Saanich Inlet Flashcards
Freshwater Input into Saanich Inlet
Most of the FW comes from the Fraser River
This is dominant in the spring/summer and fall
Fraser River (Summer) – 7000 m3s-1
Cowichan River (Winter) – 100
Shawnigan River (Winter) – 8
Goldstream (Winter) – 5
Seawater and Freshwater Flow in Saanich Inlet
FW from the outside sill flows over the sill into the inlet
Subsurface flow of SW flows out
Causes downwelling inside Saanich (reverse estuary)
Pushes nutrient-rich waters deep
Occurs at neap tide
FW inside inlet flows out, subsurface SW flows in over the sill and causes upwelling
Brings nutrients to surface
Occurs at spring tide
Spring Tide
Solar and lunar tide aligned
Neap Tide
Solar and lunar tide opposite
What areas have strongest tidal mixing
Areas of narrow straits and narrow sills amplify the current induced by the tide
Our sites S5, S8 and S12
Spring Tide Mixing
Strong mixing partially homogenizes the water over the sill and increases salinity over the sill
Neap Tide Mixing
Weak mixing preserves the FW at the surface
Reverse estuary
Mini Blooms in Saanich Inlet
Every 14-28 days a Spring tide occurs that is strong enough to cause mixing over the sill and push the FW out causing upwelling of nutrient rich salt water
This causes phytoplankton bloom
Saanich Inlet Circulation Depth
The circulation in the inlet only affects shallow waters that are above the sill 70-100 m
Saanich Inlet Oxygen Concentration
The euphotic zone is net photosynthesis so many parts of the shallow waters are oversaturated in oxygen
The deeper waters have net respiration and are often anoxic due to breakdown of organic matter
Types of Respiration at depth
In the anoxic zones, bacteria use NO3 and SO4
But even at deep enough depths the NO3 is completely used
Deep Oxygen Renewal
During late summer and early fall, you can find oxygen at depth in the Saanich Inlet because it is renewed
Dense oxygen-rich water flows over the sill and sinks to depth and flushes out the anoxic water
This oxygen is consumed in 2-3 weeks and occurs during the weakest neap tide where there is little mixing to preserve the dense water
Productivity in Saanich Inlet
High productivity in very shallow waters, near zero under 20m
Due to the self-shading of all the phytoplankton
Most productive in spring summer and fall
Monthly measurements are always biased based on the tidal cycle, but no evidence that some months are more productive
Dominant Phytoplankton in Saanich Inlet
During the spring/summer and fall larger phytoplankton dominate and these are primarily centric diatoms
In the winter smaller phytoplankton like nanoflagellates are dominant
Use their flagella to find light during winter months
Explain the difference between the dominance of different groups in different parts of the year
In the summer there is high light near its Pmax and in winter very low light, below K
Nanoflagellates have high growth at low light, but have a lower max growth rate
Diatoms have low growth at low light, but have a higher max growth rate
Unique Zooplankton trends
Euphausiids concentrate just above the anoxic layers
Amphipods are more tolerant to anoxia
Outside of Saanich inlet the species are much more broadly distributed than they are inside the inlet
Euphasiids are very common but hard to catch
Which factors do you expect to be important in controlling zooplankton distributions in Saanich Inlet and surrounding regions?
The major factor that distributes zooplankton is oxygen concentration
They require certain levels of oxygen to respire, and many parts of the ocean can be anoxic so that control their distribution the most