SAFMEDS Flashcards
FK-01 Lawfulness of behavior
Past behavior predicts future behavior
FK-02 Selectionism: phylogenic, ontogenic, and cultural
Phylogenic: behavior acquired by the species throughout the course of their evolutionary history (reflexive behavior is elicited)
Ontogenic: behavior acquired due to an individual organism’s developmental history (operant behavior is emitted)
Cultural: Corresponding to the selection of behavior as it passes from one individual to another
FK-03 Determinism
The universe is a lawful and orderly place where all phenomena occur as a result of other phenomena
FK-04 Empiricism
Objective observation of the phenomena of interest
FK-05 Parsimony
Ruling out the most simple, logical explanations before considering more complex ones
FK-06 Pragmatism
Drawing general rules from specific observation; inductive reasoning
FK-07 Environmental vs. mentalistic explanations for behavior
Environmental: behavior is caused by an organism’s interactions with its environment
Mentalistic: behavior is caused by internal events
FK-08 Radical vs. Methodological behaviorism
Radical behaviorism: takes private events (e.g. Thoughts) that occur “within the skin” into account as explanations for behavior
Methodological: do not consider private events as behavior, rejects anything that is not observable as an explanation for behavior
FK-09 Distinguish between conceptual analysis of behavior, experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and behavioral service delivery
Conceptual analysis of behavior: theoretical, philosophical, and methodological foundation of behaviorism
Experimental analysis of behavior: laboratory application of basic behavioral principles and processes
Applied behavior analysis: application of behavioral principles to human subjects
Behavioral service delivery: Professional practice
FK-10 Define behavior, response, & response class
Behavior: Everything that people do
Response: Single instance of a behavior
Response class: Groups of responses that vary in topography that all have the same function
FK-11 Define environment, stimulus, stimulus class
Environment: All of the events and stimuli that effect the behavior of an organism
Stimulus: Any thing or event
Stimulus class: Group of stimuli that share common elements along formal (physical features), functional (effects on behavior), or temporal (when they occur with regard to the behavior of interest) lines
FK-12 Stimulus equivalence
The emergence of accurate responding to untrained, non-reinforced stimulus-stimulus relations following reinforcement of responses to other stimulus-stimulus relations; must demonstrate reflexivity, symmetry, & transitivity
Reflexivity: A=A, B=B
Symmetry: A=B, B=A
Transitivity: A=B and B=C then A=C
FK-13 Reflexive relations
an unconditioned stimulus elicits an unconditioned response
FK-14 Respondent conditioning
neutral stimulus is continually paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US) to elicit a conditioned response (CR).
FK-15 Operant conditioning
Consequences result in an increase or decrease in behavior
FK-16 Respondent-operant interactions
When reflexive and operant behavior occur at the same time
FK-17 Unconditioned reinforcement
Reinforcers that don’t depend on learning history (primary reinforcers)
FK-18 Conditioned reinforcement
Reinforcers that depend on learning history (secondary reinforcer)
FK-19 Unconditioned punishment
Punishment that doesn’t depend on learning history (primary punisher)