SAC - Points Flashcards
The idea of home can change over time, Para 1
Home is rather a feeling than a place, it’s a place where you feel comfortable and know that you belong.
Saroo’s home changes from India to Tasmania to Australia but no matter where he is, he knows that home is waiting for him in Tasmania, but also in India, and he hopes that they are there waiting for him.
He finds a home with Guddu, and he finds comfort with him and the memory of him, after all like Grace Marks says in Alias Grace “a memory of something is better than nothing at all”
“I found home” Even after all this time, he still “found home” with his family in India.
“This doesn’t change who you are”
I feel at home in Port Campbell, it’s not so much the place, but the feeling I get when I am there, whenever I’m feeling lost in someway I like to imagine that I am there, it makes me feel more comfortable and safe
The idea of home can change over time, Para 2
Home can be a feeling or something that you long for once it’s gone. Home may be a specific thing and if that thing were to go away, would that place still feel like home?
In my life, a home is a place where I know I will be loved and cared for, I feel at home with my family, my friends, and my dog. When my childhood dog passed away, I was lost and felt no connection to the place I call home, my whole life home was with her, and when that got taken away it was like I was drowning in a never-ending sea.
Not only did Saroo lose his family but also his sense of home, when he was lost on the streets of Kolcutta,
Where we come from impacts who we become, Para 1
Opportunities are directly proportional to where you are born
Birth Place = Opportunities
Collecting rocks, “Everyone has to work”
She is illiterate, and he will be too, with limited room for growth
I was collecting patches from the places I have travelled
Where I was born is going to influence my future.
Will in Good Will Hunting, comes from nothing yet with help, as Saroo got from the Breriyys Will was able to use his skills to really benefit him.
Where we come from impacts who we become, Para 2
Saroo getting lost changed the trajectory of his life forever. (Getting taller)
Finding a path again with the Breirlys in Tasmania
My education and the path I’m on and his education and the path he is on now.
His life and his passion were made in Tasmania but the very fundamentals of his character were formed with his family in India, like mine in Australia
In the pursuit of happiness, Chris didn’t have a lot of money for a long time, but he worked very very hard despite his circumstances and the reward was big.