SAC 1&2 Flashcards
What is culture?
Implicit culture: culture as a way of life
Explicit: culture as a form of artistic expression and communication
What is art according to Alexander?
Includes: fine arts, popular (mass) art, folk arts
Excludes: popular (youth) culture, non-fiction media
- Artistic product (tangible, visible or audible)
- Communicates publicly (touched, seen, heard)
- Experienced for enjoyment (pleasure, escape)
- Expressive form (fictional, to some extent)
- Art is defined by its context (physical and social)
Reflection approach
Art as a source of information about society (it says something about society in which we live: reflects the zeigeist; is an expression of our culture)
The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history shown by by the ideas and beliefs of the time
Karl Marx on reflection approach
Art and culture is a reflection of society (mostly economic and class structures)
Origin reflection approaches
Superstructure and Base
- Superstructure (media, religion, art, philosophy)
- Base (economic relationship)
Superstructure reflects and legitimates base: what appears/is shown by the superstructure shows what’s important within the base -> art is reflective of society
Theodore Adorno on reflection approach
Capitalism -> alienation -> passivity -> mass culture (mindless)
Hyper rituals
Very clear in message, strong portrayal of different dynamics, they are easy to decode which, makes them a good/easy source of information (ex: ads)
Critics of ‘simple reflection approaches
- It is only a mirror of society, if it only shows a certain angle it might disregard other issues.
- Art can have multiple interpretations. Distortion.
- There is a gap between art and society: another layer in between (market, publishers,…) and simple reflection approaches skip all of the layers.
Shaping approaches
Art affects people and thus society
- Positive influence: culture and civilization
- Negative influence: harmful and corrupting
Often popular culture is harmful whereas high culture is positive
Universal acceptance of norms, values, ideas that are created and distributed by elites (through cultural products)
Gramsci on shaping approaches
Hegemony -
TV, movies, ads, music propose certain ideas as ‘natural’
Have an effect on our way of thinking, morals and behaviour
Frankfurter Schule on shaping approaches
Mass culture is the standardization & predictability, avoidance of effort, immediate satisfaction
- People lose ability to think critically
Matthew Arnold on shaping approaches
- Culture is ‘the best that has been said and thought in the world; culture of the upper class
- Culture brings ‘civilization’ (class specific though)
- Culture serves mainly to keep the working class in check
Criticisms of ‘simple’ shaping approaches
It’s hard to measure how art affects people
- Short versus long term effects
- Isolating causal influences