Safety definition Flashcards
- What are the 20 precautions of safety?
- What is HE stand for?
High Explosive
- What are the safety rules of HE?
a) Do not subject any explosive to heat, shock, fire, friction, or rough handling
b) High Temp increase sensitivity
c) No smoking or flame within 50ft (15.2m)
- What is Frag stand for?
Fragmentation, two types: primary and secondary, the pieces of munition that fragment or break apart violently upon detonation
- What are the safety rules of FRAG?
a) Maintain safety distance with appropriate cover
b) Limit personnel at site, and proper protective gear
- What is MOVE stand for?
Movement, the act or process of moving
- What are the safety rules of MOVE?
a) Do not move UXO
b) Do not move material around UXO that could disturb the item
- What is EMR stand for?
Electromagnetic Radiation, it consist of waves of electrical energy from radio transmissions
- What are the safety rules of EMR?
A) Do not turn on/off power lines
B) Keep radio at safe distance (minimum 100m)
- What are the safety rules of STATIC?
a) Properly ground before handling electrical components
b) Wear non-conductive clothing
- How STATIC can be produced?
By dust storms, snow storms, electrical storms, removing tape from roll
- What are the safety rules of EJECT?
a) Remain clear of all ejection hazards, can induce physical or thermal ejections
- What is PE/Lucky?
Piezoelectric (PE) or Lucky. It occurs when initiating element in fuses are mechanically stressed or bent, then generates voltage proportional to the stress which cause UXO to detonate.
- What are the safety rules of PE/Lucky?
a) Do not stress nose
b) Observe EMR and Static safety precautions
- What is the JET?
JET is formed explosive charge with a conical or hemispherical cavity in the nose
- What are the safety rules of JET?
a) Assume munitions contain piezoelectric crystal
b) Down range hazard (copperhead 5 mile down range hazard)
- What is VT?
Variable Time (VT), electronic device that detonates ordnance within effective range of a target by means of radio waves sent out to and reflected back from the target
- What are the safety rules of VT?
a) Do not permit personnel or vehicles to pass in front of munitions
b) Observe EMR, Static precautions
- What is WT?
Wait time, it allows capacitors to bleed down in electrical fuses, self-destruct and self-neutralizing ordnance to function, or functioning of slow burning pyrotechnic fuses
- What are the WT for UXO?
Pyrotechnic: 1 HR WT
Projected electrical fuses: 1 HR WT
Guided missiles: 3 HRS WT
Bomb fuses: 24 HRS WT
- What are the safety rules of CHEM?
a) Stay upward of suspected chemical munitions
b) Proper PPE, and use detection device
c) 600m upward hazard, 2000m downward hazard
- What is minimum distance for Chemical?
600m upward, and 2000m downward hazard
- What is WP?
White phosphorus
- What are the safety rules of WP?
a) Do not crush or break WP residue
b) Exposure to air will reignite
c) Submerge item in mud or wet sand
d) PPE
- What are the safety rules of Fire?
a) Do not allow heat or spark producing material in area
b) Some munition contains pyrophoric liners
c) Have proper PPE and fire fighting equipment
- What is CW?
Clockwork. Machinery(fusing) containing a train of wheels/gears of a small size designed to operate for a preset amount of time
- What is C/S?
Cocked Striker (C/S). A striker/firing pin/detonator that is held in a ready to fire position under spring tension
- What are the safety rules of C/S?
Do not move, jar or strike a UXO with a cocked striker
- What is BT?
Booby Trap. Concealed and set to explode when an unsuspecting person touches off its firing mechanism as by stepping or moving a harmless looking OBJ
* Enter and Exit on same cleared path*
- What is MAG?
Magnetic. An ability to attract. Explosive body having the property of attracting iron and/or producing a magnetic field external to itself
- What are the safety rules of MAG?
a) No movement of ferrous metal
b) Do not approach with metallic objects
c) Do not turn on or off power lines
d) Do not move UXO
A sensor that can be used to detect very low frequency vibrations
A sensor that is designed to be actuated by sound emitted from a specific target
- How should you approach an explosive?
45 degree angle from the rear
- How long should you spend on target? (TOT)
Minimize time on target IOT reduce hazards to personnel and equipment