Buoyage, Lights, and Flags Flashcards
What kind of marker may be lit with
one long flash every n seconds
morse code A - 1 short 1 long every n seconds
Safe-water buoy
What abbreviations on a chart would be used for this light?

2 FR
What does FL. mean on a buoy?
Flashing light. Off more than it’s on.
What does this mean for a lighthouse on the chart?
Fl. 10s72m23M Horn 60s
Flashing white light once every 10 seconds (white because the color is not specified)
Height of light is 72 meters above MHWS
Can be seen for 23 miles
Horn sounds once every 60 seconds.
What does morse code W mean?
I require medical assistance
What does F mean on a buoy?
Light is fixed. On all the time.
When lateral buoys are numbered, which ones are even?
Port buoys
What mark is red and white vertical striped?
Safe water mark
What flashes yellow for 1 sec followed by blue for 1 sec with 0.5 seconds inbetween?
Temporary Wreck Marking Buoy
What does a white flag with a red X mean?
I require assistance
What is the loom of a light?
A light that is rotating causes the light to sweep across the sky
What does this symbol on a chart mean?

It indicates the direction of the buoyage, meaning green will be starboard and red port in the direction indicated by the arrow.
What does an all yellow mark mean (may have a yellow X on top)?
Special mark used for non-navigational reasons (racing, recreational area, data collection point, etc)
What is a BYB cardinal mark?
East cardinal mark
What does AL. mean on a buoy?
Alternating. Alternates between different colored lights.
What does a vertical red and white striped triangle flag mean?
Message understood. I will comply.
What does a Safe Water Mark mean?
1st buoy you see when you come into a port.
It’s the start of the lateral buoys.
You can pass on either side, but convention is to keep it on our port side.
What does this mean?
FL.(6) + LFL.15s
6 short flashes followed by 1 long flash within 15 seconds.
What does an isolated danger mark look like?
Combo of RB on a Buoy or pole with two black circles on top.
On the chart, it will show 2 black circles on top.
What does one horn blast mean?
I am turning to starboard
What do 5 or more short blasts mean?
I don’t understand your intentions (aka what on earth are you doing?)
What does a preferred channel mark of RGR mean?
Preferred channel is to port
What is this marker?

Isolated danger mark
You wish to follow the main channel. Should you leave this mark to port or starboard?

This is a preferred channel marker. The mainly green tells you the main channel is to the right and the preferred channel is to port.
What lights should you show when you are under sail?
red/green (port/starbaord) on your bow
red/green (port starboard) on left and right and white in the back at the top of your mast
What does a safe water mark indicate?
the start of a buoyed channel
What does morse code T mean?
Message understood. I will comply
What light should a small vessel use when anchoring?
White light at top of mast
What symbol over a lateral buoy indicates it is fitted with a radar reflector?
An eyelash

What do lateral marks mean?
They mark the sides of the channel.
Buoys are setup for entry into port.
Therefore, starboard buoys will be on the right and port buoys on your left as you enter the port and reversed when you leave the port.
What does a flag with blue, white, red, white, blue horizontal stripes mean?
Yes or affirmative
When lateral buoys are numbered, which ones are odd?
Starboard buoys
What does OC. mean on a buoy?
Occulting. On more than it’s off.
What’s another name for a Safe Water Mark?
Fairway Buoy
What flashes a yellow light in a sequence that cannot be confused with any other lights?
Special markers
What marker flashes a white light 9 times?
West Cardinal Mark
What will show the light for morse code ‘u’ (dit dit dah)
Large offshore structures
U means ‘you are standing in danger’
What is the difference between a beacon and buoy?
A beacon is set in the ground in concrete. It will be shown vertically on the chart.
A buoy is floating. It will be shown angled to the right on the chart.
How would fixed structures connected to the shore, such as jetties, piers, and breakwaters, usually be lit?
With two vertical fixed lights, either red or green per the direction of the bouyage.
What lights should you show when you are under power?
White light half-way up mast and red/green (port/starboard) on bow
What lights should a vessel over 50m use when anchoring?
Two white lights, bow and stern
What does a flag with a red center square surrounded by white, surrounded by blue mean?
I require medical assistance.
IALA A - which lateral mark marks a channel on the port side?
Red cans
Which region is IALA B
North and South America, Japan, Korea
What does morse code N mean?
No, negative, or I am unable to comply
What is a YBY cardinal mark?
West cardinal mark
What does morse code V mean?
I require assistance
What do 3 short horn blasts mean?
My engines are going astern (this does not necessarily mean the craft is going backwards)
What is a YB cardinal mark?
South cardinal mark
What does two horn blasts mean?
I am turning to port
What marker flashes a white light 6 times followed by one long white flash?
South Cardinal Mark
What lights will vessels >50m under power have?
White lights on bow and stern
red/green lights at bow
What does a blue and white checkered flag mean?
No or negative
or I am unable to comply
What 4 light configurations could a safe water mark have?
One long flash
Morse A (one short flash, one long flash)
IALA A - which lateral mark marks a channel on the starboard side?
Green cones
What does morse code C mean?
Yes, affirmative
Define these common abbreviations

What is the symbol on the chart that tells you which way the lateral buoys will be going?
A large magenta arrow with two circles on either side.
What does a preferred channel mark mean?
Used when a channel divides and indicates which side is the preferred side.
What flag should you fly when you are motor sailing?
Black triangle pointed down
What does Iso. 4s. mean?
On for 2 secs and off for 2 secs.
What marker flashes a white light 3 times?
East Cardinal Mark
What is this marker?

Temporary Wreck Marking Buoy
What does a preferred channel mark of RGR mean?
Preferred channel is to starboard
What marks the exact position of a danger
Isolated danger mark
Should you leave a safe water mark to port or starboard?
What is this marker?

A major safe water buoy
how do safe water marks appear on the chart?
buoy with vertical line down the middle and an empty circle on top
What do these abbreviations mean?

What marker flash a white light twice within n seconds?
Isolated danger markers
What does this mean for a lighthouse?
Flashing 4 times in 15 seconds.
Visibility for white light 13 miles, red 11 miles
What daymark should all vessels use when anchoring?
Black ball on bow
What does RACON mean on a chart?
Stands for Radar Beacon. It is a structure that is equipped with a radar reflector.
What is a BY cardinal mark?
North cardinal
What does ISO. mean on a buoy?
Isophase. On and off for the same amount of time.
What marker flashes a white light continuously?
North Cardinal Mark
Which region is IALA A?
Everywhere except North and South America, Japan, Korea
What does a BY vertically stripped mark with a yellow cross on top mean?
Emergency wreck marking buoy used until a permanent one is put in place.
Appears like a safe water mark, but with a cross on top instead of circle.
What does this mean for a lighthouse?
Isophase light.
On for 2 sec
Off for 2 sec
White visibile for 21 miles
Green visible for 17 miles
Red visible for 17-21 miles
Keep down the white sector
What does a preferred channel mark of GRG mean?
Preferred channel is to port.
What is the order of precedence for positions for flying flags?
- as close to the stern of the vessel as possible
2) masthead
3) starboard spreader
4) port spreader
What flag is flown at the masthead?
A burgee -
a flag bearing the colours or emblem of a sailing club, typically triangular.
Where should signaling flags be placed?
The starboard spreader
What is the Q flag and where should it be placed?
The Q flag stands for quarantine and indicates you’re a new arrival, not yet officially checked into the foreign country.
The yellow Q flag should be flown instead of the courtesy ensign until the yacht is properly cleared by customs and immigration, after which the Q flag is replaced by the courtesy flag.
It should be flown on the starboard spreader
What flags are flown on the port spreaders?
The port spreaders are used for house flags. A house flag is normally but not always a small rectangular version of a burgee. It may indicate membership of an association (i.e. the RYA) or society or may be to indicate membership of another club should that club have a house flag. More than one house flag may be flown on the port halyard, but with caution as too many might appear vulgar to some.
What does this flag mean?

I have a diver down please pass at slow speed
What does this flag mean?

Yes or affirmative
What does this flag mean?

No or negative
What does this cone mean?

What does this cone mean?
