Safety Standards Deo Version Flashcards
How did the job landscape in the U.S.A. shift in the 1900s?
there was a gradual shift of jobs from fishing, farming, logging, and manufacturing
into retail, sales, and services. This shift led to a noticeable reduction in workplace fatalities.
How dangerous was mining in the 1900s based on the fatality rate?
for every 100,000 miners, approximately 300 died each year.
In the era before OSHA, how did employers view accidents and their liabilities?
Before OSHA, accidents in the U.S.A. were considered cheap since there were no concrete laws regarding worker’s safety.
Employers often argued that workers had accepted the inherent risks of their jobs and could thereby deny liability for accidents.
What percentage of workers were compensated after workplace-related accidents before OSHA, and how much were they compensated?
Only about half of the workers
half a year’s pay.
How did the fatality rate change from the years 1910-1937 to 1937-1939?
fatality rate decreased from 44.1 (deaths per 1,000,000 man-hours) in the years 1910-1937 to 11.7 (deaths per 1,000,000) in the years 1937-1939.
What significant act was passed in 1936, and under which president’s initiative?
Walsh–Healey Public Contracts Act of 1936
President Franklin Roosevelt.
What were the circumstances leading to the establishment of OSHA post World War 2?
Post World War 2, the economic expansion in the 1960s led to rising injury rates.
These increasing injuries, coupled with political pressures, prompted Congress to establish the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the
Mine Safety and Health Administration in 1970.
When did OSHA officially go into effect?
April 1971
How many work-related fatalities were recorded in the U.S.A. in the year 1970?
there were 14,000 fatalities due to work-related accidents and injuries.
By 2009, how many work-related fatalities were recorded in the U.S.A.?
fewer than 5,000
When was the Occupational Safety and Health Standard (OSHS) formulated in the Philippines?
1978 in the Philippines.
What purpose did the OSHS serve for the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)?
tool for maintaining a safe and conducive working environment.
Which president signed Executive order no. 307, and what was the main focus of this order?
Corazon Aquino signed Executive order no. 307 in 1987, which established the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC), a dedicated organization for promoting and enforcing safety and health standards.
Define process safety management.
a regulatory standard for processes that use Highly Hazardous Chemicals (HHCs) with the aim of preventing catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals.
Which regulatory body issued the process safety management standard?
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued the process safety management standard