Sacrum evaluations Flashcards
8 point check
the normal expected movement when the patient raises the ipsilateral leg is for the PSIS to rotate posterior and inferior without posterior/ inferior rotation of the sacrum. the normal expected movement when the patient raises the contralateral leg is for the sacrum to rotate posterior/ inferior without posterior inferior rotation of the PSIS
iliolumbar ligament movement
the normal expected movement is for the ilium to move posterior inferior without rotation of the L5 spinous to the opposite side
pain with standing indicates what ligament
sacrotuberous ligament movement
the normal expected movement is for the ilium to move posterior and inferior without the supporting leg buckling
pain with walking or traveling indicates what ligament
sacrospinous ligament movement
the normal expected movement is for the ischial tuberosity to move lateral
pain with sitting indicated what ligament
sitting axial rotation of the right or left SI joint movement
normal expected movement is for the ilium and sacrum to separate (or PSIS and S2 to separate)
sitting right or left lateral flexion of the SI joint movement
normal expected movement is for the PSIS to remain level
sitting forward flexion of the SI joint movement
normal expected movement is for the PSIS to remain level
standing forward flexion of the right or left SI joint
normal expected movement is for the PSIS (ilium) and S4 (sacrum) to separate