Protective measures Flashcards
What are the methods of combating earth-shock?
Trenching Venting Buttressing (Mounding)
What are two ways to reduce blast and frag damage?
Barricading Buttressing
How wide should buttressing be at its base? What should it taper to?
10 feet, 48” and 60”
What is the minimum size timber for buttressing?
4x4 or bigger
What is the thickness of a barricade for less than 105mm? 105mm and above?
less than 105mm: 3 feet
105mm and above: 6 feet
What is the k factor for light case munitions?
What is the k factor for heavy case munitions?
What is the k factor for mixed cache?
What is the NEW of an illum round?
1 lb
What is the NEW of a 60mm mortar?
1 lb
What is the NEW of a 81mm mortar?
2 lbs
What is the NEW of a 4.2mm?
9 lbs
What is the NEW of an AT mine?
22 lbs
What is the NEW of a claymore?
1.5 lbs
What is the NEW of a hand grenade?
.5 lb
What is the NEW of a HEAT munition?
2 lbs
What is the NEW of a S African 155?
18 lbs
What is the NEW of a 107mm HE rocket?
11 lbs
What is the equation for damage/casualty areas?
D = K x cube root of (NEWx1.38)
What are the cache methods?
SF Donor Lattice
How many blocks do mines get?
1 block
How many blocks for standard ordnance?
1 block
How many blocks for HEAT?
2 blocks
How many blocks for small ordnance and fragmentation?
.5 block * 40mm or less*
How many blocks for APHE?
2 blocks
How many blocks for Rocket?
HE rocket 2 blocks
HEAT rocket 3 blocks
mounding method may apply in situation when weight of UXO is..
20lbs or less