Sacraments Flashcards
what is a sacrament
an outward sign of inward blessing - a sign of gods presence in our life
what is grace
blessing from god that gives us strength
what is liturgical worship
structured public worship
what is transubstanciation
in mass when bread and wine becomes body and blood through power of the Holy Spirit
the 7 sacraments touch all stages and all important moments of christian life
what are the sacraments of initiation
baptism eucharist confirmation
what are the sacraments of healing
reconslliation and annointing of sick
what are sacraments of vocation/ministery
marriage and holy orders
what is the symbolism and effect of each sacrament
baptism water washes away original sin and baby is welcomed into gods family
reconsiliation we say sorry and are forgiven by god
feeling jesus presence helps us to forgive others
eucharist - bread and wine becomes body and blood - food for christian journey
confirmation - choose to be a catholic sealed with gifts of holy spirit and we have adult role in curch
marriage - relationship blessed by god and get strength to cope with challenges of marital life
ho;y orders - man becomes priest hands annointed to do gods work
sacrament of the sick - holy spirit called to give healing strength and gods presence to comfort
what are the different views of the sacraments
protestants only have baptism and eucharist as essentials as these were started by jesus
some protestants eg quakers have no sacrametnts as they are from old laws
some protestants only baptise adults as only adults baptised in bible
catholics believe bread and wine is transformed into body and blood at eucharist protestants see it as a symbol of last supper