Compound Schedules, Reinforcer Assessments, IOA Flashcards
Behavior that once learned exposes learner to new environments, reinforcers, contingencies, responses, or stimulus controls
Behavior Cusp
Ratio and interval schedule presented simultaneously
1 behavior
Reinforcement only after both schedules met
Sd possible, but not necessary
Conjunctive Schedule of Reinforcement
Duration, IRT, latency
More conservative IOA calculcation
Dur IOA 1 + Dur IOA 2 + Dur IOA N/Total # x 100
Mean Duration per Occurrence IOA
2+ basic schedules/1+ behavior
Must be done in order (successively)
Sd signals which schedule is in effect
Chained Schedule of Reinforcement
Behavior that once learned allows other untrained behaviors to occur. The untrained responses result in new reinforcement opportunities for the learner.
Pivotal Behavior
1 stimulus/1 behavior/1 schedule
Response requirement gradually increased until responding stops and a breaking point is reached
Identifies how effective stimulus is as reinforcer
Progressive Ratio Schedule Reinforcer Assessment
1 stimuli/1 behavior
2 schedules (1 response contingent, 1 noncontingent)
Sd signals which schedule is in effect
Stimulus functions as a reinforcer if responding increases under the contingent schedule and decreases under the NCR schedule
Multiple Schedule Reinforcer Assessment
Interval Recording Only intervals where at least 1 obs scored an occurrence used # int both obs agree occ/# int agree + disagree x 100
Scored Interval IOA
Event recording
More conservative IOA measure
Int 1 IOA + Int 2 IOA + Int N IOA/Total # Int x 100
Mean Count per Interval IOA
Ratio and interval schedule presented simultaneously
1 behavior
Reinforcement after either schedule being met
Sd possible, but not necessary
Alternative Schedule of Reinforcement
2+ basic schedules/2+ behaviors
Presented simultaneously, learner has choice between 2 schedules (matching law)
Sd possible, but not necessary
Concurrent Schedule of Reinforcement
Interval recording
Likely to overestimate agreement
# Intervals agreement/Total intervals x 100
Interval by Interval IOA
Event recording
Most stringent, conservative IOA measure
# Intervals 100% agreement/Total # Intervals x 100
Exact Count per Interval IOA
2+ basic schedules/1 behavior
Presented successively (may be presented in random order)
No Sd to signal which schedule is in effect
Mixed Schedule of Reinforcement
2+ basic schedules/1 behavior
Presented successively (may be presented in random order)
Sd signals which schedule is in effect
Multiple Schedule of Reinforcement