and sleepless, directed always at the corpse,
“Totam noctem”- emphatic positioning to highlight ALL night
Nec acies usquam devertenda est,
And your glance must not be turned away anywhere else
Cum illae pessimae sagae latenter arrepant,
Since those very wicked witches creep up secretly,
Forma in quodvis animal conversa.
With their shape changed into any animal.
Nam et aves et canes et mures, Immo vero etiam muscas, induunt.”
For they take the form of birds and dogs and mice, and indeed even flies
Syndetic listing of different animals emphasises the overwhelming advantage the witches have over thelyphron and thus foreshadows his demise
His cognitis animum meum commasculo
After finding this out, I strengthened my spirit
Et statim accedens senem
And approaching the old man at once
“Clamare” inquam “iam desine.
I said “stop shouting now”
Emphatic positioning of “clamare” and “desine” highlight thelyphrons confidence
Adest custos paratus”
A guard is here and ready.”
Emphatic positioning of “adest” and “paratus” highlight thelyphrons confidence
Juxtaposition between “adest” and “desine” on previous sentence highlights the danger thelyphron is getting himself into
Vix finieram
Scarcely I had finished
Et statim me perducit ad domum quandam
When he led me at once to a certain house
Ubi demonstrat matronam flebilem fuscis vestimentis contectam.
Where he pointed to a weeping woman dressed in dark clothes
Short syllable sounds quickens pace of line and adds tension
Illa surrexit et ad cubiculum me induxit.
She got up and led me into the bedroom.
Short sentence highlights how he went straight to the bedroom
Ibi corpus splendentibus linteis coopertum manu revelavit.
She uncovered with her hand a body wrapped in shining white sheets.
Ubi singula anxie demonstravit, exiit.
When she had anxiously pointed out the individual features, she left.
Sic desolatus ad cadaveris solacium,
Thus left alone to the care of the corpse,
Assonance in “deSOLatus” and “SOLacium” highlights depressing mood through words and long vowel sounds
perfrictis oculis et paratis ad vigiliam,
With my eyes rubbed and ready for guard duty,
“Vigiliam” has double meaning of “guard the body” and “sleeplessness” to highlight how guarding the body is dependent on sleeplessness
Dum animum meum permulcebam cantationibus,
While I was soothing my mind with songs,
Usque ad mediam noctem pervigilabam
I stayed awake right up until the middle of the night.
Tum autem mihi formido cumulatior
But then my terror became greater
Dum repente
When suddenly
Introrepens mustela contra me oculosque in me
A weasel, creeping in, stopped in front of me and fixed its eyes on me.
Tanta fiducia in tantulo animali
Such great self confidence in so small an animal
Assonance of “tan” highlights thelyphrons fear
Mihi turbavit animum
Disturbed my mind
Denique sic illi “abi” inquam
Finally I spoke to it in this way, “go away”
“Scelesta bestia,
You wicked beast
Antequam meam vim celeriter experiaris! Abi!”
Before you quickly experience my strength! Go away!”
“Abi” at the beginning at the end of the shout emphasises his fear
Mustela terga vertit
The weasel turned its back
“Terga vertit” is very similar to “terga vertere” which would be used to describe armies retreating and thus emphasises the conflict
et e cubiculo protinus exit.
and immediately went out of the bedroom.
Sine mora somnus tam profondus me repente demergit
Without delay a sleep so deep suddenly overwhelmed me
Ut ne deus quidem Delphicus ipse
That not even the god of Delphi himself
“Ne deus quidem”- not even… Highlights how deep thelyphrons sleep was
“Delphicus”- Apollo, the oracle and god of prophecy had a shrine at Delphi but not even he could work out
Facile discerne posset ex duobus nobis iacentibus,
Could easily decide from the two of us lying down,
Quis esset magis mortuus.
Who was the more dead!
Emphatic positioning, leaving “dead” until the end to highlight its importance
Tandem prima luce expergitus
Having woken up at last at dawn
Et magno pavore perterritus
And terrified by a great panic
“pavore perterritus” - assonance to highlight the great panic
Cadaver accuro
I ran over to the corpse
Et admoto lumine revelatoque eius vultu
And after I brought a lamp near and uncovered his face
Omnia diligenter inspicio: nihil deest.
I carefully inspected everything: nothing was missing
Ecce uxor misera flens introrumpit:
Look, the miserable wife burst in weeping:
Cadavere inspecto reddit sine mora praemium
When she had inspected the corpse, she gave me my reward without delay
“Per fidem vestram” inquit “cives,
“For the sake of your honour, citizens” he said
“Per pietatem publicam,
For the sake of public duty
Alliteration highlights how it is so important for them to honour their duty
Perempto civi subsistite
Help a murdered citizen
Et extremum facinus istius feminae nefariae scelestaeque severiter vindicate.
And severely punish the vilest crime of that wicked and evil woman over there.
“Extremum”- pushing to the extremes of wickedness
“Nefariae” highlights how it is against moral and religious law
Haec enim nec ullus alius miserum iuvenis
For this woman and no other destroyed with poison the poor young man
Tautology (saying the same meaning in two different words) of “ullus alius” highlights how it was the evil of the woman and no other
Sororis meae filium
My sister’s son
In adulteri
For the gratification of her lover
“Adulteri” is at the end of the line at emphasises the woman’s evil motives
Et on praedam hereditariam exstinxit veneno.”
And on account of a profitable inheritance.”
“Veneno” emphatically positioned to highlight the danger of poison, which was commonly used
Illa, lacrimis effusis quamque sanctissime poterat adiurans cunctos deos,
She, with tears streaming down and swearing by all the gods as piously as she could,
Tantum seclus abnuebat
Was denying such a great crime
Ergo senex ille:
Therefore that old man said:
Veritatis arbitrium in divinam providentiam ponamus.
“Let us place the judgement of the truth in divine providence.”
Alliteration of “providentiam ponamus” highlights the importance of the supernatural in Thessaly- soon followed by “propheta” in next lines
Zatchlas adest Aegyptius propheta notissimus
Zatchlas, the very famous Egyptian prophet, is here
Qui mihi promisit se pro magno praemio
Who has promised me that in return for a large reward,
Spiritum istius cadaveris paulisper an inferis
He would lead back from the dead the spirit of that corpse for a little while
Reducturum esse corpusque animaturum”
And bring the dead body back to life”
Immitto me turbae
I pushed myself into the crowd
Et pone ipsum lectulum lapidem insistens
And standing on a stone behind the bier itself
Omnia curiosis oculis spectabam,
I was watching everything with curious eyes
Iam tumore pectus cadaveris extolli,
Now the chest of the corpse rose with a swell
Repetition of “iam” in this and next line emphasises the corpses anger at being brought back to life
Iam spiritu corpus impleri
Now the dead body was filled with breath
Repetition of “iam” in this and next line emphasises the corpses anger at being brought back to life
Et surgit cadaver et profatur:
And the corpse rose up and spoke out:
“Cadaver” uses historic present to ad vividness
“Cur, oro, me post Lethaea pocula
Why, I beg, after I have drunk from the waters of Lethe
Iam stygiis paludibus innatantem
And was already sailing on the Stygian marshes
Repetition of “u” sound in “paludibus” emphasises gloomy, sad feel
“paludibus innatantem”- a metaphor of the river Styx and how the boat would cross it
Ad momentariae vitae officia reducitis?
Do you bring me back to the duties of a momentary life?
Desine iam, precor, desine,
Stop now, I pray, stop
“Precor” adds pathos as corpse is so upset at being brought back to life
Ac me in meam quietem permitte.”
and let me go to my rest.”
Haec vox de corpore audita est
This voice was heard from the dead body
Sed propheta aliquanto commotior
But the prophet somewhat more forcefully said
“Commotior” adjective used adverbially to add vividness
“Quin narras” inquit “populo omnia de morte tua?”
Why do you not tell the people all about your death?”
Respondet illi de lectulo
He replied from behind the bier
Et imo cum gemitu populum sic adloquitur
And with a deep groan addressed the people in this way:
“Imo” shows low/deep and adds vividness in reference to the underworld
“Malis novae nuptae artibus peremptus
Having been murdered by the evil arts of my new bride
Et addictus noxio poculo,
And the victim of a poisoned cup
Torum repentem adultero reddidi.
I have handed over my (still) warm bed to her lover.
Dabo vobis documenta veritatis perlucida,
I shall give you very clear proof of the truth,
Et quod prorsus
alius nemo cognoverit vel ominaverit indicabo
And I shall reveal what absolutely nobody else could know or predict
“Prorsus” emphatically positioned at the end of the line to show ABSOLUTELY no one else could know
Tunc digito me demonstrans:
Then pointing me out with his finger, he said:
“Digito” is creepy and vivid language
“Nam cum corporis mei custos hic sagacissimus exsertam vigiliam mihi teneret,
“For when this very keen witted guard of my body was keeping an intensive watch on me,
“Sagacissimus” which is a noun but used as a superlative highlights how thelyphron outsmarted the witches and thus adds tension
-“exsertam” highlights his long, drawn out vigil
Sagae quaedam exuviis meis imminentes
Certain witches, eager for my remains
“Imminentes” has a double meaning if both stand over and threaten to highlight the danger of the corpse
Forma mutata apparuerunt
Appeared in changed form
Cum industriam sedulam eius fallare non potuissent,
When they had been unable to deceive his determined efforts,
Postremo iniecta somni nebula eum in profundam quietem sepeliverent.
Finally they threw a cloud of sleep upon him and buried him in a deep slumber.
“Nebula” as metaphor highlights the depth of thelyphrons sleep
“sepeliverent” is a metaphor to highlight how deep his sleep was as he was buried in it
Tum me nomine excitare coeperunt
Then they began to wake me by name
Neque prius desierunt quam
And did not stop
Dum hebetes artus mei et membra frigida
Until my sluggish joints and cold limbs slowly struggled
“Hebetes” is emphatically positioned to highlight his sluggish nature
CHIASMUS- “hebetes” “artus” “membra” “frigida” to highlight his cold and sluggish joints
Ad artis magicae obsequia segniter nituntur
To obey the commands of their magic art.
Hic autem
But this man
“Autem” starts new section and thus adds suspense
Qui virus erat
Who was alive
Et tantum sopore mortuus,
And only dead asleep
Idem mecum nomen forte habet
By chance has the same name as me.
Ad suum nomen igitur ignarus exsurgit
At the sound of his own name therefore he unwittingly got up
Et, in exanimis umbrae modum ultro gradiens
And proceeding mechanically in the manner of a lifeless ghost,
Ianuam adit
He went to the door
Quamquam fores cubiculi diligenter occlusae erant
Although the bedroom doors had been carefully locked,
Per quoddam foramen prosectis
Through a certain hole
naso prius ac mox auribus lanienam
His nose and ears having been cut off,
“Laniēnam” means butcher’s shop in traditional lating
Pro me passus est
He suffered the mutilation instead of me
Tum sagae ceram
Then the witches attached wax to him
In modum prosectarum formatam aurium
Shaped in the form of the cut off ears
ei applicant nasumque similem prosecto comparant
And fitted on a nose like the one cut off
Et nunc stat miser hic,
And now here stands the poor man,
“Et nunc stat” three short words help to emphasise the ominous peril of the man and adds pity to his plight
Praemium non industriae
Who has earned a reward not for his diligence
Contrast between what he deserved and what he did get (not for diligence but mutilation) adds pathos
Sed lanienae consecutus
But for a mutilation
Contrast between what he deserved and what he did get (not for diligence but mutilation) adds pathos
His dictis perterritus
Terrified by these words
Temptare formam incipio.
I began to examine my appearance
Manu nasum prehendo: sequitur!
With my hand I grasped my nose: it came off!
Short sentences/clauses emphasises the realisation of his plight
Aures pertracto: deruunt
I touched my ears: they fell off!
Short sentences/clauses emphasises the realisation of his plight
Ac dum turba directis digitis et nutibus me denotat,
And while the crowd identified me with pointed fingers and nods,
Inter pedes circumstantium frigido sudore defluens effugio.
I made my escape dripping with cold sweat, between the feet of the people standing around.
“Inter pedes” and crawling through feet adds pathos and vividness to his escape
Nec postea sic debilis ac sic ridiculus ad patriam redire potui,
Nor afterwards could I return to my homeland, so maimed and so ridiculous,
Repetition of “sic” highlights how ridiculous he looks and thus adds pathos & vividness
Sed capillis hinc inde deiectis
But with my hair grown long on both sides
CHIASMUS of “capillis”, “aurium” “nasi” “linteolo” emphasises what he hid and by what means and thus adds vividness
Aurium vulnera celavi
I have hidden the wounds of my ears,
CHIASMUS of “capillis”, “aurium” “nasi” “linteolo” emphasises what he hid and by what means and thus adds vividness
Nasi vero dedecus linteolo isto decenter obtexi
And indeed I have covered the disgrace of my nose, for decency’s sake, with this patch
CHIASMUS of “capillis”, “aurium” “nasi” “linteolo” emphasises what he hid and by what means and thus adds vividness