Sacrements Flashcards
Sacrament Definitions!
3 Of Them
Latin Word Sacrumentum = a sign of the sacred!
- Visible Sign Of God’s Invisible Love & Grace
- An Outward Sign Instituted By Christ To Give Grace
- An efficacious & visible sign of God’s grace
Who Can Create New Sacraments?
No One But Only Jesus Can
3 Purposes Of Sacraments?
- It Gives Sanctifying Grace
- They Are Necessary For Salvation
- They Are The Vehicles For The Grace They Convey
Which Sacraments Can You Only Receive Once
Baptism & Confirmation
What Are The Sacraments Of Initiation?
Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation
What Are The Sacraments Of Healing?
Reconciliation & Anointing Of The Sick
What Are The Sacraments Of Service?
Matrimony & Holy Orders
Which Sacrament help us reconcile with God?
The Sacraments are signs of God’s
What are the three elements of the Sacrament of Penance?
Conversion, Confession, and Celebration
What is an outward sign for each sacrament?
Baptism = Water
Eucharist = Bread & Wine
Confirmation = Laying on of the hands
Reconciliation = Absolution
Anointing of the Sick = Anointing of the Oil
Holy Matrimony = Rings
Holy Orders = Laying on of the hands & Anointing of the Oil
What is the structure (levels of people) in the Catholic Church. Also levels of sacraments?
Arch Bishops
Bishops . Confirmation & Holy Orders
Priests Reconciliation, Eucharist, Matrimony
Deacons . Anointing of the Sick
The Faithful Baptism
What is the sacrament of Baptism?
- Baptism the first sacrament you receive (this starts your entire Christian Life)
- Frees us from original sin
- Gets rid of original sin and opens up our relationship with God
What is the sacrament of the Eucharist?
- It is him giving up himself to us
- When we receive it, it brings us closer to God
- It is a sacrifice and a meal
What is the sacrament of Confirmation
- It completes the sacraments of initiation
- It deepens our relationship with God
- It is most often associated with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
What is the sacrament of Matrimony?
- Its a sign of God’s covenant with his people
2. Its the union of husband and wife it shows the values between them
What is the sacrament of Holy Orders?
- People take vows so they may come priests or other things
- They may give out sacraments
- They proclaim the gospel and show other meanings for holiness
What is the sacrament of Reconciliation?
- Reconciliation has three elements: conversion, confession, and celebration.
- We find God’s forgiveness & restore our relationship with God
- We remove the sin between us and we can receive God’s love once again
What is the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick?
- Its a ritual of healing
- Its for physical ailment & also mental & spiritual ailment
- Also known as last rites
What is an outward sign?
God draws us closer to him through material symbols that we can understand.
An outward sign has 2 parts, the thing itself and the gestures or words that give meaning to it
What is a special mark on the soul?
There is a thing imprinted on your soul after receiving certain sacraments
Anointing of the Oil puts a mark or seal on you. It marks you as belonging to Christ and nothing can ever change that