Saftey - Biological Aspects Of Radiaton Flashcards
Where do the metabolic functions of a cell take place?
When radiation exposure causes hematopoietic death what is the main reason the person died?
Immune system is destroyed
The direct hit theory of sell your radiation can be described by what?
The DNA molecule is struck
What stage of cell division is considered to be the most radiosensitive?
What is the unit of absorbed radiation dose?
What is the unit for air kerma?
What is the process of cell division of SOMATIC cells called?
How is the coulomb per kilogram unit determined?
Ionization in the air
Where were the RNA molecules be found in a human cell other than the cytoplasm?
Which of the following is the unit for biological dose?
Correct order of tissue sensitivity from most to least
- Lymphoid
- Epithelial
- Muscle
What is a measure of the rate at which energy is transferred from radiation to soft tissue ?
High-level whole body radiation exposure, delivered in a period of seconds to minutes produces a clinical pattern, known as what?
Acute radiation syndrome
The somatic effects of radiation for two, which of the following?
Exposure to the body tissues
What is the unit of exposure dose of gamma or x-rays?
Coulomb per kilogram
What is the unit for radiation exposure in the air?
Diagnostic X-rays are
Linear non threshold
Gross structural changes that arise when radiation breaks a chromosome may be referred to as what?
- Aberrations
- Anomalies
- Lesions
What type of tissue will absorb the most radiation?
Somatic effects of radiation relate to what?
The exposed individual
How many milligram are in one gray?
Which of the mature cells would be least sensitive to radiation?
Nerve cells
Information that sells require for metabolism is coded in which of the following?
DNA molecule
Stokastic effects of radiation can be defined by
Cells that survive in initial irradiation by produce a late effect
How can radiation induced cancer in a person?
Imitation can increase cell growth
What is the most common result of cell or radiation?
Complete recovery
What refers to the amount of ionizing radiation energy transferred by any type of radiation to any target material?
If a human is exposed to radiation levels in the one to two gray range, which of the following is expected?
Complete recovery in 90 days
What type of tissue is the most sensitive to radiation?
Lymphoid tissue
The information that sells required for metabolism is coded in?
What are considered the building blocks in the synthesizing of proteins?
Amino acids
Genetic cells divide by?
Somatic cells divide by?
What is the term for the amount of radiation that within 60 days will kill half of the expose population?
Lethal dose 50/60
What refers to the amount of radiation absorbed by the patient?
What is the unit of radiation exposure does in the air?