Four factors in creating personal safety protocol
- knowledge and awareness
- ability
- environmental conditions
- state of mind
your body loses more fluid than you take in
> drink at least 16-20 ounces of fluid 2 hours before exercising. then drink 8 ounces of fluid 15-30 minutes before you start.
sip 4-6 ounces of fluid every 15-20 minutes while you exercise or any physical activity
after the physical activity, you must drink enough water to replace the fluid you lost
these are steps for
on a normal day, the body loses 2.5 liters of water (urination etc)
sensation of dryness in the mouth
refers to the detrimental cause of excessive training. second leading cause of on the job incidents.
overexertion or overtraining
when you push yourself too hard. involves physical and mental effort that’s beyond your current abilities.
overexertion or overtraining
ways to prevent overexertion or overtraining
> decrease the total number of sets or exercise
need to pace your workout properly
abnormally high body temperature caused by a failure of the heat regulating mechanism of the body. includes one disease heat stroke.
usually the result of overexertion in humid.
when the body absorbs or generate more heat that it can release
heat stroke
the normal body temp is
the normal body temp is 98.6°F above ___ is too warm
99 or 100
a very dangerous condition that . happens when a person is exposed to very cold temperature. symptoms of it is shivering, slow and shallow breathing, weak pulse, pale skin.
tips when exercising in the heat:
> slow down exercise and add breaks
drink 2 cups of fluid 2 hours before you begin exercising and drink 4 ounces of fluid every 10-15 minutes during exercising
wear clothing that breaths (luag)
the greatest cause of hypothermia is being exposed to the
cold for a long time
warm up
fluid replacement
cool down
very essential because it prepares our body for the grind. must be performed before any strenous activities
warm up
drink plenty of water. before, during, and after
fluid replacement
a gradual reduction in activity level for 5 to 10 minutes. allows the heart rate and breathing ro return to normal levels.
cool down
- helps improve flexibility, helps improve warm up and cool downs. stretch before and after. hold stretches for a minimum of 10 seconds.
are minerals that are involved in many essential process in the body
8 electrolytes
coconut water
electrolyte infused water
electrolyte tablets
sports drink
naturally low in calories and sugar
coconut water