What are the 3 elements of child abuse?
- significant harm to child
- carer has some responsibility for that harm
- significant connection between carer’s responsibility for child & harm to child
What are the 4 major themes of The Children & Young People’s Act 2014?
- children’s rights
- getting it right for every child
- early learning and childcare
- ‘looked after’ children
What do the UN convention on the rights of a child state?
Children have:
- the right to respect
- the right to information about yourself
- the right to be protected from harm
- the right to have a say in your life
- the right to a good start in life
- the right to be and feel secure
What adult factors contribute to child abuse aetiology?
- drug & alcohol use
- poverty
- unemployment
- marital stress
- mental illness
- disability
- domestic violence
- step parents
- isolation
What are the big three concerns of parenting capacity in relation to likelihood of child abuse occurring?
- domestic violence
- drugs & alcohol misuse
- mental health problems
What are the different types of child abuse?
- physical
- emotional
- neglect
- sexual
In scotland each year, how many children are killed by a parent/parent substitute?
about 10 children
What would be markers of general neglect in a child that enters your practise?
- failure to thrive/short stature
- inappropriate clothing
- ingrained dirt
- developmental delay
- withdrawn or attention seeking behaviour
What are a child’s general needs?
- nutrition
- warmth, clothing, shelter
- hygiene and healthcare
- stimulation and education
- affection
What short term damage can neglect have on a child?
- physical health
- emotional health
- social development
- cognitive development
What long term damage can neglect have on a child that is seen when they are adults?
Higher incidence of:
- arrest
- suicide attempts
- major depression
- diabetes
- heart disease
What would be indicators of dental neglect?
- obvious dental disease
- impact on the child
- practical care has been offered yet child has not returned for treatment
What are the 3 stages of managing dental neglect?
- preventive dental team management
- preventive multi-agency management
- child protection referral
What is involved in stage 1 of managing child dental neglect, preventive dental team management?
- raise concerns with parents
- offer support
- set targets
- keep records
- monitor progress
What is involved of stage 2 of managing child dental neglect, preventive multi-agency management?
- liaise with other professionals (health visitor, school nurse, GMP, social worker)
- common assessment framework may be done
- check if child is subject to a child protection plan
What percentage of serious head injuries occur in first year of life?
Approximately what % of injuries on the head and neck are abuse cases?
Give examples of injuries that would be suspect as being ‘non-accidental’:
- pinch marks/bruising on ear
- bilateral black eyes
- intra-oral injuries
- soft tissues of cheeks
- inner aspects of arms/thighs
What extra-oral signs would suggest a child is experiencing physical abuse?
- bruising of face
- bruising of ear
- abrasions and lacerations
- burns & bites
- neck choke/cord marks
- eye injuries
- hair pulling
- fractures of face
What intra-oral signs would suggest a child is experiencing physical abuse?
- soft tissue bruising
- abrasions and lacerations
- contusions
- burns
- repeated tooth trauma
- frenal injuries
A parent comes into the surgery with their child, the child appears to have an injury which you ask the parent about… what could they say that would raise your index of suspicion?
- delay in seeking help for injury
- story vague, lacking in detail, vary with each telling
- account not compatible with injury
- parents mood abnormal
- parents behaviour gives cause for concern
- child’s appearance & interaction with parent is abnormal
- history of previous injury
- history of familial violence
What is expected of the dental team in child abuse cases?
- observe
- record
- communicate
- refer for assessment
Where could you go for help & advice if you suspect a child patient is experiencing child abuse?
- experienced colleague
- named safeguarding nurse
- child protection adviser
- named doctor for safeguarding
- social work/social services