Proceedures Flashcards
A member of lower rank temporarily assigned to function in a position of higher rank and accepts all duties and responsibilities of that rank
Acting officer
That period of time when a member shall be at a designated place of assignment
Active duty
That division of the fire department responsible for purchasing equipment, liaison with outside agencies, and administrative duties, under the command of an Assistant Chief
Administrative services division
A notification to respond to an emergency
A fire department vehicle used for firefighting purposes
Second in rank to the Fire Chief. Is in charge of a division.
Assistant Chief
What is the only material that supersedes the procedures manual?
General orders issued by the fire chief or the chief’s designee.
What is the fire department responsible for?
The protection fo life and property from fire, explosion, or other related incidents.
What are the 5 divisions of the fire department?
Administrative Services, Operations, Human Resources, Communications, and Fire Prevention.
Car 2
Administrative Services Assistant Chief
Car 3
Operations Assistant Chief
Car 4
Human Resources Assistant Chief
Car 5
Fire Prevention Assistant Chief
Car 201
District Chief of Communications
Who directs rehab operations at a fire scene?
ALS Supervisor
The rank below District Chief and above Lieutenant. May be assigned as commanding officer of a company, as a supervisor in fire prevention or other special assignment.
Relationship of responsibility and authority as shown on the organizational chart.
Chain of comand
The transmission of orders and communications through immediate officers in ascending or descending order of rank
Interchange of information, verbal, written, or electronic
Official record of daily activities and events pertaining to a given fire company
Company diary
Member assigned permanently or temporarily to direct and supervise a fire company
Company Officer
A special or routine assignment of duties
A geographical division of the city which includes a number of fire companies under the command of a district chief
Directly below an Assistant Chief in rank in the Fire Department. In command of a fire district or second command of a division
District Chief
A part of the Fire Department responsible for general function of the department.
The Chief or Assistant Chief on -call outside of regular business hours.
Duty Chief
An alarm transmitted when no emergency exists. Can be accidental or malicious
False Alarm
A member who drives and operates an apparatus
Fire Apparatus Operator (FAO)
THe primary administrative officer of the Fire Department
Fire Chief
A unit under the command of an officer which is assigned to a fire station with apparatus
Fire Company
A member of the Fire Department under the rank of Fire Lieutenant
The location, building, or other area where the Fire Department is called to perform firefighting duty
Fire Ground
Member assigned to perform fire investigations or inspect a specialized fire prevention category
FIre Prevention Specialist
Member in training to become a firefighter
Fire Recruit
Any building housing one or more fire companies
Fire Station
The buildings and staff of the Training Section of the HUman Resources Division
Fire Training Center
A directive issued by the fire chief to delineate Department policy, which remains in force until revised or rescinded
General Order
Active duty status for payroll purposes, but restricted to non-firefighting duties as assigned by the Human Resources Division
Limited Duty
An officer directly below Fire Captain in rank
All uniformed personnel of the Fire Department including both officers and firefighters regardless of their assignment, specialty, or rank
A directive explaining a program or project which is temporary in nature.
Uniformed personnel holding the rank of lieutenant or above
The division of the Fire Department which is responsible for Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical Services, and Fire Prevention activities conducted by the operations personnel throughout the city.
Operations Division
A fire department member holding current certification with the State of Ohio and capable of providing Advanced Life Support (ALS) emergency medical treatment.
The division within the Fire Department that is responsible for training, education, and personnel matters
Human Resources Division
The liaison officer with various city agencies regarding fire hydrants, water supply, and apparatus and equipment maintenance
Supervisor of Fire Equipment Maintenance
After verbal consultation, an official notice in writing by the concerned officer to the employee that there is cause for dissatisfaction with his job performance and that further disciplinary measures may be taken in the cause in not corrected
Written Reprimand
Any occupancy involving a city owner or personal vehicle being used on city business, which results in property damage and/or personal injury in which everything reasonably possible to prevent the accident was not performed
Preventable accident
When will a recall be initiated?
When less than 12 engines or less than 6 trucks remain in service.
What is the number to the radio shop?
What are the hours of normal operation for the garage?
0800-1600 hours
What is the number to the garage during business hours?
What is the non-business hours number for the garage
What is the emergency number for the garage?
When are aerial trucks cleaned and lubed?
Where and what time will aerial trucks be cleaned and lubed?
Between 0800 and 1200 hours at the 18’s quarters
What is the number for dispatch
What time period is the winter uniform approved to be worn?
October 1st thru April 30th
When can you go to obtain a new ID picture?
0900-1100 and 1400-1600 Monday through Friday the last week of each month.
When and where do you go to replace lost, stolen, or damaged items?
To central stores between 0730 and 1000 Monday through Friday
Regulation PPE for all members
Helmet, hood, bunker coat and pants, protective boots, flashlight, portable radio, gloves, ballistic body armor, safety vest, and HEPA mask
How many times a year will PPE be washed and how many days in advance will you be notified of date of wash?
Twice a year and you will be notified 8-10 days prior to pick up date
What items get sent in for cleaning?
1 set of Bunker coat and pants, 1 hood, and 1 pair of gloves at a time.
Where can inventory of apparatus equipment reports be found?
On the apparatus, in quarters, on company and administrative files
How often will the apparatus equipment report be updated and where will the report be submitted
Annually submitted to administrative services
How should lost equipment be reported and to who
To DC via F-47 and F-40 and to fire dispatch
When can a spare radio be obtained from communications
24 hours a day
What are the specified items that if status is changed must be reported to dispatch?
Jaws of life
Carbon monoxide monitor
Equipment affecting ALS capability
How often should notification be made and to who if a TIC is missing or out of service?
Daily to the DC
When a shortage of TIC’s occurs and spare have to be prioritized, what is the order of priority?
Heavy rescue
Not submissive to authority; disobedient. Verbally or demonstratively exhibiting disrespect toward a superior officer regardless of whether or not the officer is the immediate supervisor of the member
IF given conflicting orders, what orders should the member follow
Inform the officer issuing the conflicting orders of the conflict. If that officer does not change their orders then follow the most recent order
By when and to whom must a member make a notification of any off-duty court actions, arrests, or citations and driving restrictions
By the next day to their immediate supervisor who then will tell the Fire Chief through the chain of command.
If involved in criminal violation or misdemeanor violation, what must the member include in their notification?
Date and time of incident/arrest
Nature of violation or reason for arrest
Police jurisdiction of incident or arrest
Date and time of court appearance or arraignment
If involved in an ongoing court case for unlawful violation or arrest, when does the member need to send a report, to who, and what information should be included?
Member should submit a status report the first Monday of every month to DC and covey the report to internal investigations as well. The report must include date, time, and location of their next court appearances along with an other pertinent information.
Members should have the location of all fire hydrants and streets in first in running area memorized after being assigned to a house for how much time?
6 months
Non-fire service related guests may visit until what time
2000 hours
Calls on the outside phone line in the fire house must be limited to how much time?
20 minutes
What is included in the Personal Action File at the district level?
Record commendations and progressive discipline
What is included in the Personnel File at the company level
Record leaves, equipment issues, transfer information, and other personal information other than discipline.
What is the rule on mustaches?
May not extend laterally more than 1/2 inch from corner of mouth or downward more then 1/2 inch from corner of mouth
What is the rule on sideburns?
May not extend past the lowest part of the ear lobe
What is the rule on make-up
No heavy make-up, only clear and uncool red fingernail polish may be worn, no colors.
What is the rule on jewelry?
Only a watch and wedding ring are permitted. A necklace or pendant may only be worn if religious or personal identification and must be concealed under uniform shirt.
Tattoo policy
Nothing lewd or offensive, nothing on the face, head, or neck above class A collar, no large tattoos on hands.
Officers Cupability
Officers shall report to their superior officers violations of fire department procedures, insubordination, or dereliction of duty by subordinates. Failure to do so will subject officers to charges of neglect of duty.
Where is the personnel file kept
At the company
When are members entitled to representation at a hearing?
When serious charges which may result in suspensions, demotion, or dismissal are to be heard.
If charges are brought up against a member how much time in advanced will they be notified of their charges and hearing?
At least 10 calendar days before their hearing
When a member is suspended pending a pre-disciplinary hearing, in how many days with the hearing occur?
Hearing of the charges may be held in 5 calendar days.
How much advanced notice may a member receive for a pre-disciplinary hearing?
10 calendar days
How many days does a member how to appeal a Decision of dismissal, suspension, or demotion?
10 days
An allegation by an employee covered by the labor management agreement that a term or terms of the agreement have been violated or misrepresented by the City of Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Fire Department, or their respective agents or officers.
Where is the Personal Action File kept
At the district
Form 273
Citizens complaint form
Where should a notation of a citizen complaint be placed
In the daily activity section of the company’s desk diary including the company’s disposition of the complaint.
Under ordinary circumstances how far in advance will a member be served a copy of charges for administrative hearings
At least 3 tours or 5 working days (for 40 hour members) prior to the date and will include charged preferred and a basic statement of the facts causing the charges to be filed as well as the location, date, and time of the hearing.
How long and where will a written or audio record of all hearings be kept?
For the current year and 5 years after at the office of internal investigations
If a member is temporarily relieved of duty or suspended how will they be carried on the personnel report?
Sick with pay
What other agencies may be involved in a serious injury or LODD investigation
United States Fire Administration
Ohio State Fire Marshal
What outside resources may an investigative team of a serious injury or LODD utilize for consultation to assist in their investigation
Testing Laboratories
When should an initial report outlining the facts behind a serious injury or LODD occur
Within 90 days of the incident
When should a comprehensive advanced report of an incident involving a serious injury of LODD occur
Within 1 year of the incident
How long after the event of a severe injury or LODD will an investigative team be assembled?
Within 1 week
An award given to a member who distinguishes themselves by performing acts of gallantry and valor when saving or attempting to save a life and in the face of grave danger of imminent hazard to life, with sure knowledge of the risks involved and unquestionably above and beyond the call of duty
Medal of Valor
An award given to a member who distinguishes themselves by performing acts of gallantry in the face of great personal danger or hazard to life, with knowledge of the risks involved, and above the call of duty.
Gold Maltese
An award given to a member who brings distinction upon themselves and the Fire Department by exhibiting extraordinary bravery or courage in the performance of acts or duties, the level of which exceeds that normally required or expected of such members
Bronze Maltese
An award given to a member who bring distinction upon themselves and the Fire Department by exhibiting extraordinary EMS skills in the performance of acts or duties in treatment of patient or patients in risk of losing life or sustaining life-threatening injury, the level of which exceeds that normally required or expected of such members
Blue Maltese
An award given to a member for the commendable performance of operational duties or non-operational efforts contributing to the success of fire safety, fire prevention, or community related programs
Distinguished service award
An award given to a member, group, or company who in the opinion of the Fire Chief have performed in a manner which the FIre Chief feels is beyond that which is normally expected of them
Fire Chief’s Award
An award given to a member or company who have performed in a manner beyond what is normally expected of them at a fire based operational incident or non-operational activity.
Fire Service award of merit
An award given to a member or company who have performed in a manner beyond what is normally expected of them at an EMS based operational incident or non-operational activity.
EMS Service Award of Merit
An award given to a company or unit that brings distinction upon themselves and the Fire Department by exhibiting bravery or courage in the performance of acts or duties, for the commendable performance of operational acts or duties, or exhibiting EMS skills in treatment of a patient in risk of losing like or sustaining life-threatening injury, the level of which exceeds that normally required or expected of such members
Company/unit award
An award given to a member posthumously who was killed in the line of duty or who die as a result of injuries received in the line of duty
Firefighters cross
AN award given to citizens who distinguish themselves by performing heroic acts involving hazard to life or personal danger while saving or attempting to save a life.
Citizens award for bravery
An award given to a citizen who has distinguished themselves by performing acts or duties in a manner deemed to be above that normally required or expected and sufficient to set them apart fro their peers.
Citizens award for distinguished service
An award given to a firehouse that brings distinction upon themselves and the Fire Department
Firehouse award
How should nominations be made for awards
Through immediate supervisor who will forward on to Ops AC on F-22 within 30 days of incident
Form- 29
Outside work notice
Work schedule
0700-manpower to district
0705-0720- Equipment check
0800-0900 training activity
0900-1900 work period
1900-2000 educational activity
2000-2200 work period
2200-0600 emergency standby
0600-0630 night watch prepares members for shift change
0700 shift change
Where should award ribbons be worn
On the class A jacket above the name tag in decreasing order
After a phase one recall has been initiated, what will the new alarm response be?
One engine and one truck
When will phase one recall be initiated?
Whenever less than 12 engines or 6 ladders remain in service
Who will be called in first on a phase two recall?
Those who are not scheduled to report for duty the next day and live closest to the emergency
If a member is injured or sick and has be in Limited duty in the past 36 hours, or if the member has a non-work related injury what must happen before they can report to limited duty for the current injury or illness?
Must use 48 hours SWP
Can a member request OT be on limited duty if they are injured on an off duty job?
If on limited duty for non-work related injury what will that members work schedule be?
8 hours a day 5 days a week from 0700-1600 with 1 hour for lunch
When on limited duty, where will members be assigned?
To the training bureau with assignments given from the AC of HR
If on Limited duty for a work related injury what will that members work schedule be?
10 hours a day 4 days a week from 0700-1700. Off day will be assigned by DC of training or designee.
Form 96
City Physicians Report
How long can a member be on limited duty before being medically separated from the department?
24 consecutive months
What 4 reasons should radio transmissions only be used for?
Give an assignment
Report the status of an assigned task
Request resources
Report a safety issue
What information needs to be given in a size up report of a fire?
Apparent conditions
Structure type
Actions taken
Attack strategy
Vacant building
No tenants at any time of day
Usually occupied but due to time of day or day of week no one is in the building
How many radio channels does each radio zone hold?
What is zone A on the radio primarily used for?
EMS incidents
Firefighter needs assistance
Immediate threat of assault or actual assault on firefighter. All available police units will respond immediately
Police presence needed but not immediate threat. 1 or 2 police cars typically will respond
What does a second alarm consist of?
2 engines, 1 truck, 1 heavy rescue, 1 ALS supervisor, 1 medic unit
What does each additional alarm receive at a minimum?
2 engines and 1 truck
When will a move up be initiated?
When 3 or more companies are anticipated to remain out of service for another 30 minutes or more.
At what point will dispatch notify ops chief to begin the process of a possible recall?
When there are less than 12 engines or 6 trucks remaining.
True or False: Initial requests for unscheduled leaves of absence must be verbally communicated through the employee’s immediate supervisor.
According to the procedures manual, what must a member do to call off SWP?
Call the hotline and notify company officer prior to 0615 on the date of their scheduled tour of duty.
According to the procedures manual, what must a member do to call back on the track from SWP of less than 72 hours?
Email #FireRTD 14 hours prior to the day before their next tour of duty
Per the procedures manual, what must a member do if off SWP for 3 or more consecutive tours?
Submit a F-30 to the AC of HR every 30 days and may only return to duty after receiving a note from treating physician stating member is FIT FOR FULL FIREFIGHTING DUTY. Member must also be approved by AC of HR to return to duty
If a member becomes sick while on duty who should the officer notify?
The DC
When does maternity leave start?
When the member brings a dr note stating they are no longer able to work on limited duty.
If a member is going off duty SWP stress what must they do?
Notify their immediate supervisor and call PEAP the day of their leave or the next business day. They must also provide a F47 stating why they are going off duty on stress.
What happens if a member does not contact PEAP after going off work for stress?
They will be carried sick without pay until I PEAP is contacted
Within how much time must on duty injuries or illnesses be reported?
Within 24 hours of the incident causing the injury
To where or to whom must minor injuries be reported
To ALS supervisor and on a F-500 immediately. EHS, member’s DC and ALS supervisor must be informed by 0900 the next business day.
If an employee is transported to the hospital for an on duty injury what must be documented in their report?
“City of Cincinnati Employee- DO NOT BILL”
Form 76
Trade request form
Trade time shall be repaid within how much time?
4 weeks
If a member has jury duty at what time will the be released from regular fire duty on days preceding jury duty day?
1900 hours
Where and to what company is the command van assigned to.
35’s quarters
what is a signal 500 and what companies are dispatched for it?
CVG airport emergency
2 Engine companies
5 medic units
AC of operations
how long are seal logs kept on file
3 years
if there is no day on an expiring drug, only a month and year, on what date will that drug be considered as expired.
on the 1st of that month listed
how many languages does the AT&T language line offer translations for?
how many fire companies are allowed out of service each day for training purposes
what time period can facilities or buildings be used for training daily?
0830-1130 and 1300-1600
Form 211a
district or company drill tracking form
at what rank can one qualify to be an acting FAO
how many different types of ladder trucks does the CFD have in operation and what are they
2007 seagrave
2011 Rosenbauer
2015+ rosenbauer
by when must the F47 list of acting FAO’s and officer be submitted to training?
October 1st
When can one be eligible to function as an acting officer
the must be eligible to take the Lieutenants exam
how many hours of OT are allotted to each paramedic per year for Con ed
Where is EHS
Centennial building 805 Central Ave suite 150
What are the hours of operation for EHS?
Monday through Friday 0730-1700
What is the phone number foe EHS
Where is PEAP located
2368 victory parkway suite 401
What is the phone number to PEAP>
What are the hours of operation for PEAP?
0830-1700 Monday through Friday
Form 40
Repair request report form
Where can a f-40 be found
On the CFDweb
What is the number to the facility maintenance supervisor during normal hours
Who should be notified of emergency maintenance needed outside of normal hours?
When is the station inventory to be verified and updated
Every December
How often are houses treated for vermin and what should be done with the receipt the service is complete?
Monthly; the receipt is forwarded to central stores
How long will the mourning banner be flown following the death of a member
From time of notification of death until sunset the day of the funeral
Between what times can a member go to central stores
Form 27
Requisition of supplies
Form 279-A
Equipment on loan form
Form 278
Radio equipment on loan
Form 35
Hose report
How often should officers check their work email
Twice daily; once before 0800 and again after 1800
If a violation of computer software installation is found on a computer who should the company commander report this offense to?
The AC of HR in writing
What do we do with Hazmat drums or containers that are found abandoned?
Send them to the Drum storage building
Where is their drum storage building located
On the north side of Monmouth street in Camp Washington
Who has keys to the health department lift gate truck and to the drum storage building for storage of abandoned hazmat drums and containers?
Environmental crimes unit (ECU)
What is the name of the program the CFD is enrolled in to reduce the cost of removing and storing abandoned hazmat containers and drums?
Orphan drum program
A database of all chemical storage at cincinnati area businesses or occupancies that are required to file under this ordinance in the city
Right to know chemical tracker program
Who regulates the RTK chemical tracker program for the CFD
Environmental crimes unit
Who is responsible for the house fund account?
Company commander
A company can charge up to how much money additional money for those in the mess for the day but not in the house fund
How long can a member be behind on house fund payment before disciplinary action is taken?
2 pay periods
What are the house fund caps
Single houses $1500
Engine/Medic $2000
Double houses $2500
Double houses/Medic $3000
E3, 21, 20, 18 $3500
Petty cash funds should not exceed how much?
What is considered a major purchase and what must happen in order for a house to make a major purchase.
$100; the house must vote on purchase before made
When should new balance sheets for the house fund be made available?
On the 1st of each month
How long must all bank statements and documents relating to the house fund be kept on file at the station
For 3 years
How often should fire apparatus doors be open manually?
After doing a permit inspection, after how long before you must forward it to fire prevention?
Within 30 days of the inspection
When are inspections usually conducted
During normal business hours without advanced notice to the property owner
What are the preferred methods trades should be considered?
Members on your company, stations, district, department
If a member is having attendance problems, his/her supervisor may request a complete fitness for duty evaluation by EHS, who will they make this request to?
AC of HR
When dispatch receives a non emergent call of overcrowding, locked or blocked exits, the dispatcher will notify who?
The District chief by phone
What is the only radio transmission required by civilian members
Responding and on scene
What are 3 places that would not be considered adequate coverage for a repeater system in a high rise building
Inside every elevator
Elevator lobby
Entrances to each enclosed exit stairway
When a member is on limited duty and has a status change who should they notify
Company officer
District 4 will balance department strength and notify other districts of inter-district details and overtime requirements for the next tour by?
After a members sustains a serious injury or in the case of a line of duty death, how soon will the investigation team assemble?
Within one week
A board of review has completed their investigation and came to the conclusion to NOT sustain a fire officers decision. There should be clear and substantial errors and omissions in what area?
Dispute of facts
Extenuating circumstances
Who has the authority to order a member to submit to breathalyzer, urinalysis, or blood testing to determine incapacitation?
Fire chief and Assistant fire chief
Who has the authority and ability to suspend a member
Fire chief and assistant chief
If any officer in the cincinnati fire department fails to take proper action for violations of fire department procedures will be subject to what charges?
Neglect of duty
Members of the fire department members shall wear their high visibility reflective vest for what situations
Highways or accident scenes
Extended wet weather
Improving firefighter safety
A vehicle used to respond to a point of recall without first responding back to their residence to pick up a vehicle is which type of vehicle?
Response vehicle