Sac remember Flashcards
Identify - the relevant key terms, concepts, models or theories.
Define - these by giving their precise meaning
Explain - the key terms, models or theories and give reasons, causes and examples of them
Apply and analyze - by breaking down the data, methods or models in order to bring out important elements, consider evidence and investigate explanations and give strengths and limitations.
Critical periods
critical periods are the narrow developmental period in which a specific skill or function must be learnt. If function/skill isn’t learnt it may never develop.
e.g. first language acquisition.
Sensitive periods
Sensitive periods are the optimal developmental period for a specific skill or function to be learnt. These periods occur when the brains most sensitive to learning -infancy. The flexibility of sensitivity means you can learn the skill/function but will be more lengthier and difficult process.
e.g. learning simple language
Piaget theory of cognitive development
Piaget believed all children pass through 4 distinct stages in intellectual development. Each stage has key accomplishments which must be achieved before moving to next stages.
strengths: categorizes the cognitive development characteristics into parts
Limitations: age ranges were off, sample choice and size inappropriate to generalize.
Psychological development factors
Cog - learning a second language, learning times tables
Social - isolated, neglect, learning to have conversations
Emo - recognizing and understanding emotions
Psyc - coping skills hoarding jars, emotions tantrums, PTSD
Psychological development
is the individuals changes in functioning across multiple domains, including the lifelong growth across emotional, cognitive and social domains.
Nature and Nurtute
Nature (hereditary) is the transmission of characteristics from parents via genes at the time of conception. e.g. hair + eye color, diseases.
Nurture (environmental) is all the experiencers, objects and events to which we are exposed to through our life. e.g. education, childhood, child raised. Human development relies on both nurture and nature.
Biopsychosocial model
Biopsychosocial model is used to investigate the interrelationship between hereditary and environmental influences. Used for understanding the human experience in terms of the influence of bio, psych, social.
bio factors- genetics, nutrition, 1974 13 yrs old, thin, mute, abused, couldn’t stand or chew
Psych- emotions, emotionally disturbed, lack of cognitive development
Soc- unsocial, isolated, neglect, lack of social skills