Saddam Huissain Flashcards
When was he born
28 April 1937 in al-ouja
Close to town of tikrit
Mother tried to kill herself after father died
Father was a Shepard
Illiterate till the age of ten
Involved in crime at young age used to carry round an iron bar
Mother remarried caretaker
Step father used to beat him
Stepfather known as hassan the liar
Saddam means
One who confronts
Age of ten moved to live with uncle tuflah kharallah in Baghdad
Kharallah was a Sunni Muslim and fought in Anglo Iraqi war against Britain
Supporter of Ba’ath party
Got gun at age ten
Allegedly killed man at ten
Joined Ba’ath party in 1956
Involved in violent antigovernment activities.
Part of failed assassination of quassam in 1959.
Age 22 one of Iraqis most wanted.
Fled to Egypt
Enrolled in Cairo university of law for two years.
Returned when quassam overthrown on February 11 1963
1964 involved in another assassination
Imprisoned for two years.
In prison read about hitler, Stalin and mafia (inspired)
1968 friend baakr became prime mister of Ba’ath party
Sadden became right hand man
President arif forced to flee to London
Baakr came to power along with saddam
Saddam became president in 1979
Nationalised industry
Improved aspects of country (architecturally health care)
Wanted to be leader of all of the gulf
So attacked Iran in December 1980 (thought it would be quick success)
War lasted for 8 years
Invested billions in manufacturing nuclear weapons
Set up black market to pay for palaces for himself
Married cousin (kharallah daughter) had two sons
Took mistress
Son angry at saddam for disrespecting mother
Lashed out then fearing saddams wrath attempted suicide.
Saddam angry imprisoned son for 45 days
Needed money
So invaded Kuwait 2 August 1990.
Took control in 6 hours
Whole world angry at Kuwait invasion
UN set deadline for Iraq to withdraw, saddam refused.
US army 500,000
US led air strikes started on 16 January 1991.
Iraq responded by targeting Israel.
Is managed to regain Kuwait in February 1991
100 hours after air strikes began
Saddam withdrew and promised to scrap weapons and allow UN observers to inspect sites.
Saddam backed plot to assassinate bush
America missiles Iraq
Saddam found to still be developing nuclear weapons
20 March 2003 Iraq invaded
Air strikes on Baghdad, 3 weeks later Baghdad fell
Saddam and sons in hiding
Saddam most wanted 25 million dollar reward
Sons found and killed after 6 hour gunfire
Saddam found December 2003 in a hole in the ground
Executed 30 December 2006