Safety Flashcards
What is the International Maritime Oranisation Regulations called?
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
What does SOLAS require you to have and/or do?
- Have a passage plan for voyages outside categorised waters.
- Have a radar reflector.
- Have an illustration for life-saving signals readily available.
- Respond to distress signals from any source.
- Never misuse distress signals.
- Report any unmarked hazards.
What is the difference between a lifejacket and a buoyancy aid?
A life jacket is designed to turn an unconscious person onto his back and support his head above water.
A buoyancy aid helps you swim, but will not keep you afloat if unconscious.
Which is better if you are unconscious - a lifejacket or a buoyancy aid?
A lifejacket because it is designed to turn you onto your back and keep your head above water.
When is it okay to wear a buoyancy aid?
When you are in sight of land.
What is a safety harness?
It is a harness worn by the sailor that has a line clipped to it that the sailor then clips onto a boat’s jackstay.
How many safety harnesses should you have on board?
One for each person on board.
How many lifebuoys should you have on board?
At least 2 and preferably with an automatic light.
What is a dan-buoy?
A stick-like floating marker that you throw into the water where a person went in the water to help you see them when you bring the boat around to get them.
Where should a radar reflector be mounted?
As high as possible, but at least 4 m above water.
What is the distress signal?
Which channel is used for distress signals?
When should you use a Mayday?
Only when you are in grave and imminent danger and require immediate assistance.
How do you make a Mayday call?
On channel 16 say: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY THIS IS yacht name MAYDAY yacht name MY POSITION IS latitude longitude or true bearing or distance from charted mark I AM sinking, on fire, etc. I HAVE num PEOPLE ON BOARD I REQUIRE IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE OVER
What device can automatically transmit the yacht’s identity and position?
A DSC - Digital Selective Calling.
What does a DSC device use to identify the vessel?
An MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) number
After the DSC sends your MMSI, how long should you wait for an acknowledgement from the Coastguard?
15 seconds then do the Mayday call
Are you required to carry a DSC?
What call should you use when help is urgently needed but you are not in grave and imminent danger?
PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN ALL STATIONS yacht name and position brief explanation of the problem OVER
What are ways you can call for assistance
red hand flare or rocket orange smoke flare MAYDAY call PAN-PAN call EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) SOS Morse code by any means Morse V ...- International code flag NC Square flag with ball over or under it Continuous sounding of foghorn Continuous wave of arms
When should you use a liferaft?
When boat is sinking fast or on fire
What should you keep in the cockpit?
A grab bag with flares waterproof torch handheld VHF knife mobile phone first aid kit seasickness pills water length of rope
Where will the rescue helicopter winchman be likely to land on your boat?
the port quarter
What should you do when the winching wire is lowered in a helicopter rescue?
Let it touch the water before handling it so that the static electricity is discharged.
How should you wear a lifestrop during a helicopter rescue?
Under your armpits and keep your arms down
What channel will be used for communication during a helicopter rescue?
What is the visibility for an orange smoke flare
Daytime less than 3 miles
What is the visibility for a red hand-flare
Nighttime less than 10 miles
What is the visibility for a red parachute rocket?
Less than 20 miles
What is the recommended distress flares for inshore sailing?
2 red hand flares, 2 orange smoke flares
What is the recommended distress flares for coastal sailing (less than 10 miles from land)?
2 red hand flares, 2 orange smoke flares, 2 red parachute rockets
What is the recommended distress flares for offshore sailing (more than 10 miles from land)?
4 red hand flares, 2 orange smoke flares, 4 red parachute rockets
What is a white flare used for?
A deterrent to ships on a collision course at night
How many waterproof torches should you carry?
2 - one for everyday and one for emergencies
How many fire extinguishers are recommended for smaller yachts?
2 1.5 kg dry powder extinguishers
What could you use to put out a stove fire?
A fire blanket
Where can you discharge sewage?
Where it does not affect quality or amenity of water
Name 3 things you cannot dump at sea
Oily substances
Toxic wastes
Safety Equipment Checklist
lifejackets (1 per person) safety harnesses (1 per person) 2 lifebuoys 1 dan buoy Buoyant automatic light boarding ladder liferaft flares 2 fire extinguishers fire blanket first aid kit waterproof torch and spare batteries radar reflector foghorn 1 bilge pumps bucket and bailey
What are the 6 daily engine checks you should perform?
- Oil, fuel, or water leaks
- Low engine oil level and signs of water in oil
- Signs of wear or lack of tension on drive belts
- Water in the water separator
- Weed or other debris in the water filter
- Seacock is open