Safety And Survival Questions Flashcards
What is the most dangerous area of a fire building?
Area directly above the fire.
What is the greatest danger at the collapse of a multi-story building?
Secondary collapse
A burned victims chances for survival are highest if extricated from a collapsed building within how much time?
The first 24 hours
The second greatest danger to a firefighter performing collapse rescue work is fire T or F
What creates the largest and strongest void in a collapsed building?
If a wall comes more than ? During a collapse rescue operation, rescue workers should be removed from selected debris removal operations and the wall shored up or removed by a crane.
1I/4 of a inch
Warning devices on a high speed highway should be placed at least how many feet from the apparatus and positions so that they are visible to an oncoming motorist fro at least a further how many feet before that?
350 ft; 350 ft
What utility should be the first utility shut off because it is the most dangerous during a collapse rescue operation?
A sudden sporadic flash of flame mixed with smoke appearing at the upper ceiling
The explosion of a smoke-filled room into flame; when all combustibles have become heated to their ignition temperatures
Rapid flame spread over one or more surfaces during a fire; it is caused by the sudden ignition of combustible vapors produced from a heated surface
When a firefighter enters a large room to search for fire after penetrating more that how any feet beyond an exit, the point of no return has been reached?
5 Ft
What is the most vital tactic in offensive interior attack strategy?
Advancing the initial attack hose line
The site survey is the first step of a collapse rescue plan T or F
False Secure the area is first
What signals the beginning of a structural collapse danger during a fire?
When does flashover take place?
At the end if the growth stage and just before the fully developed stage.
How many unexpected dangers are there that can kill or seriously injure firefighters advancing the initial attack hoseline?
The greatest threat to a firefighter who must search above the fire is posed by what type building?
Type V wood-frame
List most dangerous to least dangerous building type when searching above the fire
Wood frame (V) Ordinary (III) Heavy Timber (IV) Noncombustible (II) Fire Resistive (I)
What is the maximum angle for walking on a peaked roof without a ladder?
30 degrees
Fire in what part of a structure is the most difficult below grade fire extinguishment problem that can be encountered in the fire service?
Propane in liquid form expands how many times in volume as it converts from a liquid to a vapor?
270 times
Wildfire firefighting priorities are: protect life first, conserve property second, and contain the fire third. T or F
What is a safe method of walking on a sloping roof that all firefighters should know?
Flat-footed method
Of the 6 exposed sides of a fire the one above is the least deadly T or F?
Never extinguish a propane gas fire unless the fuel cant be shut off at the valve immediately T or F
The maximum angle for safe ladder operations is?
45 degrees
The most dangerous type of stairway to firefighters when climbing is?
Open stair type
The most common roof style
Roof style that has 4 sides sloping up from four bearing walls
The roof style often found on barns, has 2 slopes on each of 2 sides
The roof style that has 2 slopes on each of four sides, lower slopes are steeper than the upper slopes
The roof style that slopes upward from one side and is supported by 2 bearing walls
The safest position for a firefighter to attack any brush fire is?
From inside the burn area
Sometimes called a bog fire this is a slow spreading smoldering fire in the dried out leaves and twigs on the ground. What type of wildfire is it?
Ground fire
At what roof angle should firefighters only operate from aerial ladders
Over 45 degrees
It is easier to become disoriented and lost on a smoky roof than a smoke filled room T or F
At what pressure from an explosion will knock down a firefighter?
1 Psi
At what pressure from an explosion will collapse to an 8” to 12” brick non-bearing wall occur
7-8 Psi
At what pressure from an explosion will a collapse to and 8” - 12 “ cinder block non bearing wall occur
2-3 Psi
At what pressure from an explosion will cause glass to shatter
0-5 Psi
The rapid release of high pressure gas into the environment resulting in shock waves is the definition of ?
What does BLEVE stand for
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion
A collapse danger zone is that distance away from the unstable wall equal to the height of the wall T or F
What should be the maximum number of firefighters on one fire balcony or one stairway between balconies?
What is the 2nd leading cause of firefighter deaths and injuries on the fire ground according to NFPA statistics listed in Safetly and Survival on the Fireground?
What is the formula for fire flow
Fire flow= (LxW/3) x % of involvement
Where is the most potentially dangerous area of local floor collapse inside a burned out residence?
Firefighters should attack a brush fire from the flanks T or F
Flame is the most deadly and 2nd most common hazardous material a firefighter will encounter T or F
False most deadly and most common
To determine a vehicles total stopping distance, what three factors must be considered
Perception time
Breaking distance
Reaction time
At most fires the outside size up is more accurate T or F
Water turns to stem and expands how many times
1700 times
What is auto exposure
Fire spread from lower floor to upper floor on the outside of a building
What is the recommended procedure for operation at a collapse scene where a large diameter gas main has broken causing gas to permeate the site
Search the surface area only for victims and then withdraw
The only protection a firefighter possesses against an explosive blast is?
IN order to safely set a master stream in operation coordination between the incident commander, the firefghter in charge of the master stream, and ? is required?
Interior sector commander
What is deafening?
Bathroom tile of terrazzo sand bed that acts as insulation
Ordinary construction is also known as what kind of construction?
Brick and joist
A master stream device is defined as a ground based or aerial nozzle capable of delivering how many GPM or more?
Primary high explosives are more powerful than secondary high explosives T or F
Nitroglycerin, black powder, and blasting caps are examples of what class of D.O.T. Explosives
Class A
Which class of D.O.T. Explosive is a violent explosive hazard?
Class C
Safety equipment that is a possible valuable aid to reduce the chances of disorientation in smoke during a search and rescue operation include?
TIC, Another members voice, and 75’ or 100’ rope
Conflagaration chances become greater at wind speeds in excess of?
30 MPH
When is exterior size up more accurate than interior size up
When fire has spread to 2 or more floors
The most common collision involving a fire apparatus is
The squeeze through
A firefighters best protection against suffering a fall on the fireground is?
A flashlight
The reasons for an exterior fire attack include
Inability to advance the hose line
Structure is too dangerous
Shortage of backup resources
High winds
Defensive responding is?
The apparatus driver, Company Office, and Firefighters being alert and responsible for the arrival of the apparatus at the scene
An enclosure greater than 25’ X 50’ with no interior enclosing partitions is a “large area occupancy” T or F
A firefighter in a room that flashes over is exposed to temperatures of what range and can only escape if they are within how many feet of an exit?
1000-1500 degrees F/ 5 ft
What wall collapse is the most dangerous
90 degree angle wall collapse
Most combustion explosions inside buildings coccus with what percentage of the enclosure filled by the flammable gas-air mixture?
Less than 25%
When performing rescue and hose line attack during the fire, firefighters are exposed to thee types of stress. Which type is the most dangerous because it continues and sometimes worsens during overhaul?
Heat stress
A content fire is less dangerous than a structural fire T or F
The power behind the axe movement comes from the swing of the axe and its weight
The top diamond of the NFPA 704 Diamond is for health hazards T or F
False The left is health hazard the top is flammability and the right is stability
What does the number 4 stand for in the 704 health hazards diamond?
That it is too dangerous to approach with standard firefighting equipment
Generally, areas of how many or more floors below the fire don’t warrant forcible entry unless they show signs of specific problems?