Safeguarding Flashcards
What is the definition of safeguarding
protecting an adults rights to live in safety free from abuse and neglect
Under the care act what are the aims of safeguarding
To prevent harm and reduce risk of abuse or neglect to adults with care needs
promote an approach that results in the best experience and supports such adults in making choices and having control over how they live
to raise awareness so people can play their part in identifying , responding and preventing abuse and neglect
What legislations apply to safeguarding
equality cat , human rights act , mental capicity act, care act , mental capacity act
How does the mental capacity act apply to safeguarding
it protects individuals who lack the capacity to make decisions for themselves by providing frameworks that put them at the center of the decison making process
What rights does the mental capacity act protect
the right to make decisions for themselves when professionals disagree. It also etablishes the steps for professionals to make decisions on behalf of a patient lacking capacity
What is elder abuse
behaviours or negligence against an older adult resulting in harm , comitteted by someone in a relationship of trust with them
What are the subtypes of elder abuse
physical, verbal, psychological, sexual, financial explotation and neglect